If you want others to believe, you must first believe it yourself. Apparently Miss Green Song has done this.

Having said that, Shajo Aige continued in a matter-of-fact tone:

"Besides, the teacher doesn't have time to come over. Can't I take the initiative to go to his house to find him?"

"Sister, it's impossible to think passively like you do now. If you don't take the initiative, how can you get the life you want?"

Sajo Ayaka: "..."

Sajo Ayaka felt the meaning of "sorrow for his misfortune, angry for his inability to fight" in Sajo Aige's eyes, but what could she do?

She didn't want to participate in the Holy Grail War, nor did she want to watch the final duel between Arthur and Mo Yi, but this was fate.

How can human beings resist fate?

Many times, others tell us that as long as we persist and work hard, there will be a way, but those are just words of comfort. In reality, nothing is so simple.

More often than not, even if you work hard and persevere, nothing can be changed.

Just like the so-called Holy Grail War, I clearly don't want Arthur to leave, but regardless of victory or defeat, the other party will inevitably leave and return to where he belongs.

Sajo Ayaka clearly knew that her sister's words were typical idealism and were not based on reality at all.

However, looking at the other person's natural look, she couldn't help but feel envious and jealous in her heart. Why can her sister be brave and confident? Why does it seem that nothing can trouble the other person?

It would be great if I could be like the other person, so that I could tell Saber what I had been keeping deep in my heart.

But, how could an ordinary person like me do it?

Looking at the silent Sajo Ayakashi, Sajo Aige was a little angry. As my sister who loves Ao Tian, ​​Ayaka, you are so useless!

Could it be that, without the so-called protagonist halo, you would not be so useless?


Sajo Ayaka walked up to Sajo Ayaka, stretched out her right middle finger and flicked Sajo Ayaka's forehead hard, pulling Sajo Ayaka back from her thoughts.

"elder sister?"

"Ayaka, my sister can't always be by your side to take care of you. This is the last time."

Sajo Ayaka: "What?"

To be honest, Sayou Ayaka is really confused. Hasn't she always taken care of the other person?

Sha Tiao Ai Ge hammered his right hand on his left palm and said:

"Then it's decided happily."

Sajo Ayaka: "Meow meow meow?"

What has been decided?

What I hate the most is when others tell you half the story and don’t tell the other half.

————The dividing line between happy decisions——————

The 'city in the sky' created by Mo Yi is not a single city in the sky. There are more than a dozen different floating satellite cities surrounding the huge floating city in the main city.

Shatiao Aige, Mo Yi, and Arthur were on different islands in the sky, so they were not affected by the aftermath of the battle.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang--"

Grandpa Mo Yi was happily hacking with Arthur on some kind of island in the sky.

Frostmourne and Fire Joy in his hands, with ice and fire special effects like a playful blue moon, hammered crazily on Arthur's sword.

Facing Grandpa Mo Yi's violent fire and ice sword style, Arthur felt that his rhythm was completely interrupted. No matter how he attacked or defended, the opponent could defeat the enemy first. Before he could exert any force, he looked towards He can only exert 50% of his 100% strength. If it weren't for the help of his comeback skill 'Intuition', he would have been unable to withstand Grandpa Mo Yi's fire and ice.

"Wind King Iron——"

Arthur wanted to use 'Magic Release' to push back Grandpa Mo Yi who was hitting the infinite combo, but under 'Clairvoyance EX', his reaction had already been read by Mo Yi, so naturally he would not let the opponent succeed.

Just before the opponent wanted to liberate the Wind King's barrier, Mo Yi, the swordsman in black, had already activated his skill——

"Sonic blast!"

The speed suddenly accelerated and he looked at Arthur. In desperation, Arthur could only give up on liberating the Wind King's barrier and blocked it with his sword.

"Devil Sword Erosion!"

Grandpa Mo Yi was not surprised when Arthur blocked his own sonic impact. In terms of combat, intuition is no more practical than Future Parallax. Even the more dangerous it is, the more powerful it can be. It is the will of the universe that gives King Da Mao The pig-foot halo-level magical skills of the two hand-picked protagonists, Arthur and Arthur.

Since surprise attacks are useless, use strength to overwhelm the opponent.

After shouting out the name of the move "Devil Sword Erosion", the two swords in his hands erupted with even more cool special effects, as if they were rushing towards the Penguin Supreme Member. From a distance, it was clear that the power was huge and it was not an attack that ordinary players could resist. .

"It's so strong——"

Arthur was still struggling to resist, but the power of the opponent's double swords was a bit heavier than before. Even if the A-level anti-magic power allowed him to ignore the special effect damage caused by the opponent's double swords, it was just a heavy hammer-like slash. The attack gave him the illusion that he wouldn't be able to resist it for a second.


Although he was still resisting hard, Arthur couldn't help but recall in his mind the long hair of Sajo Ayaka blowing in the wind under the starry sky last night, and the tenderness in his eyes.

Obviously there is something else that has not been said to the other party——

Under the strong desire to survive, the holy sword in Arthur's hand emitted a strong light, and the speed of his counterattack gradually accelerated. In the end, he could withstand Grandpa Mo Yi's violent double-sword attack with just one sword.

Mo Yi's eyes lit up and he muttered:

"Actually using memory to kill? Then I have to show one-tenth of my strength."

"Star Explosion Abandoned Healing Slash!"

In the rapid combos, Grandpa Mo Yi's double swords became more and more violent and fast. In the end, the light of the swords was no longer visible, and there was only a storm of ice and fire.

At the end of the storm is the silver knight wielding the golden holy sword to resist.

"Seventeen knives per second——"

However, when Mo Yi's double swords reached a cutting speed of seventeen swords per second, Arthur, who was relying on his memory to kill, finally ran out of energy.


He was knocked backwards by the huge force of Mo Yi's double swords.


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