This complaint was about Tosaka Rin's dark history. The corners of her mouth twitched, and she was performing live in front of Mo Yi, why was Miss Tosaka Rin's facial skills unique?

In the end, Tohsaka Rin used the woman's reasoning. As she pulled Mo Yi's collar, their faces were getting closer and closer. Mo Yi could even see the down on the opposite face clearly, and had to sigh, in terms of appearance, Yan, the other party is a complete young lady. Even though she often stays up late, her skin is still so good.

Tohsaka Rin, who was about to go crazy, lowered his head and shouted:

"I don't care, anyway, I just want to defeat you in your strongest state openly and openly, otherwise all my hard work these days will be nothing!"

"Hundan Moyi, please remember it carefully and never interrupt the update. You must update "The Daily Life of the Tohsaka Family" within the next few days. During this period, I will supervise you and never stop updating it." Let you be lazy!"

"Yes, this is Rin Tohsaka's latest challenge to you. If you have the ability, defeat me again, Mo Yi."

Mo Yi: "..."

It seemed that Mo Yi was getting to know this side of Tohsaka Rin for the first time. Where was the tsundere that Yu Chun had promised?

Why can you talk about things like reminders in such a fresh and refined way? You almost stirred up my long-dormant passion.

After all, you still want to see yourself as the heroine, so refer to this master's character design as a male pig's foot book update.

However, even this master, who is said to have the strongest update speed in the world, occasionally has a day or two where he can let himself go.

Moreover, in order to draw "The Daily Life of the Tosaka Family", I have already used all the postures that ordinary people can use on you, the eldest lady. Next, I can only add other heroines, but it depends on you She definitely doesn't want to.

Thinking about the plot and details is also a very distressing thing. It seems that we can only add some extra-human elements. After all, humans have limits. If you want to become stronger, you have to stop being human.

Bunny girls don't seem to be suitable for the twin-tailed Tosaka Rin-san. Maybe spiritual possession is a good new plot.

So the question is, who is cuter, the black-haired Istarin who wears bold attire, or the conservative blonde Ellerin?


Tohsaka Rin was dissatisfied and shook Mo Yi, who was maintaining a surrender posture, but he issued the challenge very seriously!

Hundan Moyi won't let me accept it quickly, and then work hard to update, beat me with new updates as usual, insult me, Kouga!

You look so indifferent, do you still want the face of me, the eldest daughter of the Tohsaka family?

"What are you thinking about?"

"I just thought of new and updated inspiration-"

Mo Yi answered sincerely:

"For the new plot, I plan to write about a parallel world that is an alien world. In a certain parallel world, Fuyuki City, there is a rookie magician named Mo Xiaoyi who accidentally got involved in an event called the Holy Grail War."

"He accidentally tried the ritual of summoning a heroic spirit based on the books at home, but the imaginary heroic spirit did not appear, so he thought it was just a joke."

"However, ten minutes later, the doorbell rang, so Mo Xiaoyi walked over to open the door, only to find an unexpected acquaintance appearing in front of him."

"Although the other party was wearing strange clothes and was a little exposed, Mo Xiaoyi easily recognized the other party as Rin Tosaka, the school beauty who had a very subtle relationship with him in school and was always quarreling and fighting."

"Despite some understanding, Mo Xiaoyi knew that the other party was Tohsaka Rin, but he was not Tohsaka Rin, because the other party was the servant Ishtar whom he summoned. However, because the other party was a god, there was no way to directly summon him, so in the end he only The reward for being possessed by a psychic medium who can find a waveband similar to the other party's, and this possessed object is Mo Xiaoyi's deskmate Tohsaka Rin. And she did not appear directly at the beginning because the reality is possessed by Tohsaka Rin, and then she can start from The Tohsaka family is coming."

"Mo Xiaoyi didn't expect that her joking behavior at the beginning would actually lead to such a thing. At first, she planned to give up the Holy Grail War, because it was introduced in the book that this was a very dangerous ritual that could cause serious consequences if she was not careful. Lives will be lost.”

"For a rookie magician like Mo Yi to participate in the Holy Grail War, the chance of winning is definitely not more than one percent, and failure often means defeat."

"However, the goddess servant with a bad personality did not let Mo Yi get what she wanted. In her words, if she gave up the game and let her commit suicide directly, her deskmate Tohsaka Rin would also die as a result. Of course, in the Holy Grail War, she was killed If other servants kill him, the outcome will be the same."

"The only way to save my deskmate Tohsaka Rin is to help Istarin win the Holy Grail War."

"After a night of deliberation, in order to save his deskmate Rin Tosaka who was always against him but didn't hate him, Mo Xiaoyi made up his mind and threw himself into this battle with the consciousness of saving him even if he was defeated. In the magic ritual of narrow escape from death.”

"The new plot is probably like this. Miss, what do you think? After all, you are the only reader of this work. Your opinion is still very important."

As Mo Yi narrated, Miss Tosaka Rin had already let go of her hand holding Mo Yi's collar, and her mind followed Mo Yi's words and entered the story.

Judging from her blushing look, Grandpa Mo Yi probably knew that the other party was very satisfied.

As expected of Master Mo Yi, even if there is only one reader, the work is still perfect, which is really a model in the industry.

After hearing Mo Yi's question, Miss Tosaka Rin woke up from her fantasy. Although she was looking forward to the other party drawing the story just now, she could not admit it. After all, she had never seen the so-called "Tosaka". Daily household chores at home".

His little brain started working quickly and he retorted:

"Hmph, I don't know what you are talking about, but there are obviously many loopholes in it."

Tohsaka Rin stretched out a finger and explained:

"Mo Xiaoyi in the story obviously has no holy relics, so how can he summon the mythical Ishtar? This is not magic at all."

"Besides, did you ask my permission for using my name indiscriminately, Mo Yi!"

Mo Yi: "..."

I get to use not just your name but your likeness, and that's not something that can be taken for granted.

But, Miss, why do you only complain about the heroine’s name but ignore the name of the male pig’s feet?

Isn’t Mo Xiaoyi my grandpa Mo Yi’s vest?

Is this an obvious thing, or are you subconsciously acquiescing to me as the male protagonist in your book?

Tired of rubbing, I understand.

So Grandpa Mo Yi directly ignored the other party's question about the names of the male and female protagonists, and instead answered the other party's first very technical question.

"Because the relationship between Tohsaka Rin, Mo Xiaoyi and Ista Rin in the story is the best holy relic."

Tohsaka Rin: "??"

The witty Miss Tohsaka Rin couldn't understand it all at once. Upon seeing this, Grandpa Mo Yi further explained:

"Holy Widow, please find out."

"Holy Widow?"

Tohsaka Rin was a little confused. After repeating Mo Yi's words, he finally understood the meaning of the other party's words.

"Dirty, perverted, delusional..."

Then there was a set of red-faced denials.

It's not like Grandpa Mo Yi has never seen the other party's appearance before. He can see it every time he flirts with the other party, and the other party always looks so cute and cursing, without any antibodies due to the number of times, or He said that if he hasn't been teased by Grandpa Mo Yi for too long, he will feel so tired that he can't even read his notebook while working.

So, this is a basic practice, don’t be 6.

Ignoring Tohsaka Rin's basic operation, Grandpa Mo Yi continued to explain the selling point of the story:

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