"Please wait--"

Suddenly another servant in golden armor appeared in front of Tohsaka Rin and others, and said lightly:

"I am the Red Lancer. I follow the Master's orders and help our Masters."

Karna's red eyes looked at Bazett and the others calmly and said;

"If you choose to start a war now, I will have to kill you and wait here."

"Karna, it's you, that's great."

Arjuna, who had always maintained a spring-like smile, saw Karna appear, and the smile on his face instantly became twisted and sinister. It was just because the change was so fast at this moment, and everyone at the scene was paying attention. The focus was on Bazett and Karna who appeared first, but no one noticed except Mo Yi, who had an EX that could be compared to clairvoyance.

"You guy, you were definitely laughing sinisterly just now. You actually wanted to evade taxes in front of me. You are so naive, Arjuna!"

While everyone remained quiet and speculated on the development of the matter, Mo Yi stood up and pointed at Arjuna.

Karna: "..."

Arjuna: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"Mo Yi, you idiot, do you know that this is a tense moment and a war will break out at any time? What are you doing out here!"

"Why do others laugh and care about your business?!"

"Are you a troublemaker who will die if you don't make trouble, Hun Dan?!"

Tohsaka Rin collapsed and complained:

"You guy, if someone beats you to death here, I won't even look at you again!"

"Rin, you are so tired that the terminal cancer has struck again!"

Mo Yi complained softly.

"You are the one who is tired, your whole family is tired, go to hell, you idiot!"

Tohsaka Rin hit Mo Yi hard, but the clever Mo Yi managed to avoid it.

"Kill you, absolutely kill you!"

Arjuna stared at Mo Yi harmoniously with a gentle smile and said.

For Arjuna, there are only two taboos, the first is his half-father Karna, and the second is the guy who noticed his pleasant smile.

When he manifested the roar of the Noble Phantasm Flame God, he was about to shoot Mo Yi.

Only after receiving the order from the master at this time, and with Karna looking at him warily, did he give up the idea of ​​taking action in dissatisfaction.


Tohsaka Rin finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Arjuna put down his long bow. Once the opponent launched an attack, a melee among the six heroic spirits would break out. Not to mention whether they could ensure their own safety in the melee, he said The aftermath of their battle may harm innocent citizens of Fuyuki City.

Tohsaka Rin took the initiative to stand up at this time, looked at Bazett and said:

"Bazett, you have also seen that our combat power is now equal. I believe that the Magician Association does not want the mystery to be made public to the world because of the fighting of heroic spirits. The impact of this level of fighting cannot be easily covered up. "

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Bazett cut in displeasure, even though those big men said that they could fight to their heart's content without fear of the secret side being exposed.

But Bazett naturally heard their thoughts, and would probably massacre the entire Fuyuki City to cover it up.

It wasn't a last resort, and Bazett didn't want things to come to this. However, the person in charge this time was not himself, but a guy who was accepted by both the Magicians Association and the Temple Church and called himself Kotomine Shirou.

"The number of heroic spirits is indeed equal, but do you think you can resist me with your two half-baked magicians and one person who was innocently involved in this incident?"

Bazett said calmly:

"When the heroic spirits are restraining each other, I can defeat you in just one minute."

"So, I advise you to voluntarily give up the command spell. This is your best choice, the spiritual pulse leader of Fuyuki City, Tohsaka Rin and the unknown magician."


Although Tohsaka Rin knew that the combat effectiveness of herself and others was indeed inferior to hers, the other party's tone towards the miscellaneous fish still made her very unhappy and said:

"Don't be too disrespectful. I, the Tosaka family, are a famous magic family who have inherited the gem magic of Mr. Gem."

"If you want to fight, then fight -"

Although he is indeed a half-baked magic user, when it comes to making a decision, Yukinoko will not be weak at all. From this point of view, Aozaki Aoko's education is quite adequate.

As a result, the scene became tense again, and a war seemed inevitable to break out.

Could it be that Fuyuki City's Kahei's fate is really unavoidable?

Of course not, don’t forget that Big Boss Mo Yi is still making soy sauce.

"Bazett, you think you can beat us in one minute?"

Mo Yi seemed to have heard something interesting and laughed happily.

"Oops, Mo Yi has finally gone crazy!"

Tohsaka Rin complained.

Mo Yi: "..."

Rin, why don't you show off to others happily? I'm an ally, so what's the point of complaining about me?

Mo Yi glared at Master Yakumo, and Tohsaka Rin instantly thought of the horror of being dominated by Master Yakumo. He immediately remembered those nights when he was dominated by the other party, and immediately did not dare to complain out loud.

After using his overlord-colored domineering energy to repel his teammates, Mo Yi continued to let out the magical laughter of Accelerator and Jin Shining and said:

"Bazett, have you, the Magicians Association, forgotten the warning I gave you?"

"Fuyuki City is my territory, don't cause trouble here."

"I can't tell you how many legs of your colleagues I've discounted in the past ten years."

"Why do you still dare to come and cause trouble? Do you really think I won't beat you to death?"

"Looks like you? A mysterious man who claims to be the devil!"

After hearing Mo Yi's words, Bazett exclaimed in shock.

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