Hum hum——

If everyone wants it but cannot satisfy everyone, the best way is to be impartial.

Preference is a typical way to death. It ranges from the way of ancient emperors to the way of modern corporate management systems. The most fundamental one is the way of balance.

As the saying goes, everything can be balanced. Balance may not be the best way to do things and treat people. In most cases, it is the most suitable way.

Preference is the beginning of a fight.

God's preference for people is reflected in their birth parents, at the starting line, and of course, when playing FGO to draw cards. There are always people who will say, who is this little loli with yellow hair? In fact, what I want is Siegfried.

Some people also put a month's worth of change in Abigail's card pool, and finally came to the conclusion that there are no five-star monsters in this crappy game!

As the saying goes, those who are favored are always unscrupulous, and the more this happens, the chain of jealous hatred will appear, and finally it may appear. The African chief who suspects that there is no five-star card in the game takes an art knife and complains why he cannot draw it. Siegfried's European royal family gave the opponent a non-chief's salty fish thrust.

The chain of hatred brought about by jealousy becomes tighter and tighter, until the final outcome can only be that Eagle Sauce, Rabbit, Polar Bear and others grow mushrooms for each other until the others fall and they are left alone.

It all started because of preference.

This proves that the way of balance is the greatest way in the world. Without balance, the world will be destroyed.

At this moment, Grandpa Mo Yi chose to sit in front of Hero Wei Gong and Shred Rake, which was the embodiment of balance. With this sitting, there was a brief silence in the scene.

"I'm gonna start now."

In the end, it was Illya who took the lead to break the ice. She picked up her chopsticks, made the same gesture as people in District 11 before eating, then picked up a dumpling, bit it down, and showed a happy expression.

"I'm not welcome."

With Illya's action, everyone broke away from the strange atmosphere just now and began to enjoy the Emiya family's meal.

"It's very yummy."

Although she had eaten there many times, every time Arturia ate the food from the Emiya family, she would change from an extremely serious and serious knight's face to a cute look with her mouth bulging out from the food, and she was definitely Will be unable to recognize and send out various comments.

It’s delicious; why is it so delicious? It’s so delicious, what should I do in the future? If I can’t eat this kind of delicacy again, what’s the meaning of my life? The people of Great Britain are still living in dire straits. ;Only good food can save Great Britain.

"Father, can you be more reserved?"

At this moment, even Mo Zai couldn't stand it. He pressed his forehead with his hand and refused to look at his disgraced father. As the king of a country, what else could he not eat?

No need to act so exaggerated, where will our face of Great Britain go if you do this?

Our country, Great Britain, is a food empire with a long history. Just looking up at the stars, it has already become famous all over the world!

Just some strange people who have never seen exotic dishes, let my rebellious knight Mordred be the judge.

With dissatisfaction in his heart, Mordred put a dumpling into his mouth and bit into it hard. Then a warm and fragrant meat filling burst out from the narrow space inside the dumpling. In just a short moment, the strong aroma of the meat filling spreads to the entire mouth, and then blends with the elasticity of the dumpling skin. You have me, and I have you, forming a layered, infinite loop of delicious food that explodes over and over again. It exploded in the mouth repeatedly and evolved.

As a result, Mordred was stunned, his eyes burst into disbelief, and finally he couldn't control himself and growled:

“It smells so good!”

Mo Zai reluctantly swallowed the dumplings. He accidentally saw the silly king with a strange dumpling in his mouth, and he suddenly realized that he couldn't eat like this!

If I don't eat quickly, all I can eat tonight is this bowl of dumplings. The rest will definitely be eaten by my father and the other two saintly girls who have as good an appetite as my father.

So, Mo Zai also turned on the one-punch mode, one dumpling monster in one mouthful, with an expression of happiness that couldn't be let go from his face, as if he couldn't stop.

The atmosphere at the scene also became lively with the performances of Dai Mao Wang and Mo Zai.

At this time, Mo Yi also looked at Ilia quietly. Ilia, as if predicting the future, also quietly showed a cute smile to Grandpa Mo Yi o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o.

————The dividing line between true fragrance——————

As time went by, the atmosphere in Emiya's house became more and more heated.

Especially those who have never eaten food from the Emiya family, when they eat it for the first time, they often look like they can't believe it, and then they wolf it down.


Wang Jiang is very disdainful of other people's Yanyi performances. It's just for a meal. Why don't you be so exaggerated? After all, you are also heroes who have made countless achievements. Why don't you be so embarrassed!

Tell me quickly, how much money did the Emiya family pay you to act?

Wang Jiang is Wang Jiang. First he was captured, and now you actually want me to cooperate with you and eat these food?

Even if I, Cu Chulainn, starved to death and jumped from here, I would never eat a single bite of these things!

He really wanted to say something, but was glared at by Scathach next to him. Wang Jiang remembered that the swollen cheek that Scathach had just beaten still hadn't healed, so he finally convinced himself that Cu Chulainn would just take one bite. This is all For the sake of his mentor, it's not because he's afraid of being beaten by the other party.

So, the chopsticks in Wang Jiang's hand turned into a gun, skewered a dumpling, put it in his mouth, and bit it down with disdain.

Then there's——

"It smells so good——"

Wang Jiang's eyes widened and he looked at the dumplings floating in the bowl in disbelief. He picked up another dumpling and put it in his mouth, bit it and said with a sigh:

"I have never tasted anything so delicious, red guy, what is this called?"

Subconsciously, when Wang Jiang chose to ask someone, she still asked Hong A, who she had fallen in love with and killed countless times in countless parallel worlds.

"What's the noise about?"

Scathach looked at Cu Chulainn sternly and said:

"You make a lot of noise during meals. I don't remember teaching you such table manners, my disciple!"

Wang Jiang: "..."

Wang Jiang is very aggrieved. Master, you have never taught me the so-called table manners. As warriors, we don’t think we would gather together when eating, slurping meat and wine, talking freely, and laughing whenever we wanted. How does it look?

What did I do wrong?

If I couldn't defeat you now, I would definitely send you back to the Kingdom of Shadows to eat dirt.


Sister Jiang ate a dumpling, chewed it with her eyes closed, opened her eyes, and commented in a convincing tone:

"The dumpling wrapper, meat filling, and heat are all mediocre. It's probably the average level of a top ten in Totsuki Academy."

"The only thing worthy of praise is the emotion of the cook condensed in the dumplings."

It's very Erina to express desire before suppressing it.

Mother C would definitely not be able to bear it when she hears other people commenting on her husband's cooking in such a condescending tone.

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