However, I didn't dare to continue to open the lock arrogantly. Who knew that the other party, who obviously had a bad temper at first glance, might directly attack him because he was an eyesore.

Looking at the live projection above her head, Xuemiao and others were still torturing the Dragon Fang Soldiers in their unparalleled vehicles. Ms. Yangno gave up treatment again and sat obediently in the cage with her knees in her arms, waiting for her sister to come and take care of her.

Jin Shining can naturally guess that Semiramis's plan is just to use the heroic spirits of his opponent's red side, but this is exactly what he wants.

Sitting on the throne, Jin Shining's mind couldn't help but go back to a night ten years ago. It was a month of starry ambition. He almost captured a stupid king to become one of his harem, but it fell from the sky. Grail-chan's aunt's face got wet, and her plan to find a new wife was interrupted.

Of course, this is not the point. After being exposed to the black mud, I was transformed into a human being. I finally swam out of the black mud. I was about to have a pleasant talk with my little brother, Father Mapo, when I saw my little brother. , and was punched out by Grandpa Mo Yi, a passing primary school student.

Seeing how the other person was about to burn due to friction with the air, Jin Shining knew that the member of the Joy Cult that he had finally developed was beaten to death by a primary school student.

As the opponent's boss, Jin Pika naturally couldn't bear it anymore. Just when he was about to go up and give the opponent king's punishment, he saw Grandpa Mo Yi picking up a stone on the roadside, jumping hard, jumping into the air and spitting out black mud. into the Holy Grail hole, and then forcefully stuffed the stone with special effects on it, and then nothing happened.

At that time, Jin Pika was confused. What the hell kind of operation was this? Did he go to the wrong set?

He felt that the other party was a bit fierce, and was about to go up and say a few words, and then just stay for a while, check the other party's heels, and then come back to recover the face lost because Father Mapo was beaten to death. Mo Yi, who landed again, felt that the other party was on the ground. The black mud was very annoying, so he put his five fingers together in the form of a palm and slapped the black mud that was still burning on the ground. Jin Shining, who was still flying in the black mud, was slapped away by Mo Yi along with the black mud.

However, Jin Shining survived by luck and was not directly slapped to dust by Mo Yi like those black muds.

Whenever he thought of the incident when he was slapped by a primary school student ten years ago, Jin Shining was so angry that he vowed to get back the situation and avenge the slap!

However, Grandpa Mo Yi still didn’t know that there was a Jin Pika that had just been reborn hidden in the black mud that he had slapped away. At that time, he was still wondering, now that he saw Father Mapo, his good foundation friend Jin Pika The pickup truck should be nearby!

Why can't it be found?

That night, Grandpa Mo Yi was about to punch Gilgame and Mapo Priest Kotomine Kirei to death, but he didn't expect that he could not find each other after searching the entire Fuyuki City.

When the Fifth Holy Grail War began, Gilgamesh knew that his time for revenge had come, so he hooked up with the Magicians Association to deal with Grandpa Mo Yi, who had a blood feud with him.

Later, let yourself clear out the hot man's companions first, and then settle the score with him!

"Wa hahaha--"

"I really want to see his expression when the time comes!!"

Ms. Harano looked helplessly at Kinpika who suddenly burst into laughter. Even though she was despising him for laughing so hard and nervously, she could only act as a princess trapped in the Demon King's Castle and sit quietly and wait. The arrival of the braves.

Chapter 328: The Omniscient and Almighty Star

"Judging by the flow of magic power around——"

Medea, who had the highest level of magic among the crowd, looked at the closed door in front of her and said:

"Ahead is the control hub of the Sky Garden."

In other words, there will definitely be a boss waiting for them to defeat them. Of course, it may also be a trap. The moment the door is opened, there may be a violent explosion.

"No matter what, I'm tired of fighting the Dragon Tooth Soldiers."

The person who said this was Miss Tohsaka Rin who looked unhappy.

