What happened next was just as Grandpa Mo Yi thought. The other party showed a look that said "everyone understands" and then took off the thick-looking black suit.

Grandpa Mo Yi, with his right hand behind his back, has also taken out a 'Spicy Immortal Root (Rasengan)' with thunder properties, and is ready to give the opponent a try from Grandpa Bo when the other party wants to stretch out his sinful hands. Boruto Uzumaki, a young boy who controls the power of science, the secret of electrotherapy.

And then--

"Brother, do you want a CD?"

The big man in a black suit took out a lot of CDs from his suit and said with a lewd smile:

"They are all treasures of the Yakumo House!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Damn it, Aqua, she’s so nervous and yet she still buys the CD. What the hell is going on!

Is it possible that now that we are in the information age, there is no such thing as a bloody disc?

There are no resources in this world that a universal cloud disk cannot solve.

Of course, this is not the most important reason for Grandpa Mo Yi’s dissatisfaction. The real reason is——

"Don't talk nonsense——"

Grandpa Mo Yi stretched out his hand, grabbed the other person's collar, and said seriously:

"I know Yakumo House never buys CDs!"

"These are obviously pirated discs. You actually rushed to Fuyuki City to buy pirated discs. Don't you want to live anymore?"


The burly man in a suit was very embarrassed when the other party saw through him. However, his experience of selling CDs in countless worlds made him calm down quickly and showed a pitiful expression. This showed that the other party was already worried about being caught and exposed. Something you take for granted.

If this expression was made by a cute girl, Grandpa Mo Yi might let him go because it is pleasing to the eye, but the other person is just a burly man in a black suit from a standard mixed club, which almost made Grandpa Mo Yi vomit.

How could Grandpa Mo Yi let him go?

The big man in a suit didn't notice that Grandpa Mo Yi's face turned green with disgust, and said heartbrokenly:

"Young man, it seems you are a good judge of goods. Yes, these are pirated copies."

"However, no one stipulates that the quality of pirated copies must not be as good as the genuine ones, and the price is very low."

"For a fixed price of 999 yen, you can take home all these treasures."

The man in the black suit became smoother and smoother as he spoke, continuing to seduce the young man in his eyes who had never seen the 'Yakumo New World', and said:

"Yes, you heard it right. It doesn't cost 99,999 yen, nor does it cost 9,999 yen. It only costs 999 yen. You can take these discs home."

"You know, if you buy the original version, you will never be able to finish watching the content on these discs without a membership fee of tens of thousands of yuan."

"Why are you hesitating? For 999 yuan, you can't even buy a baby that won't get pregnant. It's not even enough for a day's meals, but you can buy such a priceless treasure!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Black suit, you're dead!

No wonder the profit rate of Yakumo House has grown so slowly in the past few months. It turns out it was a good thing you did, and looking at the other party's uniform, you can guess that it was a team crime.

However, what puzzles Mo Yi is that in addition to being locked using common network technologies, Yakumo's House is also protected by Mo Yi using membrane technology, making it impossible for ordinary pirates to steal it.

Unless the other party possesses technology that far exceeds that of this world, or has a mysterious power comparable to Grandpa Mo Yi, however, how can a guy with this level of ability be free to pirate Yakumo House's works?

However, such an unscientific thing happened after all.

Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help but become curious. Who was from that force? He was so unscrupulous and boring. He had the ability to save or destroy the world, but he couldn't get along with his Yakumo House.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who seemed to be possessed by Xiaoyujiang, showed acting skills comparable to Anthony Wong. His face showed ecstasy first, then disappointment, then anger, and he shouted loudly at the man in the suit:

"Still trying to lie to me?!"

"Yakumo House's anti-theft technology is world-famous. I don't believe you can pirate it. Therefore, the works here are definitely not from Yakumo House."

"I can't tell you, as long as I put it into my computer, a panda will pop up immediately wishing me New Year's greetings."

Having said this, Grandpa Mo Yi took a breath and suddenly realized:

"What a vicious idea. Not only do you want to drain my wallet, but you also want to poison the more than a thousand G of seeds in my G disk?"

"If you don't say anything, I, Mo Yi, will beat you heartless pirates to death today!"

Seeing Mo Yi's white fist about to hit his upright knight's face, Sicaro felt miserable!

He was able to achieve the status of the God of Piracy. This real face like a paladin has made a lot of contributions. How could Grandpa Mo Yi harm his upright face?

So, he first blocked Mo Yi with his hands, which was as he expected, just like ordinary high school students, who have too many fists that are weak due to adolescence, and then explained seriously:

"I wonder if you, young man, have heard of the name of the Xiling Empire?"

"To be honest, I come from the Xiling Empire that rules countless multiverses. With our technology, it is not difficult to crack the anti-theft technology of Yakumo House."

"So, young man, you don't have to doubt that these are definitely pirated copies of quality comparable to the real thing."

"Please look at my face. I, the god of piracy, Sicaro, have always been an innocent child. Countless customers in the multi-dimensional world know it."

Mo Yi: "..."

Okay, now Grandpa Mo Yi finally knows the opponent’s heel. Grandpa Mo Yi has heard of the name of the Xiling Empire, but he didn’t expect that it actually existed. Of course, he had seen it in his previous life. Learned about it from the novel.

Could it be that its author, Big Eyeball, and a certain mushroom monster were both bosses hidden in the sewers of the ordinary world in his previous life? !

However, this does not hinder Grandpa Mo Yi's determination to hate pirates. He actually dares to rob himself, the original author, of his livelihood. It doesn't matter where you come from!

"Xiling Empire, right?"

Sicaro looked at Mo Yi in disbelief. The other person seemed to have really heard of the name of the Xiling Empire, but how could this be possible?

The other party is obviously just an ordinary high school student whose fists are weak due to puberty syndrome. How can he get access to the information of the multiverse?

However, he soon ran out of time to think about it.


Grandpa Mo Yi held the opponent with one hand and threw him violently over his shoulder. Then he picked him up and threw him to the ground so hard that it cracked the ground. With his other hand, he pulled out a spicy fairy root with thunder properties. , and then pressed it on the opponent, causing the opponent to tremble all over with direct electricity.

"Don't bother asking, whose territory Fuyuki City belongs to!"

Thinking that the other party is considered a god-level figure, and this level of electrical material has no effect, Mo Yi increased the voltage and complained:

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