"You sisters can just discuss this."


Xue Miao, who had never slept with anyone else since she was six years old, was unwilling to give her first experience of sleeping with her sister to whom she could not stand.

She obviously helped her prepare her words, but she looked very impatient and didn't want to stay any longer, yet she had to pretend to be pretentious in front of an outsider (Mo Yi), which was the most annoying thing.

Maybe Mo Yi will be coaxed into turning around by his sister and lead him in a strange direction. This is not okay.


In Xue Miao's eyes, Grandpa Mo Yi is probably the kind of restless adolescent man who usually seems very shrewd, but when he meets a beautiful girl, he will immediately be cast into a halo of wisdom and stupidity.

Therefore, in order to protect Mo Yi's extremely crooked thoughts and few remaining pure thoughts, Xue Miao must not let her sister succeed and let her deceive Grandpa Mo Yi with her appearance that deceived Wushuang people.

Of course, she didn't know that Grandpa Mo Yi was a man with high-end pursuits. He was not interested in those stereotyped beautiful appearances, unless there was an interesting soul hidden deep under the beautiful appearance.

Xuemiao looked at Yang Naiko with a kind face and said kindly:

"Sister, you live with your mother. If you don't come home at night, she will be very worried."

"You'd better leave quickly——"

Yang Naiko also looked at Xue Miao kindly and said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter, as long as I said I went to stay at a friend's house, my mother has always been very comfortable with me as an adult."

Xuemiao corrected:

"But there are no friends of yours here, sister."

"Yukino-chan, if you say this, my sister will be very sad——"

Yang Naiko looked heartbroken and said:

"Isn't your dear sister still your friend?"

Snow Meow: "..."

What the hell are you, dear sister? What do you look like in my heart? Do you have anything like Hercules?

To be honest, Xue Miao almost said her true thoughts loudly, get out (ノ`Д)ノ!

The Yukinoshita sisters fell in love with each other and killed each other for a while, leaving Mo Yi unable to get involved.

At this time, a hand was placed on Mo Yi's shoulder. Mo Yi took a look and found out that it was his mother-in-law, Irisviel, with a kind smile.

But, mother-in-law, if you don't spend time with your daughter to bond with her, or go back to the room with Shredder and relive the speed and passion of the past, why are you here as your son-in-law?

I have to declare in advance that I am not interested in married women at all. The strike zone is for lolita, and for girls, beauties. Simply put, I'm not that person.

Mo Yi, who was complaining in his heart, was taken to a quieter corner by Irisviel. However, the Yukinoshita sisters were still in love and killing each other and did not realize that Grandpa Mo Yi had been moved away.

"Aunt Irisviel, what do you want from me? Are you hungry?"

‘Mother-in-law’ or something like that, just make a joke occasionally. He and Illya have not officially married yet. In the more traditional District 11, titles cannot be used casually.

Moreover, Irisviel is German. Doesn’t it mean that Germans are the most rigorous and serious country?


Irisviel asked with some confusion:

"Xiaoyi, why don't you call me mother-in-law?"


The hateful old woman actually dared to act cute to trick her, but the cute face the other party used to act cute was really no different from Illya.

No, Master Mo Yi, you can't be deceived by this woman who can be your mother. Her basic attribute is scheming.

It's just that it's really embarrassing to be said like this. There are so many people now. If you really call the other person's mother-in-law, something might happen, especially when sister-chan and Emi-sensei are also present.

"Aunt Irisviel, Illya will be embarrassed if there are so many people here. Besides, we are still high school students, so there are some things we need to pay attention to."


Irisviel slapped her hands as if she understood something, and said:

"Xiao Yi, you know a lot."

Mo Yi: "..."

Mother-in-law, can you please stop driving if you disagree with me?

Although what you said is correct, as a master-level industry practitioner, isn’t knowing a lot of things a basic professional quality?

"Okay, no more joking.\

,"Irisviel's eyes that seemed to be smiling looked at Mo Yi, and she thought about the experiences that her husband and daughter had briefly mentioned to her in the past ten years.

All this is thanks to the help of the young man in front of him. Of course, listening to Illya's words, the actual age of the other man seems to be countless times his own.

But it doesn't matter, no matter what experience and past the other person has, according to Irisviel's simple way of thinking, it is right to know that the other person is the benefactor of his family.

Well, the other person will also become one of his family members in the future.

Irisviel remembered Illya's bright and proud eyes when she talked about Mo Yi, and her cute look when she asked Illya, "It seems that Ilya, you like Xiao Yi very much." Irisviel knew that the other party had already taken away her daughter's heart.

Just like back then, I followed Kiritsugu without hesitation and embarked on a path that I knew had no future, but I was filled with happiness and grateful for every step I took.

However, even though Irisviel had just been resurrected and most of the people in Emiya's family were unfamiliar to her, she could tell that except for the child adopted by her husband, Emiya Shirou, they were all beautiful girls or female heroic spirits. .

It is said that female heroic spirits are not as ugly. Looking at it this way, the prerequisite for becoming a great hero is an incredible appearance. Otherwise, it is impossible to become a great hero enough to become a heroic spirit.

Of course, it is understandable. Sun Tzu's Art of War says that those who gain the right will get many help, while those who lose the right will get little help. To understand it in modern language, it means that those who win the hearts of the people will naturally have help. In this way, no matter what they do, they will be able to help. Easy to succeed.

It is almost impossible for a person to succeed alone. For example, for example, almost no scientist can build an airplane alone, unless it is Iron Man, who is treated as the protagonist of the universe.

Moreover, whether it is 'gathering people's hearts' or 'pacifying the world', there is a premise, that is, the face is good-looking and the whole person looks good-looking. Otherwise, no matter whether you are rich or poor, you will only end up being punched by others. Only cannon fodder screams strangely.

Irisviel, the mother-in-law who has extensive experience in fighting vixens, easily saw through the situation.

Therefore, Irisviel couldn't help but worry about her daughter. She thought that she was just fighting a vixen back then, but Illya had to fight five or six vixens as far as she knew, not including those she didn't know. Vixen competition.

This competitive pressure is no less than the competitive pressure of finding a satisfying job!

Thinking of this, Irisviel felt a little responsible in her heart. Of course, she still made a clear distinction. For Mo Yi, all she felt in her heart was gratitude and concern. As for teaching her daughter advanced thoughts and experiences in struggle, she would leave it to later.

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