Oops, this is a heart-pounding feeling!

Irisviel’s mother, Heizhen flirts with me, what should I do?

"She's really an understanding woman——"

After Mo Yi murmured something, he went back to the living room with a happy mood to find someone to brag about. As an experienced Chinese medicine practitioner, if he didn't brag to others for a day, he would feel uncomfortable all over.

However, before Mo Yi took a few steps, another monster appeared in the grass, blocking Mo Yi's way.

"Mo Yijun, sorry to bother you, I have a rude request to delay you for a while."

Arturia, the stupid hairy monster that emerged from the grass, had an embarrassed red look on her face. The stupid hairy king who always held strict standards for himself was really not good at making unkind invitations to others. She said :

"I wonder if that's okay?"

It must be, for A, I can’t afford it.

Ahem, of course, I can only think about this in my heart. As a kind man, how could Grandpa Mo Yi refuse the unkind invitation of a beautiful girl under the moonlight night?

"It doesn't matter--"

Mo Yi smiled and said:


"Artoria, have you been here for a long time?"


As soon as Mo Yi saw the other party's expression, he knew that the other party had already been queuing up in the grass, waiting for Joan of Arc or even Miss Tohsaka Rin to leave, and then he would come out of the grass to block the way.

However, I don’t know if the other party heard what he said to Miss Tohsaka Rin and Black and White Jeanne. After all, the other party is a follower of Xue Miao. What Grandpa Mo Yi hates the most is the second and fifth boys, no matter whether you want to be a human or not. , anyway, as long as the second or fifth boy who betrayed him is sent to Thailand.

The stupid hair on the head of the stupid king jumped crazily, and a huge sense of crisis came over. Arturia subconsciously stood up straight, and said solemnly without squinting:

"As a knight, you will never let out what you overheard!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Okay, you are basically admitting that you listened to the wall, you stupid king.

I originally wanted to use physical amnesia punch to make the other party forget things they shouldn't know, but the other party's desire to survive is so strong, and Grandpa Mo Yi still trusts his stupid character.

Then just trust the other person for once.

After feeling that the crisis was over, Artoria finally breathed a sigh of relief, took out a master ball from her arms, handed it to Mo Yi, and said:

"The person here is Mordmore. Although the opponent is from the enemy camp, the Holy Grail War is over."

The stupid king bowed and said:

"I hope Mo Yijun can help me heal him."

At this time, Mo Yi also remembered that King Da Mao once asked him how to deal with Mo Zai's question. The answer he gave at that time was to beat him up first and then put him into the master ball.

"Just leave it to me."

After Mo Yi took the master ball, he dealt with it just like he dealt with Wang Jiang. He directly released Mordred from it, and then when the opponent didn't react, he used a head-touching move and directly held down the opponent's head. , and then activated the healing film method to heal her in a dying state instantly.

"This is?"

Mordred is just like Wang Jiang. He was trapped in a dark world before and was suddenly released. The only difference is that Wang Jiang's treatment is different. Wang Jiang's treatment method is the Friendship Breaking Fist, while Mo Zai's treatment is Before she could figure out what was going on during the special attack on the naughty child, she was hit by a sudden warmth and heavy feeling that hit her heart. A trembling electric shock hit her heart directly from the top of her head. Then, with the blood circulation, she quickly Spread to every cell in the body.

This feeling of warmth and heaviness?

It seems to be what I have been missing and longing for from my father all these years. If I had to give an accurate definition, it would probably be love.

In just two seconds, Mordred's obsession over the years was resolved. He sighed, longed for, enjoyed, and indulged in it——

It turns out that what I have been pursuing crazily these past few years is love, and my disease is called love.

Seeing Mo Zai squeezing his eyes and enjoying himself like a cat who was turned over and exposed his belly, not only Grandpa Mo Yi was confused, but Arturia was also confused.

His own son, it turned out that he still had such a coquettish look on his face, what about the rude and cruel setting he had agreed upon?

Treason, I am your rake!

The reason for Mo Yi's confusion is that he didn't expect that his head-touching kill was so effective. This move was used on the opponents Illya, Sister Jiang, and occasionally as a reward for Sakura's head-touching kill. After Mo Yi's years of research, , has become a concept move for special love. As long as the other person desires love in his heart, he will receive a great spiritual shock effect.

Usually, when Mo Yi meets a little loli who is lost on the way to and from school, he will use this trick to comfort the other person. The effect is outstanding, it can make the crying loli feel at ease and stop crying, which is very good for Mo Yi. His favorability reached the friendly level, but it didn’t have such a good effect on Mordred!

This is clearly a feeling of 100 points.

Feeling that the warm hand on top of his head was showing signs of leaving, Mo Zai quickly pressed it with his hand, closed his eyes and said with enjoyment:

"Father, don't stop, I want more -"

Chapter 346: The meal at the Emiya family is ready

"Shut up, you traitor!"

Hearing her son say her classic line "Don't stop, I want more" that often appears on the Yukinya Yakumo House membership, Artoria felt that she had lost all face.

Although the other person is a cheater, no matter how much he denies it, the other person is still his son, and of course, to a greater extent, he is her clone.

This is simply a public execution!

King Daimao took a step forward and asked:

"Sir Mordred, why are you so proficient? How many bad things have you learned secretly? Or are these things taught to you by my sister Morgan!"

"Look at you, do you still look like an upright knight!?"

"Rebellious son?"

Mo Zai, who was indulging in Mo Yi touching his head and looking happy and intoxicated with his face, was woken up by King Da Mao. He opened his eyes and looked over, only to realize that he was actually addicted to this kind of tenderness, and the person who gave him tenderness was not The father I longed for day and night was Mo Yi, a man who left a devilish impression on me just after meeting him once.

But his father was very ashamed and looked at him with disdain.

So, Mo Zai quickly stepped away from Qian Bai Zhong who was reluctant to touch his head and took a step back. With a strange emotion in his vigilance, he looked at the man with a warm smile on his face that was completely opposite to that of the Dumb Mao King. Mo Yi.

Such a strange thought couldn't help but come to mind, which is probably what every naughty child would have, that is, when their parents compared their own children with the children next door who always came first in the exams, they couldn't help complaining in their hearts, why is my child? What if the parents are not the parents of the house next door?

Every time I go to the other person's house to play, their parents always treat me gently, unlike my own parents, who often curse and say what I wanted to do back then. If it was the previous life, how could I have lived such a happy life.

What are you bragging about?

I have long heard other elders say that my parents used to be those guys who always failed and skipped classes. How could I be so good? Even if I didn't get the first place in the exam, I never failed.

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