
Ilia, who suddenly heard such a secret about her surname, couldn't accept it and said in disbelief;

"Xiao Hei, are you saying that my mother and I are both artificial humans!?"

"if not?"

After Xiao Hei, who had black lines all over his head, didn't know how to complain, the other party's focus was a bit distorted.

"Do you think there are really people with silver hair and red eyes in this world? There aren't any in Germany anyway!"


After being beaten by Xiaohei Shi, Illya was very unhappy and muttered worriedly;

"Then will Ilia 2 and Ilia 3 appear in the future, kill me secretly, and then replace me and become the real Ilia?"

"It turns out that I am not dad's biological daughter, woo woo (┭┮﹏┭┮)..."

Xiaohei: "..."

Damn Aqua——

When I was in elementary school, I watched cruel magical girls and blockbusters like "The Seventh Day" and "Escape from Clone Island"!

Grandpa Mo Yi had to make some mistakes for cutting the silk, so that you are always wandering in foreign countries. After Ilia heard that she was an artificial human, her first thought was, you are not her biological father, so you can see through it. Problem.

This is not a problem that has existed for a long time, otherwise it would not be the first thing that comes to mind.

Seeing that Ilia was about to scream, Grandpa Mo Yi quickly explained:

"Illya, you think too much."

"Your mother Irisviel is a pure artificial human, similar to the clone you imagined."

"And you are your parents' biological daughter. It's just that you started making various magic adjustments when you were still in Irisviel's belly."

"So, Emiya Kiritsugu is indeed your biological father."

"That's good."

Listen, Ilya breathed a sigh of relief. She finally didn't have to worry about Little Red Riding Hood being kicked out of the house one day, then lighting her glass slippers to keep warm, and finally freezing to death on the street.

Has anyone ever wondered, since Illya is an android and looks just like Irisviel?

So, is she Shred Harrow's biological daughter?

If so, why can't I inherit any appearance characteristics?

This is not biological at all!

Chapter 400: Xiao Hei: Encountered at the corner——

"Ilia, you idiot, get away from me!"

Xiao Hei very irritably lifted up the beautiful Ilia and put it aside, and then looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with starry eyes filled with admiration and yearning, like a husky eager to be hugged by its owner, and said ;

"Onii-chan, hurry up——"

"I want to see the third method!"

For Xiao Hei, he was instilled by the Einzbern family from the moment he was born. The purpose of existence is to achieve the Holy Grail and obtain the complete version of the Third Method.

Although for so many years, because she was imprisoned in Illya's body and treated the world with Illya's vision, she slowly grew up and gradually normalized her three views, the knowledge and thoughts that were instilled in her mind many years ago, It still lingers in her mind and becomes her obsession to welcome a new life.

Otherwise, Shredder and Irisviel would choose to directly seal the memory personality to correct Illya's wrong thinking. In fact, the Einzbern family's artificial human technology is the best in the world, and it is like instilling knowledge at birth. The brainwashing technology has also reached the point where it cannot be changed.

Even if the artificial humans of the Einzbern family are captured, they will not make any surrender unless it is beneficial to the realization of their long-cherished wish for hundreds of years.

Now, how could Xiao Hei bear it when he heard the "Third Method" that had been stuck in his mind for many years.

If this obsession is realized, Xiao Hei might be able to truly unlock the soul and embrace a new life of his own!

"Well, take it off then."

Since the other party was so anxious, Grandpa Mo Yi did not continue to lie and said directly.


After saying that, Xiao Hei put his hands on the hem of his clothes without any doubt.


The confused Illya reacted, hugged Xiao Hei from behind, and shouted:

"Xiao Hei, what are you doing! We are still children!"

In Illya's mind, Xiao Hei is another self. If Xiao Hei takes off her clothes, doesn't it mean she takes off her clothes?

How will I behave in the future?

"Babai, you are too impure!"


Grandpa Mo Yi showed a smile that showed he had succeeded in teasing, and said hypocritically:

"I'm just asking Xiao Hei to reveal his dantian, where is the best place to materialize his soul."

"So that's the case--"

Illya realized it and said sheepishly:

"I'm sorry, Dabai, I misunderstood you."

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said:

"Although Ilia always misunderstands me, I am a good person and of course I choose to forgive you!"

After seeing the other party forgive herself so easily, Illya blushed and said:

"Babai, I won't do it next time."

Of course, the naive Ilia still didn't realize the truth that she had been tricked by Grandpa Mo Yi again. Even the subtle looks from around her didn't make her wake up. They just made her feel embarrassed, thinking that everyone else was blaming her. She casually accused Grandpa Mo Yi of this matter.

So, he quickly changed the topic and said:

"By the way, where is Dantian?"

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