Theoretically, there is no problem in grinding monsters and picking up materials, let alone more than twenty minutes, as long as you can make money and fight until dawn.

However, this is a time of war, so how can we have time to collect materials?

As a result, Miss Tosaka Rin could only look at the materials all over the floor again and again without having time to lick the bag. This was simply hard to accept and understand for Miss Tohsaka Rin, who had always advocated thrift. matter.

However, this kind of thing has been repeated countless times this night. How can Miss Tohsaka Rin be energetic?

It's understandable to be a little irritated.

"Everyone, be careful. I can feel that there is an extremely huge magic reaction in front of me. The servants in front of me are very powerful -"

Joan of Arc, who had been making soy sauce all the way, suddenly asked seriously:

"Let me walk in front later. My Noble Phantasm can protect everyone. You don't have to worry about being attacked by the other party when you go in."

Kiritsugu, the nominally leading brother here, naturally had no objections, or rather, it was exactly what he wanted.

Although they fought all the way without any damage, the apparently strongest combat power of King Daimao and Little Sun were not at their strongest. King Daimao first beat up Mordred, and then was beaten by Lancelot, the controller of Gaia, suppressed him for a while. Although his magic power was sufficient, his mental fatigue would not be reduced.

Karna, on the other hand, lost his strongest defensive ability because he released the God-killing Spear and sacrificed his sun armor. In addition, defeating his old enemy Arjuna also consumed a lot of energy and physical strength.

The best ones are Red A, who is always paddling, and Medea, who is playing support. In addition to the self-destructing Noble Phantasm, Joan of Arc is best at flat A output.

Seeing everyone's confident expressions, the old lady with a red A personality felt very wrong in her heart. This Holy Grail War was too far different from what she remembered!

Both the competition system and the participants are very different. Moreover, is it really that easy?

He still remembered the Holy Grail War during his lifetime, and there was a final boss that he had to defeat, Jin Shining on the shore of Daming Lake. Could it be that this Holy Grail War finally didn't have to meet the second king who always wanted to cheat on him?

No matter what they thought, after finally getting here, they naturally didn't turn around and left without using the boss's tricks.

"Let's go in--"

Yukinoshita Yukino, the most anxious of all, spoke first.

Then, under the leadership of Jeanne d'Arc, who was holding a battle flag and could release the defensive treasure at any time, everyone opened the door and walked in.

"elder sister--"

After entering, he did not encounter the expected thunder attack or trap. Xue Miao immediately saw a cage placed in a corner, and in the cage was a certain eldest lady of the Yukinoshita family.


Although during the live projection, she had already seen Yukinya and others coming to the room, when she actually saw her sister coming to her, Yukinoshita Yono felt extremely responsible. She was moved, happy, and embarrassed at the same time. Shy.

I thought that I was a dark knight hiding in the night, who would protect my immature sister in the dangerous Holy Grail War.

However, the reality is contrary to what he imagined. As an elder sister, he needs his sister to rescue him, especially his beloved sister. Seeing this embarrassed appearance, he is naturally extremely embarrassed.

You know, she has always maintained a strong and perfect image in front of her sister, but she didn't expect that a thousand years of Taoism would be lost in one day.

However, seeing Xue Miao coming to save her in such a hurry, as a big sister, she felt very happy.


Although Xue Miao didn't explain it clearly, Artoria understood it instantly. After all, the two of them were masters and slaves who got along very well.

Artoria's invisible sword struck the cage a few times, and with two clicks, the cage fell apart.

Xuemiao stepped forward to help her sister up. In fact, Miss Yangno was not injured at all. The only thing she felt was that she was a little tired and hungry. After all, she had not eaten dinner yet.

However, in this situation, in order to avoid embarrassment, the best way was to pretend to be faint, but considering that the dungeon had not been finished yet, she had no choice but to pretend to be exhausted and silently enjoy her sister's embrace.

Well, my sister smells so good! !

"It's such a boring piece——"

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