Arthur's expression was very serious. It didn't look like he was talking to an old friend at all. However, a character set by a knight like this has always been like this. He always looked serious. On a petite girl like Mao Wang who is full of anti-cuteness, she is naturally cute. If she puts it on a prince charming like Arthur, it can only be said to be very boring for a steely straight man like Grandpa Mo Yi.

"Ayaka is preparing to enter high school recently, and I continue to carry out the mission of chasing evil."

Arthur stared at himself and said this, knowing clearly that the evil the other party was talking about was someone else, but it made Mo Yi feel that the person the other party was talking about was his own illusion.

Could it be that the other party did it on purpose?

Otherwise, why would I just go out for a walk and be met by the other party again?

How could a righteous partner like himself be evil? !

It seems that the last lesson was not profound enough, Arthur started to drift again.

"Ai Ge misses Ayaka very much. We will go back to see you when we have time."

In fact, Lu Ge never expressed that he missed his sister at all. How could such a thing as sister control happen to Ai Aotian, who had no affection?

Listening to the conversation between Mo Yi and the Saber he had just summoned, Gudazi couldn't help but become curious and asked:

"You guys know each other?"

"We met in a certain Holy Grail War, Master."

Arthur said something awkwardly.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi didn’t need to worry so much and joked:

"Arthur is my future brother-in-law."

Arthur: "..."

What a god brother-in-law!

After the Holy Grail War, although under the reshaping of Grandpa Mo Yi, Sajo Ayaka's world line has undergone tremendous changes, the fate of all participants in the Holy Grail War has been redeemed, such as Sajo Ayaka and Reilongkan Misaya Both parents were resurrected.

But they still retained the memory of the Holy Grail War. By coincidence, Arthur knew that the reason why he was targeted in various ways was that Grandpa Mo Yi was behind it.

Does anyone target their brother-in-law like this?

That said, it seems like this is the norm.

After all, the sister-in-law is the brother-in-law, so the brother-in-law who steals cabbage is naturally an enemy worth fighting.

Thinking back to Arthur, not only the previous memories, made Arthur feel very painful.

On the first mission after the honeymoon, I met this guy Mo Yi. After all, he had been unlucky for several lifetimes.

"What, you actually have such a relationship?!"

Gudazi and Ma Xiu were very surprised and said:

"But isn't Arthur the King Arthur of another world?"

"And Guinevere—?"


Gudazi wanted to continue, but was interrupted by Ma Xiu.

Regarding the legend of King Arthur, Queen Guinevere is obviously a big black spot, simply a green light legend that will last forever.

This is something that a man cannot tolerate!

Matthew naturally reminded Gudazi not to mention Guinevere.

"Uh, sorry, Saber."

Gudazi also reacted and apologized.

This apology made Arthur even more embarrassed, especially Grandpa Mo Yi's evil smile.

The other party was the guy who stabbed Lu Ge in the back, so it was impossible to forgive him.

Arthur smiled slightly reluctantly:

"I have now found my true love."

"What happened in the past doesn't matter anymore."

Of course, even Matthew could tell that Arthur's words were false.

Regarding the matter of Guinevere, the attitudes of Arthur and King Da Mao are very different.

The stupid king felt guilty. He was a girl, but he took possession of a beauty like Guinevere, and could not give her happiness. Therefore, after learning that Guinevere was in love with his old father, Lancelot, he took a laissez-faire approach. Artesian, pretending not to know.

Guinevere was eventually executed because she was pushed away by other Knights of the Round Table.

King Dai Mao, in a more sense, is a king in a symbolic sense. In response to the wishes of the people, the people decided to execute his wife. To satisfy the people, King Dai Mao had no choice but to make such a decision.

Arthur, on the other hand, wanted to kill Lancelot, the guy who seduced his second sister-in-law.

In contrast, Arthur is more like a real king than the stupid king, rather than a clay doll who was shaped by the people and pushed to the throne of god.

Chapter 418: Don’t do anything, I’m an ally!

After everyone's efforts to explore, they found a magically twisted subspace that night. But to everyone's helplessness, the location where this subspace was generated happened to be underwater.

Although Illya and the people of Chaldea are very cruel, they have not yet reached the point of exaggerated evil forces like creating mountains when they meet mountains or dividing seas when they meet.

In the end, Luvia used her money ability to summon several construction teams to dig holes from the beach, directly to the location of the magic anomaly.

Although the construction team burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm under the power of money, it was not something that could be done in a day or two.

So, everyone stayed at the beach resort in Fuyuki City, having fun for a few days, waiting for the construction team to dig the hole before taking action.

The third night——

In the past few days, the trio of Illya, Xiao Hei and Miyu Loli didn't go out to play much, leaving many lolita fans waiting on the beach to lose sight of the cute sight of loli playing in the water.

All this happened because "Magic Girl Illya" was playing on the laptop that Mo Yi took out.

Illya and others were naturally very interested in watching the cartoon in which they were the protagonists. They stayed in the apartment watching cartoons these days.

Sometimes they make slapstick noises, and sometimes they smile like pigs.

Among them, Illya herself is the most important. After all, Illya is the person in charge of complaining in "Magical Girl Illya", and she has taken over all the complaining staff on the set who need to complain.

It's a pity that Illya's profession is a magical girl. If she were to complain about Superman, with her powerful complaining ability, her complaining energy could easily blow up Mother Earth several times.

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