"Even the Star-Made Holy Sword can be projected?"

Tamamo Mae, who had survived from an earlier era before the Age of Gods, naturally recognized curry sticks. The story of the first generation of Holy Swordsmen saving the world was not too far away in Tamamo Mae's memory.

"The name of the most powerful holy sword?"

"Only Master Xuanyuan is worthy..."

At this time, Kotamamo, who had unintentionally committed a black history, also completed the skill countdown, and huge magic bullets with various attributes were floating in the sky.

"Marriage Fraud Execution Cannon (Cracking the Great Barrier of Eternal Life· Yu Bengtian)!"

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi prefers to call this move 'Gaia Energy Cannon'.

Then, as the last fire-attribute magic ball with a diameter of a hundred meters hit the golden light that had been blocked and could not move forward, the entire subspace exploded violently, and even gradually collapsed as a result.


"Oops, this mirror space is starting to collapse."

Sapphire said anxiously:

"If we don't leave in time, we may be exiled to the imaginary space with the collapse of the subspace, and we will never be able to go back!"

"But Illya——"

Miyu tried hard to open her eyes, but the explosion caused by Kotamamo's ultimate move was too strong. Even from a distance of more than a thousand meters, she was still unable to open her eyes due to the strong light produced by the explosion.

"It doesn't matter--"

Grandpa Mo Yi's body emitted white light, and he returned to his human form for the first time in a long time. He waved his hand and said:

"You leave here first, and leave Illya to me."

After that, he disappeared from everyone's eyes.

When Grandpa Mo Yi went to Ilia's side, she was still holding on to the "Seven Layers of Blazing Sky Circle" that was about to break, and she looked like she was about to faint.

"Are you... Dabai?"

Illya, who was semi-conscious and holding on, looked sideways at Mo Yi who suddenly appeared next to her, and subconsciously called out the name of Grandpa Mo Yi in her heart.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Damn it, I've turned back to my human form. Can you politely call me Onii-chan?

Forget it, this is not the time to care about this matter. Mo Yi also saw through Illya's current state. At this time, she had red pupils on one side and gold on the other. It was obviously two personalities supporting her at the same time, so she could barely hold on, but that With only one petal left, the lotus shield obviously couldn't hold on anymore.

The Gaia energy cannon used by Kotamamo is originally a move that simulates the sun. The impact and damage caused by nuclear fusion is a continuously damaging move.

Mo Yi held Ilia with one hand, letting her fall down, and placed the other hand on the lotus shield, complaining:

"Illya, there is another Illya. Remember to call me Onii-chan next time we meet."

"It turns out, Onii-chan, you discovered it."

Obviously it was another Illya (Xiao Hei) who was speaking now. The situation was really bad, but Xiao Hei was extremely happy and said with a bright smile:

"That's great...Onii-chan, you should have left with Miyu and the others. This is the center of the explosion..."

"I'm not the Ilia from another parallel world you mentioned..."

"Ilia, that's Ilia, what are you confused about?"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Ilia who had half-closed eyes in a funny way and said:

"Compared to the Illya of this world, the character of Illya in my world is more similar to yours. It would be better to say that she is you when you grow up."

"After all, you have the same childhood..."

"It turns out you know everything."

The last petal couldn't hold on anymore, but Xiao Hei didn't seem to notice, and said happily:

"If I could come out early and realize Onii-chan..."

"It's not too late to get to know each other—"

Xiao Hei felt a warm and vital magic power pouring into his dry body, and his whole body became energetic. Of course, the same feeling was also felt by Ilia, who was about to pass out.

"To commemorate our first meeting, I will teach you a new defensive magic."

"Although the Lotus Shield is good, its defensive power is still not enough when faced with attacks from non-thrown objects, especially energy impact attacks."

Immediately, Xiao Hei and Illya discovered that the lotus shield that was about to break began to deform after being injected with an unknown magic power, and soon turned into a large shield in the shape of a cross.

"Remember the flow and structure of magic—"

Mo Yi said to Ilia:

"The true name of this shield is——"

"The still distant ideal city (Lord Camelot)!"

Immediately, the two Ilia felt that their consciousness was driven by Mo Yi's magic power and integrated into the large shield in front of them that looked very ordinary but gave them incomparable safety.

"This is?"

Xiao Tamamo, who had turned away from the explosion and was about to leave the subspace that was about to collapse, discovered something was wrong and the flames and explosion were contained.

Turning around, she saw an illusory, ancient, and majestic city standing in front of her. The subsequent power of the Gaia energy cannon was absorbed by this unknown city, and the collapse of the subspace was slowed down.

"You guys really gave me a lot of unexpected surprises, lovely girl."

School girl, why have you locked yourself out again?

Chapter 394: The kissing madman Xiao Heijiang appears!

"Are you awake?"

Feeling weak all over, Illya opened her eyes with great difficulty, and saw an unfamiliar face looking at her from the side.

"Huh? Where are you? Who are you?"

After that, his mind began to recall what happened before he fell into coma.

It seems that he and Tohsaka Rin and others went to solve the class card, and then met two servants, Kiyohime and Tamamoae, and then solved Kiyohime with great difficulty, but Tamamoae's strength later was beyond his imagination.

Myself, what happened behind me?

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