Red A: "···"

Chang Wei, you still said you don’t know martial arts? !

Seeing Red A raising his hands in surrender, Hei Zhen also put down the battle flag and turned around to walk to the scene of the battle.

"Stupid woman, take a good look at this young lady's power!"

Looking at Jin Shining being fought by the three men, Joan of Arc held up the black battle flag, and then countless flames emerged from the battle flag.

"Roar, my anger (oh, I am so angry, so angry that I am about to explode)!"

Then red flames followed her battle flag and shot from the ground towards Gilgamesh.

Chapter 332: Amakusa: I am a man who wants to be a partner of justice

"Roar, my rage!!"

When Heizhen first appeared, she used her Noble Phantasm to turn the anger caused by the humiliation she suffered during her lifetime into a red lotus flower to purify all enemies who dared to stand in her way.

"Miscellaneous Cultivator——"

Facing the siege of Scathach, Artoria and Karna, Jin Shining was already tired of dealing with it. Suddenly he saw a huge flame coming towards his face. He subconsciously sighed, but we ordinary people sighed with words. Most of them are common words such as 'f*ck' and 'MMP', while Jin Shining's idiom is 'miscellaneous repair'.

With enemies on all sides and an A+-level anti-war Noble Phantasm thrown at you, can you still have fun in this Holy Grail War?


Jin Shining first unfolded the King's Treasure with all his strength, forcing back the three men who besieged him, and then summoned his favorite sky throne, Vimana, a light boat formed of gold and emeralds that could soar in the sky.

Jin Shining: You didn’t expect that? This king can fly!

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Hei Zhen saw that the opponent actually used this method to dodge his own Noble Phantasm, and finally appeared. He wanted to make a brilliant debut, but he didn't expect that the pretense failed.

At this moment, Heizhen felt that his face was about to burn, and he was too embarrassed to look back at Jeanne. In the end, he had no choice but to yell at Gilgamesh in the sky:

"Golden guy, if you can, come down here and fight me to your heart's content. Hiding on top is nothing!"

Jin Shining: "..."

When did a black Joan of Arc appear on the field?

However, when the omniscient and omnipotent star was activated, Hei Zhen's heels were clearly seen.

Unexpectedly, there are actually heroic spirits complaining about others being able to fly. Could it be that the other person is a child?

Do you still complain that you have too many Noble Phantasms when you can't defeat them, and don't use the King's Treasure when you have the ability?

Damn it Aqua, I am arrogant and not mentally retarded, how could I fall for such a low-level provocation.

"Are you kidding-"

"Do you, a faker, want me to stand on the same ground as a miscellaneous cultivator like you?"

Jin Shining complained disdainfully:

"What a wishful thinking!"

After saying that, Jin Shining once again took out two weird-shaped golden swords from the King's Treasure, and then put the two swords together to form a golden bow that was more than three meters long.

"I just want to see more and more miscellaneous cultivators in this world standing in my courtyard. I feel unbearable. Let me give you an end!"

"Ending Sword Enki——"

"The calamity fire falls from the sky! The wrath of Nabistin is coming!"

The Terminator Sword is Gilgamesh's second most destructive treasure in King's Treasure, besides the Devious Sword, which has the power to create the world. To some extent, its destructive power is even greater than the Devious Sword. It's even stronger than a nuclear bomb attack.

In many ancient myths, there are legends about gods using floods to purify or punish the world. For example, God in the Bible has done this. The Terminator Sword reproduces the legend in myths about gods sending floods to punish the world.

The torrent will increase every day since it was activated, and on the seventh day it will become a huge tsunami that will set off Nabistin.

Therefore, as long as Gilgamesh successfully frees the Terminator Sword, if left alone, the sky will return to a steady stream of floods, and the amount of water will become larger and larger as time goes by. After seven days, it will reach the level of the myth. Floods covered the earth and destroyed human civilization to the extent.

Of course, with the limitation of inhibitory power, it is impossible to destroy human beings, but flooding Area 11 is still appropriate.

"What kind of treasure is this?"

When Gilgamesh took out his new Noble Phantasm, Red A was not idle, but secretly analyzed and copied the golden Noble Phantasm somewhere to regain the weapons in the Infinite Sword System.

To be honest, Red A still likes to fight the Holy Grail War with Jin Shining Shining, because he can always learn new moves from Jin Shining Shining who has countless noble phantoms, thereby enhancing his own strength.

As Alaya's subordinate, fighting the Holy Grail War is just equivalent to his vacation time from his usual work. He can go back and see his harem and learn to project more Noble Phantasms. Why not?

Just in this battle, Red A has already projected many new Noble Phantasms from Jin Shining.

However, after the other party took out this very gorgeous and powerful looking Noble Phantasm, Red A found that he and Jin Shining had fallen in love and killed each other in so many parallel worlds, but had never seen him use this Noble Phantasm, and... When I tried to analyze it, I found that I couldn't understand it. This situation only happened with the opponent's deviant sword.

Although he was unable to project other divinely created Noble Phantasms, he could still analyze and understand them. In other words, this Noble Phantasm that the other party called the Terminator Sword was a Noble Phantasm of the same rank as the Sword of Deviation.

Now, things are not going well!

Should I continue paddling, or should I use the plug-in Alaya prepared for me to fight against Jin Shining?

But this plug-in was prepared by Alaya to allow him to fight against the biggest uncontrollable factor, Mo Yi.

While Red A was hesitating, Jin Shining had already opened the golden long bow, and then shot a red light arrow at Hei Zhen on the ground.


Jin Shining Shining boasted that he was so awesome and made such a cautious move. Of course, everyone was seriously vigilant. After all, the opponent was one of the strongest heroic spirits. In addition, he had obtained a body and was no longer limited to the body of a servant. Next, who knows what tricks the other party will use?

Then, the red light arrow shot at Heizhen's feet. Heizhen didn't even dodge, so he couldn't hit it. In addition, Gilgamesh had just ridiculed Heizhen as a faker. This was the last thing she could do. Now that he has found an opportunity to ridicule people, Hei Zhen naturally wants to retaliate and taunt him well and said:

"Golden guy, are you really a heroic spirit who appears as an Archer?"

"With this kind of archery skills, I might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes."


Gilgame didn't feel angry because of this, he just sneered and said:

"I hope you, a miscellaneous cultivator, can still laugh later."

"Be careful in the sky——"

Scathach, who felt it was inappropriate to use his clairvoyance ability, realized it and reminded him loudly:

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