Ai Aotian, who discovered Xiao Tamamo's current situation, did not stop beating him, but changed other effects.

"With this punch, you have half a chance to return to your original shape."

"With this punch, there's half a chance you'll cry."

"With this punch, you have half a chance to turn from darkness to light."

"With this punch, you have half a chance..."

Then, after a minute-long beating with small fists, Xiao Tamamo directly changed back to the one-tailed state, lying on the ground, holding Ai Aotian's thigh and crying.

"Ouch, it hurts..."

"Tamamo wants to go home~~"


After feeling that the fight was almost done, Shatiao Aige clapped her hands and showed a cute look to Mo Yi asking for credit:

"Teacher, Ai Ge has completed the task, please sign for it!"

Looking at Xiao Tamamo who was holding Ai Ge's thigh and crying non-stop, pitiful and helpless but capable of crying, Grandpa Mo Yi felt a lot for a moment. He couldn't help but wonder, who was at fault for teaching quantum mechanics to Lu Ge? ?

In the past, the most Lu Ge could do was tear off the opponent's hand. How could he be so cruel like now, beating the opponent until he doubted his life, even if he cried, he wouldn't stop.

As Shred Rake said, the seats for happiness are limited. When someone is happy, someone must be unhappy.

At the same time that he changed the fate of Sajo Aika, Tamamo Kotamamo, who was supposed to transform into a nine-tailed demon fox, ended up with such a miserable end.

"Ai Ge, you did a great job."

Feelings are feelings, as long as the unfortunate people are not you and the people you care about.

Grandpa Mo Yi generously gave Ai Aotian a slap on the head and praised:

"He is indeed (one of) my proudest students."

"Hey hey hey——"

Ai Ge didn't dislike Mo Yi because he messed with her hair like a child. On the contrary, she was very happy. When she went back, she would probably take out a little girl named 'Ai Ge's Struggle' hidden under her skirt. In this book, check the item above in the Five-Year Plan, "Teacher's 100th Headshot Killing".

"Teacher, I'm going back then."

"Otherwise, there will be no one to take care of the teacher's body, and I will have to rush back to make dinner."

"Also, don't come home too late from playing, otherwise I will be angry."

After that, he shook his fist at Grandpa Mo Yi, and then turned into photons and dissipated with a sly smile.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

In fact, I really don’t need anyone to take special care of me.

Forget it, I hope my body can still withstand it and I can carry it until the day when I can completely take over the root cause and go home.

After Ai Aotian returned home, the forced special effects on Xiao Tamamo also officially disappeared, and she could finally stop crying and her voice was almost hoarse.

"Speaking of which, Tamamo-chan, do you want to hand over the class card first, then tell us what you know, and then turn to the bright side?"

Grandpa Mo Yi clenched his fists, looked kindly at Tamamo Mae who finally stood up and said:

"Or, after taking this punch from me, hand over your class card, honestly tell me what you know, and then surrender?!"

After seeing Grandpa Mo Yi clenching his fist, Xiao Tamamo couldn't help but tremble, as if he saw a blond devil standing behind him.

Chapter 398: Girl’s Daily Life with Lily


Illya was about to sneak out when she was stopped by the family's nanny Sera.


Illya turned her neck very stiffly to the back, looked at Saira who looked anxious, and said with embarrassment as if she was pulling her cheeks apart with both hands:

"I just wanted to go to Meiyoujia to borrow a reference book, and I'll be back soon."

Sierra: "..."

Sera, who is strict, has always been strict with Shirou Emiya, her adopted son. What kind of unknown story does this contain?

It’s hard to say.

Sera was very doting and gentle towards Illya.

She had never thought about homework. After being reminded by Illya, Sera suddenly remembered that she hadn't checked Illya's homework for a long time.

The most important thing is that Irisviel, the real mistress of the Emiya family, will go home. With the other party's furious driving speed, she might be back in the evening or tomorrow morning.

It seems that before Madam comes back, it is necessary to check Illya's study status carefully, so as not to betray Madam's trust in her.

The family has already lost a maid, Li JieLiTe, who does nothing but increase her workload.

Now, the important responsibility of taking care of the entire Emiya family can only be placed on himself. He cannot relax even a little bit and let his wife down!

No, there are more important things now.

"Illya, do you know where Dabai went?"

With a trace of exhaustion and longing that could not be hidden on her face, Sera asked:

"I won't see Baymax for the next few days."

Because I couldn’t find a Dabai brand pillow in the past few days, I finally managed to cure the serious disorder caused by excessive stress. However, in the past two days, because the medicine ‘Dabai’ was gone, my insomnia recurred and became even more serious.

Sera, who feels that she will soon die from insomnia without Baymax, will only actively search for the missing Baymax?

Illya: "..."

Sera, Baymax is not a pet, but a human being!

However, there is absolutely no way that Illya can say such words. Let’s not talk about whether Sera believes it or not. Even if she believes it, wouldn’t the trouble be even greater?

It seemed that he, the one who brought Dabai into his home, was also an accomplice, well, an accomplice in deceiving Sera's feelings.

As for Dabai, no, the question of where Grandpa Mo Yi is now has to mention the luxurious villa in front of his home.

The other side of the Emiya family was originally a wasteland, but a week ago, it was suddenly bought by someone.

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