Fortunately, before the torrent of disaster arrived, the lotus shield opened in time, and Illya, who was submerged in the sea of ​​​​fire, was not hit head-on by the flames that burned even the soil on the ground to red.

Of course, under the protection of the seven-fold ring of blazing sky and the A-level magic defense wall that comes with rubies, Illya did not suffer much damage, but was just pushed away by the torrent of flames.

Even Miyu, who was not far away, was lucky enough to escape because Qingji's attack target was not her.

The black and white swords that flew towards Qingji were burned to pieces and dissipated just a few seconds after they fell into the sea of ​​fire.

"Are you okay, Illya?"

Ruby called out to the restless and trembling Illya, thinking: Sure enough, for Illya, who was an ordinary person not long ago, fighting at this level is still too reluctant.

"Cheer up, Illya!"

"According to my detection, the opponent's flames are a full thousand degrees Celsius. As long as they are directly rubbed, the human body will be reduced to nothing in an instant."

"Now is not the time to be afraid-"

"This was just Plan A, we also have Plan B!"

That's right, the previous coordinated attack was what Miyu and Miyu thought of during special training. In the previous analysis, Grandpa Mo Yi said that the best way to defeat Qing Ji is to kill with one blow from a distance.

And Red A also has such skills. As long as he seizes the opportunity, the chance is still great.

And just now, it was probably because of being poisoned by Miss Tohsaka Rin that he failed.

At this time, Miyu came to Illya, who had just stood up after being pushed away by the flames, and said with concern:

"Are you hurt, Illya?"

"It's okay, Miyu——"

Feeling Miyu's caring gaze, Illya cheered up again, worked hard to overcome the fear in her heart, and reactivated her body that was paralyzed by trembling.

"I'll ask you to hold the opponent back later and create opportunities. I'll have no time to prepare the moves and timing for a one-hit kill."


Miyu nodded directly and said firmly:

"give it to me."


Kiyohime, who fell into a state of madness, laughed, looked at Illya and Miyu who were lucky enough to survive her flames with a doctor's pity, and said with a smile:

"Lying is a bad habit. You bad boys can't escape it. Let me purify your filthy bodies and minds!"

The flames that Qing Ji had previously sprayed did not disappear. Instead, they entangled and gathered together as if they were alive, turning into a fire dragon hundreds of meters long, circling and flying around her.

If it were any other time, she would not be able to maintain her Noble Phantasm for such a long time with a magic value of E. Even though her Noble Phantasm is extremely powerful, she can only use it once or twice in a battle without losing the magic.

Now, with the blessing of Tamamo Mae's Noble Phantasm and the infinite magic buff, she can use the Noble Phantasm unscrupulously. Flames are constantly coming out of her body, and these flames are constantly strengthening and are about to cover the entire sky. The flaming serpent.

Chapter 392: Xiao Tamamo: If you don’t know how to explode the tail, why are you called the Nine-Tails!

While Ma Shao Monkey Wine was fighting Kiyohime, the Magic Aunt Team was also fighting fiercely with Tamamo. To be more precise, it was Tamamo who was holding Tohsaka Rin and Luvia down.

"Rin, don't hold me back."

At the moment when Illya and Miyu took the initiative to attack Kiyohime, Luvia glanced at Rin Tosaka, who was also clenching his fists and full of energy, and then rushed forward as if they were connected with each other, dragging Tamamo Mae. , preventing the opponent from taking a turn with Qing Ji.

"Tsk, that's what I want to say, Luvia."

Luvia and Tohsaka Rin rushed around Tamamo-mae in a running direction, one on the left and the other on the right. Their movements were like mirrors. They took out a large number of gems prepared with corresponding spells, and walked 10 meters closer to Tamamo-mae. distance from left to right, and throw the gem in his hand at the same time.

Gemstones of different colors and sizes shone brightly in the air, and then burst into blazing light for an instant, turning into a sharp-edged barrier that enveloped Tamamo Mae below.

"It's really a shining magic mikon~!"

Although his current condition is very incomplete and his strength can be said to be that of a third-rate servant, as a boss, Tamamo no matter how scumbag he is, he will not be afraid of the two modern magicians in front of him.

Tamamo-mae does not look at people on the surface, but has the ability to see into the depths of the soul. The strength of the soul is positively correlated with personal strength.

With just one glance, Tamamo Mae roughly judged the strength of Luvia and Tohsaka Rin.

Therefore, the attitude she showed was more like playing around than confronting the enemy.

However, this spiritually based Tamamo-mae is relatively unobtrusive to begin with, possessing a hidden skill that completely breaks the serious atmosphere.

"I'm going to fuck you, a girl with an interesting soul——"

Immediately, Tamamo Mae did not see what he was doing, and the multiple barriers created by Tohsaka Rin and Luvia who spent a lot of gems became unstable in an instant, and then dissipated.

Grandpa Mo Yi told them before that the principle of Tamamozen's Noble Phantasm is to change the laws of the world. Powers like magic that require the assistance of the magic base, in the space that has been covered by Tamamozen's Noble Phantasm, as long as Tamamozen is willing, It can be overwritten at any time, causing most magic to be ineffective or to have a greatly reduced effect.

Obviously, Tohsaka Rin and others still did not care about Kotamamo's Noble Phantasm. Although the special effect that can be observed by the opponent's Noble Phantasm is the repeated repetition of the magical Kagura BGM, the effect of the Noble Phantasm does continue to affect the entire subspace.

After Tamamo-mae declared an attack, the opponent moved quickly like a phantom and appeared in front of Luvia's eyes in an instant.

"So fast——"

Luvia's pupils dilated, obviously confused by the sudden change in the magic barrier's failure and the sudden appearance of Tamamo Mae in front of her.

You must know that although the caster's panel is very low, in actual combat, each caster heroic spirit has its own unique spell ability, and many of them are casters who can greatly increase their abilities through spells.

Therefore, don't think that casters' melee abilities are low. When melee combat begins, many casters are stronger than many warrior-like heroic spirits.

For example, Cú Chulainn, as a Lancer, could not defeat the red A on the set of the Holy Grail due to various reasons. He could be replaced by a caster with a low ability value, but he could rely on the Rune Strengthening, Mad Dog Staff and Wood Escape. The stunt double, in a rare moment, defeated his old enemy Red A on the set of Futama Dog.

So, Wang Jiang, why don’t you understand? It’s not that you are not good at fighting, but that you have chosen the wrong class, but Wang Jiang’s favorite class is Lancer.

"I'll catch you, girl——"

Under the blessing of the spell, Kotamamo exploded with super high-level speed. She looked at Luvia who was right in front of her with a smile, and then kicked out at high speed with her long legs wearing blue knee socks.

In desperation, Luvia only had time to use the magic seal to use strengthening magic, and then folded her hands on her chest to forcefully block Tamamo's continuous leg sweeps.

Luvia should be glad that she is not a male, otherwise the attack Kotamamo used would not be such a normal attack, but the legendary secret of pride - the polygamy castration punch.

A dozen eggs! Beat the eggs again! Confess to me! This is the final blow of beating the eggs——

This is the so-called Polygamy Castration Fist. Just hearing it is enough to cause men to suffer great damage from special attacks.

"Blonde double bits!"

Tohsaka Rin, who wanted to save the scene, ran over before he could. Then he saw Luvia being kicked out by Tamamo Mae.

And it looked like he was seriously injured. I don't know if his hands were broken.

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