"Hey, it's me!"

As the main film started to air, Illya and others were gradually attracted by the picture.

Seeing her cute appearance crawling out of bed in her pajamas and disheveled clothes, Illya was almost shocked!

It's obviously a cartoon, shouldn't it be from Zi Gongxiang?

Why do you feel so ashamed?

This is not the same as the heroine I imagined, Kou Ya!

"No, don't read it!"

Ilya, who was full of shame, subconsciously wanted to cover her laptop to prevent others from seeing her full of benefits.

Not to mention, there was Grandpa Mo Yi who was full of interest, watching and commenting at the same time.

But, how could Xiao Hei get his wish from Ilia!

Just when Ilya was about to take action, a cross block appeared behind Illya and grabbed Illya's hands to prevent Illya from doing something outrageous.

Xiao Hei: Let you be proud and let you be the heroine!

Illya, who was under control, could only plead with her ally Miyu with tears in her eyes, but Miyu had been attracted by Illya's various cute and silly looks on the screen. After struggling for a while, she turned into a traitor. , continue to watch Illya act cute.

"This is not me!"

Illya shouted while struggling feebly:

"Also, Baymax, you are not allowed to look!!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "??"

It's so real. How can any boy let go of the benefits that are presented to him?

Seeing Illya's face flushed and about to cry with shame, Grandpa Mo Yi decided to add insult to injury.

With a very mean look, he said:

"But, I made all these cartoons——"

Illya: "..."


After realizing it, Illya didn't need Xiao Hei's control. She was as stiff as a stone. She could even see that she was about to crack from above.

Grandpa Mo Yi continued:

"Actually, being summoned as a Servant is just my hobby to pass the time. My real profession is a creator, and "Magical Girl Illya" was my proud work not long ago."

"In my world, many people like this work."

"After reading it, countless people will leave messages: Illya is the cutest in the world. I, my wife, Illya, have to find a way to win over you. In this case."

"Illya, you are a big star!"

"Are you surprised, are you surprised?!"


The originally noisy beach was silenced by a sharp lolita scream.

————The dividing line between watching pornographic movies————

After watching pornographic films with Ilia and others for an unknown amount of time, Mo Yi was suddenly pulled from behind.

Looking back, it turned out to be Miss Tohsaka Rin, whom I had teased before.

"You, come here with me."

Although he didn't know what was going on, he would never suffer a loss, so Mo Yi followed the other party.

"What's the matter?"

"Well, I have a gracious request, I want you to help me."

I don't know if it's because of what happened before, but the way Tohsaka Rin talks to Mo Yi now will never go back to the natural look he had at the beginning.

"Since I know it's heartless——"

Grandpa Mo Yi subconsciously wanted to tell the correct answer, but luckily he held back in the end.

It's like someone telling you How are you?

As a good student who has experienced nine years of compulsory education, the natural reflection that has formed in my mind is——

I’m fine, thanks, and you?

Grandpa Mo Yi stopped the car, coughed and said:

"As a spirited successor of Lei Feng in the new era, I am eager to do justice and willing to help others. I like the most gracious invitation to help others!"

Tohsaka Rin: "..."

Don't think that I don't know. What you wanted to say before was - since you know it's an unkind invitation, don't say it!

However, after seeing Grandpa Mo Yi change his mind so quickly, Tohsaka Rin became more and more convinced of his previous bold guess!

Otherwise, why should the other party help him without mercy?

There are many things that you know, but you can't tell them.

Just like now, Miss Tohsaka Rin is not so stupid to tell the truth. If she doesn't tell the truth, she can pretend that she doesn't know anything. If she tells the truth, she might be caught and used to block the wife from another world.

"Well, what is the spirit of Lei Feng in the new era?"

Miss Tohsaka Rin had no choice but to deflect questions stiffly.

"This question is very complicated. It's as long as a piece of cloth, so let's just skip it."

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said:

"Is there anything you need my help with?"

Following Tohsaka Rin's narration, Grandpa Mo Yi quickly understood.

Gudazi, who got rich because of a rain of holy crystal stones, naturally wanted to make ten waves in a row.

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