"Rin, you misunderstood."

How could he be on a dog leash when he was so handsome and slutty?

Grandpa Mo Yi explained:

"I'm not dead."

"My real body is trapped in a small dark room. I can only leave after unlocking the questions others left for me."

"But it took a long time, so I logged into the Hall of Valor and used the Servant Clone to go to other parallel worlds to relax. After all, being locked up in a small dark room for a long time and high-intensity work can drive people crazy. "

The small dark room has now been occupied by Shajo Aige and transformed into a cozy cabin. Even though there is Noge around him who is determined to become a full-time student, trying to change his job from a student to a teacher's wife, and takes care of himself 24 hours a day, it has still changed. At the root is the fact that it is a dark room.

"How can such a thing be possible-"

As a magician, Tohsaka Rin was shocked by Mo Yi's answer.

Listening to the other party's words, invading the Heroic Sea system that maintains the operation of the world, and creating a clone to send to other worlds to play is as simple as turning on the computer when you are bored and playing a lot.

"I mean, this is too exaggerated."

"Actually, there are quite a few people who can do it."

Naturally, Grandpa Mo Yi could not say, yes, I am so awesome. Appropriate modesty can make men look more confident and restrained. In many cases, this is better than those of the recently popular protagonists with big devil characters, who are all kinds of forceful. Pretending is more deadly.


Although it is difficult to accept, Rin Tohsaka has encountered so many things that are difficult to accept these days. Just like sex, the sudden change is uncomfortable at first, but it is not quite comfortable after getting used to it.

What's more, in the end when you get used to it, you may feel nothing at all, and even want to take a handful of the king pesticide.

"We ordinary people can't understand the world of the boss."

In fact, what Tohsaka Rin really wanted to ask was not this question, but the bold guess before, the cohabitation issue that Grandpa Mo Yi had raised before.

Is it driving with a license or driving without a license? Bah, should it be a pure good friend or a pure relationship between a man and a woman.

In addition, she has another thing that bothers her——

"Illya in your world really has that kind of relationship with you?"

Grandpa Mo Yi "..."

Tohsaka Rin's sudden question made Grandpa Mo Yi's eyes become strange. Could the other party have ill intentions towards him?

This is not possible!

As the saying goes, out of ten long-distance lovers, nine will kneel down, and one will lick her until there is nothing left.

Even a thousand messages can't bring lovers who are far apart from each other even one centimeter closer. They can only know whether they are warm or cold. It is not only the physical distance that becomes farther, but also the two hearts that are difficult to get close to.

More importantly, there is already a well-trained Tohsaka Rin in the original world. If there is another one, it will not be a duplicate of attributes. There are not many beds in the Emiya family.

"That's right, it's just what you thought-"

Mo Yi disdains lying.

Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but think of various ways of making fun of Illya and showing her cuteness, and she felt very complicated.

I never thought that I in another world would be such a person!

Although she knew that this was her own business in another world, Miss Tohsaka Rin still couldn't suppress the curiosity in her heart and the girl's thoughts that she didn't understand, and asked tactfully:

"Didn't you say that I live in your house?"


Mo Yi said with a normal expression:

"You all live together."


Tohsaka Rin never expected that this would be such a fact, although this kind of thing is not a strange thing in the world of magicians where decadent aristocracy prevails.

After all, the two things that magicians value most are pursuing the roots, and passing on the desire to pursue further to the next generation, until there are descendants who can reach the roots.

Magic is a matter of bloodline talent. Talent determines the height, while inheritance determines the width.

Therefore, there is no such thing as family planning, eugenics and good nutrition, and having only one wife or one husband.

The only way to pass on the magician family is to cast a wide net, just like raising a puppy with a good bloodline, and select the best one with a high probability.

Otherwise, why did the ancient emperors have three palaces and six courtyards? Don’t they know the principle of forcibly destroying something into ashes?

All this is to give birth to a descendant with the best bloodline and pass on the inheritance for eternity.

I understand, but Tohsaka Rin, who has been educated by ordinary people since childhood, really can't accept this kind of thing.


After Tohsaka Rin glanced at Grandpa Mo Yi with a complicated expression, the two fell into an awkward silence again, staring intently at Chaldea and others' special-effects beach volleyball battle.

After several minutes, it was finally Mo Yi and Tohsaka Rin's turn to play, and their opponents happened to be Luvia and her butler.

Who would believe that this is a coincidence?

"Rin, how long has it been since we had a formal duel?"

Luvia looked at Tohsaka Rin with fighting spirit and said provocatively:

"Do you dare to have a passionate duel with me?"

"Hmph——, I haven't taught you a lesson for so long, and you're starting to drift off again."

Tohsaka Rin, who was in a daze, suddenly became energetic after hearing Luvia's provocation.

What do you think about another parallel world?

It is more important to teach Golden Double Diamond a lesson!

"Mo Yi, I will attack later."

After hearing Tohsaka Rin say this to Mo Yi, Luvia laughed wildly in her heart——

Rin, you are still too naive.

I deliberately provoked you so that you can take the initiative to fight me, so that you don't have to worry about the most feared rider, Mo Yi.

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