"O sad dragon that doesn't know love, this is it. Like a shooting star!"

Then an evil dragon that looked like a turtle appeared in front of Martha. Martha hit the dragon with all her strength, and the dragon suddenly turned into a meteor and hit Gilgamesh.

Jin Shining: "..."

Why don't you give people a chance to speak? Hun Dan! !

PS: The script of Jin Shining Shan has already been written, so the next chapter will omit the battle plot in which he was beaten by the crowd and directly start the plot of Meiyou World.

Chapter 419: Ainsworth duo appears

"Miscellaneous···Miscellaneous repair···"

What can Jin Shining do? He is also very desperate. The other party does not give him an explanation at all.

As soon as they met, a group of followers rushed up to fuck him, without giving him any chance to explain. After a wave of skills, he took out the strongest Noble Phantasm, the Guili Sword, and opened it up.

However, with the shield hero Mashu on the other side, the absolute defense of a "still distant ideal land" made his most proud ultimate move completely blocked.

Fortunately, his purpose was not to kill everyone with amplified moves.

After all, he also has the memory of Chaldea, so of course he knows the defensive capabilities of Chaldea's strongest wall Mashu.

Therefore, his real purpose is to break the barrier between subspace and the real world through the pair of world treasures, the Deviation Sword, and then conduct a wave of tactical transfer.

But even though he had the oldest fighter Vimana, he couldn't escape the pursuit of everyone. In the end, Arthur shot it down with a light cannon and crashed into the large hollow of Yuanzang Mountain.

Although Gudazi is very good at fighting, it is only after she has transformed. In her normal state, she is just an ordinary magician. Chasing fighter jets with her feet is a tiring task.

Fortunately, in the end, Martha ran all the way with her on her back, otherwise she really wouldn't be able to catch up with Gilgamesh who was driving a fighter jet.

After being hit by a curry stick and the plane crashed, Gilgamesh stood up from the hole created by the crash and explosion with a irritable look on his face and wanted to curse. However, he only had time to say "miscellaneous repair", but he was Gudazi complained first:

"Why are you running? Where is the dignity of the Ancient King? If you are a man, just fight us head-on!"

Hearing Gu Dazi's shameless remarks, Jin Shining almost spat out a mouthful of blood. He had never seen such a shameless person.

You guys are trying to challenge me alone. How dare you tell me not to run away and do it head-on? !

I like to ridicule and curse people, but my IQ is not impressive. If I can't do it but don't run away, that's Aqua.

However, Gudazi ignored Jin Pika who was shaking with anger, waved his hand and shouted loudly:

"Strengthen everyone in the name of the Command Seal and destroy him in one go!"

When Gudazi used the command spell to strengthen everyone, Arash's tiger body was shaken. Fortunately, Gudazi continued to say, everyone should use the noble phantom together.

"Pseudo Spiral Sword."

"A sad dragon who doesn't understand love."

"EX——Curry stick!"

Arash: Look at my crazy continuous shooting! Noble Phantasm, what is the Noble Phantasm? How come I didn't know that?

The two magical girls, Illya and Miyu, also used magic cannon attacks with maximum output.

Three minutes later——


There was no chance to explain that he just wanted to have a solo with Grandpa Mo Yi, but the invincible Gilgamesh fell under the crazy output of everyone.

"Damn it, I'll be back-"

After saying that, it turned into a burst of golden light and an Archer class card that slowly landed on the ground.

"After beating the boss, I feel refreshed all over."

Gudazi stretched and said:

"It's a pity that the stingy Gilgamesh didn't even explode a single holy crystal. He is really a useless boss."

After the golden light rained down on the Saint Crystals from Grandpa Mo Yi and Xiao Tamamo, Guda Zi had so many Saint Crystals that he summoned all the followers, but the love for the Saint Crystals was not only a material yearning, but also a material longing. It is too much of life and a spiritual pursuit.

Meiyou also picked up the Archer class card on the ground.

All stories start from it.


When everyone was about to call it a day and go home for midnight snacks, the whole earth began to tremble.


The trio of Grandpa Mo Yi and Illya, who had read the script, looked at the golden light that appeared in front of them and guessed that it should be the arrival of the Ainsworth duo.

"It's the enemy, the Ainsworth family I mentioned before."

Grandpa Mo Yi explained something to those who didn't know yet.

"It turns out they were—"

After Gudazi remembered who it was, he said:

"Everyone is ready to attack."

"The feeling of space transfer is really uncomfortable——"

After the golden light faded, a not-so-pleasant girl's voice came. This was Beatrice, a member of the Eiinsworth family who manipulated the ability of Thor's son Manny's class card. She had a petite body but was unusually strong. A fierce, extremely trembling guy.

"Stop complaining so much, find Princess Miyu quickly, and go back to her life as soon as possible. You don't want Julian to wait too long."

Another sister's voice sounded. This was Angelica Ainsworth, who was once called Niang Shining and finally became Emiya's rich sister-in-law. In addition, she was also the big boss Zhu on the set of Magical Girl Illya. Leanne Ainsworth's biological sister.

"Don't threaten me with Lord Julian, even if you are Lord Julian's sister."

Beatrice said very unhappy.

When the golden light dissipated and the two successfully completed the transfer to the parallel world, when they looked at the other world, they finally discovered something was wrong.

Although they had no trouble finding Miyu, the target of their mission, standing in front of them and glaring at them.

But besides Miyu, there was a group of people standing around holding weapons and waiting for them.

Beatrice, Angelica: "..."

This script doesn't seem right?

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