However, Tohsaka Rin suddenly thought of a question - the other party directly bought him a swimsuit that conformed to his aesthetics and had the correct size. Didn't it just prove his previous conjecture?

The other party knows his size and depth very well! !

————The dividing line where this woman finally goes crazy——————

After teasing Tohsaka Rin, Grandpa Mo Yi lay comfortably on the beach and enjoyed sunbathing.


"Babai, Dabai, don't sleep. Miyu has something to ask you."

Grandpa Mo Yi had just slept for a short time when Ilia woke him up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that it was the lolita team of Illya, Miyu and Xiaohei.

"Is there anything you need my help with?"

Grandpa Mo Yi was still very patient when it came to Lolita, and he sat up directly and asked.

"That——, I think——"

Miyu, who was pushed up by Illya, asked tangledly:

"I want to know more about my Onii-chan."

"Please, brother Mo Yi!"

After saying that, he bowed deeply to Mo Yi. It could be seen that she was very nervous and flustered now.

"No problem at all--"

Naturally, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't be bothered by such trivial matters, but it was hard to say exactly what he wanted to say. After thinking about it, Mo Yi projected a laptop computer.

"Then let me watch the show. This will explain it more clearly!"

After that, turn on the computer and turn on the player.

Miyu and others also knew what it was, so they gathered around and looked at the computer screen.

The first picture that appeared was the movie subtitle - Magical Girl Illya.


Illya looked at Mo Yi in surprise and said:

"Baymax, is this about my name??!"


Grandpa Mo Yi stretched out his hand and ravaged the other party's head, retaliating for the other party's "Dabai" behavior that he had not corrected over and over again, and said:

"I animated a story from a similar parallel world."

"And this story, I call it "Magic Girl Illya", it tells the story of Illya and you solving the class cards."

"However, this story does not involve Goetia, and the development of our current parallel world is slightly different."


Although she didn't understand what Grandpa Mo Yi said, Ilia was very excited when she saw her story turned into the cartoon she usually watched. She sat excitedly in front of the screen, ready to appreciate her majestic appearance. .

"Since the name is "Magical Girl Illya", that means I am the protagonist!"

Thinking of this, Illya was very excited and pulled Xiao Hei and showed off:

"Xiao Hei, I am the protagonist!"

Xiaohei: "..."

Seeing Illya looking so arrogant, Xiao Hei felt like he wanted to hit someone.


I am the real Illya. Is it unclear whether the magical girl Illya in it refers to me?

Blackie was very unhappy. After thinking about it, he found an opportunity to ask his favorite Onii-chan to make a cartoon "Magical Girl Blackie" in which he was the protagonist to slap Illya in the face.

Since she is so cute, Onii-chan will definitely be willing to do it!

Of course, Illya is still too naive, because what Grandpa Mo Yi showed was not the main film of "Magical Girl Illya", but the theatrical version of "The Oath Under the Snow". The entire theatrical version was about Miyu and Emiya The story of the Titan lasts until the end, and we can even see Illya appearing for nearly half a minute in the movie version of Magical Girl Illya!

Compared to the theatrical version of "Magical Girl Illya", Grandpa Mo Yi prefers to call this theatrical version "The Legend of Emiya", and "The Legend of Emiya" once again proves a truth, that is, the distance from Saber is better The further away, the stronger Emiya Shirou's combat effectiveness becomes!

You can tell one thing or two from fate stay.

In the Fate line, Emiya Shirou picked up King Da Mao, so Jin Shining was beaten until he looked like a human. In the end, he reluctantly beat Father Mapo to avenge his father.

In Rin's line, although Rin is the real heroine, King Daimao is still the well-deserved second heroine, so Emiya Shirou chopped off Jin Shining's hand.

In Sakura Line, not long after King Momo appeared on the scene, Shirou Emiya, who lost the protection of Saber, had to transform into Hero Emiya and go to the line to fight hand-to-hand with the heroic spirits. In the end, he chopped Black Momo to death with his own hands and beheaded Grail-chan.

In addition, in "The Legend of Emiya Daishi", King Da Mao did not even appear, so Emiya Shirou transformed into the Hero of Emiya, single-handedly challenged all the servants, fought through the Holy Grail War in one night, and faced EA without dying. .

It is fully proved that King Daimao is the limiter of Emiya Shirou's combat power.

"Is this Miyu? So cute——"

Soon, the three of them were addicted to cartoons.

"Is this daddy?"

"And brother?"

As the cartoon progresses, Illya and Xiao Hei feel that they have been opened up to a new world.

It turns out that Meiyou is herself in the parallel world! !

Even my father and Onii-chan are the same!

Of course, this sense of surprise in discovering a treasure gradually disappears as the story develops, and turns into a heavy sense of depression.

After all, "The Legend of Emiya" can be said to be a tragedy!

Hero Emiya, who wanted to be a partner of justice, wandered between his sister and justice, and finally lost everything to save his sister.

Especially when they saw the scene where Sakura Matou lost herself to Hero Emiya, the three of them couldn't help crying.

And Illya remembered that her brother in this world also had a school girl named Matou Sakura?

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