Red A: "···"

How persistent are you in letting me call you Aili's mother? It's very embarrassing for me, a much older person than you, to call you mother. Do you know, my mother?

Facing Irisviel’s expectant gaze, Red A chose to pretend not to understand and said:

"Yes, I am very happy to see this perfect ending."

"Stop talking so much, archer."

Tohsaka Rin pointed at Hero Emiya who was about to be torn off by Alaya and Medea's hands, and said:

"Is this silver-haired girl here to see you?"

"Why don't you hurry up and deal with her."

"Rin, what you said is wrong."

Red A didn’t even blush and said very carefully:

"I don't know the other person at all, and at first glance, the other person is Emiya Shirou who came to this world."

"This can be seen from our hair color. There is a huge difference between red hair and white hair."

Tohsaka Rin: "..."

I didn't expect you to be such a kind person, Shirou Emiya. What happened to you to become such a thick-skinned person? Hurry up and return that helpful, good housework Shirou Emiya to everyone!

"EMYIA, come quickly and help me catch this wild new species EMYIA!"

Alaya, who couldn't argue with Medea, used her special trick to summon her top thug, Red A, more unconsciously.

"What else do you have to say now?"

Tohsaka Rin pointed at Alaya, who was shouting for help from Red A, and said firmly.

Faced with such a situation, Red A was of course temporarily deaf. The wind was blowing hard and he wanted to turn around and run away.

I still want to continue wandering around in this world for a long vacation. If I go to help Alaya now, wouldn't I be asking for death?

However, Alaya seemed to have discovered Red A's thoughts. The moment he turned around, he let go of Hero Emiya and appeared behind Red A in an instant. He held Red A's waist very skillfully and did not let the opponent slip away.

"A mere emyia dares to ignore my master's orders?"

"It's impossible to run away!"

The moment he was caught by the opponent, Red A seemed to lose its color. Countless experiences told him that as long as the opponent caught him, it would be impossible to break free.

Although Alaya looks a bit cute, as the self-consciousness of Alaya, it can be said that his IQ is almost equal to the intelligence of all human brains linked together.

Under such circumstances, she would naturally not do something stupid like picking sesame seeds and losing watermelons. For her, the red A is the most important number one thug, and she cannot afford to lose it.

As long as the newly discovered Hero Emiya has plenty of time, and as long as the other party has justice in his heart, he will definitely not be able to escape.

————The dividing line after Red A’s explanation————

"Is she Alaya?"

As a magician, Tohsaka Rin felt that his outlook on life was greatly impacted.

As long as you pursue the root cause, you must know that the biggest resistance is the two major inhibitory forces, and the silver-haired girl in front of you is one of the great beings that has hindered countless magicians who have committed suicide.

Magicians have always been curious, fearful, and at the same time hateful of this great concept of restraint, because it is the ultimate guardian boss of all orthodox magicians.

No matter what method magicians use to fulfill their long-cherished wish and reach the root, they will inevitably be blocked by inhibitory forces. Even if they successfully enter the root, no magician can ever come back.

In addition to the possibility of being assimilated to the root, the biggest reason is that the door of the root is blocked by the inhibitory force and can never come back. In a sense, it prevents the dangerous behavior of the magician from contacting the root.

And magicians who can enter the root, see the same thing, and escape successfully in time and ideally can often obtain their own privileged ability, and this ability is 'magic'.

There are two levels of magic and magicians. The magic in the Xingyue world is no different from the magic in other fantasy worlds. They are all routine moves such as rolling fireballs, blocking, and summoning younger brothers. Magic is a law from the outside world that can affect The privilege of making the universe work.

For example, the fourth magician Aozaki Aoko's fifth method 'Ao' is the ability to manipulate time. Every time it is used, it will accelerate the consumption of energy in the universe, leading to the end of the universe.

Simply put, time can be turned back, but turning back time requires the energy of the universe, and the entropy of the universe will be higher and higher, and will not decrease as time goes back.

When the universe evolves, the entropy that needs to be increased has been fixed. However, due to the reversal of time, the entropy increased by the same thing is doubled, and this negative effect will double with the number and degree of activation of the fifth method, 'Green'. .

It can be seen from this that the reason why magicians are the enemies of the world is that just one magician can cause such bad effects. If it is a magician who has mastered the root cause and knows everything, the impact will only be worse than that of magic that just looks at the root and runs away. Make it countless times worse.

If there is no restraint to control this root cause, there will be countless magicians in the endless parallel worlds who have mastered the existence of nuclear bombs like "magic" and have no morals.

A sane monster like a magician might use magic to destroy all human beings because he wants to study how the world would evolve without humans, or because the world is filthy and the earth is not the most suitable place. The environment in which human beings live, for various reasons that sound reasonable, is to blow up the earth at will and then create a new world.

However, whether the created new world is as reliable as the Earth, and whether all the species that originally lived on the Earth will be wiped out as a result, this is not what the magicians consider. After all, great experiments require countless experiments. White mouse.

In a world called "Magic Forbidden", it is such a dangerous world. There are multiple demon gods who can shatter stars and pinch the earth at will. They really don't even know whether they died in the earth explosion one second ago, or the next second. The fact that he was resurrected cannot be determined.

Therefore, the two major inhibitory forces, Gaia, the will of the earth, and Alaya, the aggregate of human subconsciousness, will guard the door of the source so firmly and will not let the magicians do anything. This is why the world of the moon has not become like a magic forbidden city. What does the author want to do? A world where the finale is okay.

After all, after the author gave up the trap, he used the sentence "A certain great being couldn't stand the filthy human world, so he blew up the entire earth" to explain the reason why the protagonist and villain were wiped out instantly, so the story ended.

In fact, Tohsaka Rin was not the only one at the scene who was curious and suspicious of Alaya, who could be said to be a lolita or a girl. After all, the scene was full of magicians and heroic spirits. For such a mysterious person like Alaya, the ultimate It’s strange that the big boss isn’t curious.

Alaya did not show any dissatisfaction because of Tohsaka Rin's doubts. After all, in her eyes, human beings are all her children and one of her constituents.

The relationship is like the human body and every cell that makes up a human being. It is impossible for people to abandon a certain cell just because they like or hate it.

"That's right——"

Alaya let go of Red A, who had given up struggling, puffed out his chest, and said majestically:

"I am Alaya, the collective body of human subconscious. Please look up to and praise my greatness!"

"This is your honor, little magician."

Red A: "···"

Oops, the boss is getting sick again.

Because Alaya is the collection of all human subconsciousness, in a sense, she possesses the personality and way of thinking of all human beings, and chuunibyou, a period that almost every human being must go through, can be said to be the essence of human beings. one.

It’s easy to understand that Alaya often suddenly makes chuunibyou remarks.

In short, no matter how weird Alaya behaves, it is not her fault, but the fault of all mankind, because she is nothing more than a repeater of human nature.

Tohsaka Rin: "..."

Is this the human guardian?

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