Only then did Mo Yi remember that he had been running to school in a hurry and accidentally forgot. He didn't know what his class teacher Jing Keai was going to do to him.

Forget it, I’m late anyway, so I’ll give up on the treatment.


Kato Kei couldn't help laughing when she saw Mo Yi shouting just now, but she also knew that the other party didn't ask for leave, but went out too late.

Illya's brother is surprisingly interesting.

"Kato-senpai, you look beautiful when you smile. You should smile more."

Mo Yi didn't feel embarrassed by the other party's smile. Instead, he felt that the other party's smile was really good. It was completely different from his usual expressionless look. If the other party learned to keep smiling, wouldn't it be easy to become a dazzling heroine?

"Senior Mo Yi, I still have things to do, so I won't disturb your schooling."

Kato Megumi was once again defeated by Mo Yi's speech, and the magic of calmness was forced again, so he said something at a loss and walked away quickly.

"Um, does this count as a big failure in trying to strike up a conversation?"

Mo Yi looked back at the other person's back as he left in a hurry, touched his nose and said to himself.

At this time, Kato Megumi turned around and saw Mo Yi looking at him, with a look of surprise and surprise on his face. Then he laughed again and said to Mo Yi:

"Senior, thank you, you are the first person to remember me so quickly."

"Also, nice to meet you, Senior Mo Yi."

"Please give me your advice in the future!"

After saying this, he turned around and continued to walk away against the background of falling cherry blossoms until he disappeared.

Chapter 5: The daily battle between Jing Keai and the big devil Mo Yi

After avoiding the chalk attack from his homeroom teacher, Jing Keai, Mo Yi walked back to his throne, the penultimate position against the wall, under the unconcerned eyes of the entire class.

The reason why everyone is not surprised is naturally because Mo Yi is late every day for two or three days.

This is not because Mo Yi cultivated immortality too late and couldn't get up, but because there was an irresistible reason!

That's right, it was my stupid and troublesome sister's daily call for love. She was already sleepy, but she still struggled with it for a while. In addition, she might encounter unexpected tasks from the system, so it was natural that she would be late.

However, because Mo Yi's own grades were among the best in the class, most teachers turned a blind eye.

Anyway, you got full marks, and the teacher is very satisfied.

However, there are always some teachers who have a strong sense of justice and responsibility, but they can't stand Mo Yi's behavior of ignoring school rules and doing whatever he wants just because of his good grades. For example, his own class teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka Shizuka is Mo Yi's biggest enemy.

Coupled with the fact that the two of them had known each other for a long time through family friends, Jing Keai would naturally not let Mo Yi ignore the rules.

You know, Mo Yi is not only good at academics, he defeated his grandfather ten years ago at a young age. He has been smart since he was a child and knows without learning. Anyway, in the eyes of Shizuka Hiratsuka, he is a real genius.

However, it is this kind of real genius that needs more education. If he goes astray and has wrong skills in the three points of view, he is not like those ordinary people who can only complain about society on the Internet, but really It will cause great danger to this society.

Events such as some Internet genius developing a new type of Internet virus and causing huge property losses are the best proof of this.

Of course, Jing Keai didn’t know that Mo Yi was a serious demon (brave) with extremely righteous views. He had defeated his own sister, the biggest enemy of mankind, and had been fighting for the peaceful coexistence of all races for countless years.

As a broad-minded Mo Yi, he can only silently bear the handsomeness that he shouldn't have at this age, uh, no, the sense of responsibility that he shouldn't have.

Just after Mo Yi returned to his seat (what, Mo Yi doesn't have a school bag? No real man needs a school bag, isn't class time the best time to catch up on homework?), he felt someone pinch his back.

No need to look, it must be that troublesome back desk again.

"Classmate Mo Yi, please answer this question."

Before Mo Yi could complain about the guy behind him, Hiratsuka Shizuka called him up to answer the question.

Let me first explain here that Hiratsuka Shizuka teaches Chinese classes, which you can understand as Chinese classes.

However, Mo Yi, who has a full-professional master training system, has already spent a little faith points to fill up the high school courses. The only question that usually worries about exams is how many subjects should be tested for full marks, or are they all 99 points? suitable.

Therefore, it is impossible for Hiratsuka Shizu's Chinese language problem to trouble Mo Yi, who aspires to become a literary master.

Forget it, let's deal with Jing Keai with a serious and sincere attitude, so Mo Yi stood up straight again. Everyone suspected that his standing posture was of a standard that he could definitely participate in the flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square every day.

However, Shizuka Hiratsuka could see a hint of disdain and impatience in Mo Yi's sincere eyes as a good student, as if dealing with an old wife after twenty years of marriage.

This is the biggest provocation to me as a human teacher. Holy Light, the enemy in front is worth fighting.

However, if I lose every day, will I continue to be bound by the rules?

Hiratsuka Shizuka smiled meaningfully and asked:

"Student Mo Yi, please answer the exact value of pi, at least to 100 decimal places."

The friends in the class took a breath of cold air. Could it be that once they face the top student Mo Yi, Jing Keai, who has yet to win, will finally win back the victory?

To think of such a vicious question, I'm afraid it was a tricky question that I came up with at the cost of a sleepless night last night!

"Smecta? Why do you, as a Chinese teacher, ask such a mathematical question? Moreover, it is meaningless and beyond the scope of the question!"

Mo Yi couldn't keep the look of a good student on his face and couldn't help but complain.

The weird developments at the scene could no longer impress the students who watched it every day. Rather, it was news that Jing Kei did not make things difficult for Mo Yi once that day!

You know, even if the aunt comes, she can't shake Jing Keai's determination and persistence to defeat the big devil Mo Yi.

Jing Keai crossed her arms, and Oppai was even more ready to speak out. However, the ladies and gentlemen present were not distracted by looking at the mountain, but looked at the Great Demon King Mo Yi with expectant and somewhat disappointed eyes.

I am afraid that Mo Yi, the ever-victorious king who has dominated Fuyuki High School for more than a year, will be defeated. If even he is placed at Jing Keai's feet, then who else can represent the basic interests of the majority of student groups, and who can stop Jing Keai? Horrible fascist rule!

Therefore, Mo Yi is really not fighting alone at this moment, but fighting with the last hope of all the students in the class.

"3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164 062862089986280348253421170679·····"

Mo Yi laughed and spoke calmly and clearly again.

"Okay, student Mo Yi, please sit down."

Jing Keai reluctantly stopped Mo Yi, who seemed to want to continue reciting pi.

"Okay, teacher."

Mo Yi showed a shy smile to Hiratsuka Shizu and returned.

Hiratsuka Shizuka, who has long recognized Mo Yi's true face, will naturally not be fooled by Mo Yi's shy smile. After being filtered by the beauty function of her eyes, Mo Yi's smile is clearly laughing at herself - sample Yes, do you think you can make things difficult for me?

MMP, Mo Yi, the war between us is not over yet. As long as you are still my student, I will never give up on bringing you back to the right path.

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