Grandpa Mo Yi, who has already seen through everything and has a lot of ideological and intellectual issues, naturally doesn't like such a waste of time as traveling.

As the saying goes, my hometown is where my heart is at ease.

How to feel at ease?

A place where there are people you care about and value is your peace of mind.

Ahem, it's not because of the otaku's laziness that he is too lazy to move.

"It was a long journey."

While Grandpa Mo Yi was sighing and speaking, Barthemero Lorelei took action. This was her only chance.

If she had been tricked by someone, thrown into the vortex of the source, and escaped only after a narrow escape, she would definitely not be able to bear it, and she would definitely take revenge on those who attacked her.

Since Grandpa Mo Yi will not let them go, why resist?

Facing Barthemero Lorelei, who was charging toward him with powerful magic power erupting from his body, Mo Yi just stood there, not dodging or dodging, looking at him indifferently.

Bartholomew Lorelei and Grandpa Mo Yi were at close range, and when their eyes met, the thought came to them - Damn it, how dare you look at little Bartholomew.

Obviously, all his sneak attacks fell into the opponent's eyes.

"it's useless--"

The opponent's right fist, which contained the ultimate compression magic power, stopped about a decimeter away from Mo Yi's heart. No matter how hard the opponent exerted force, he could not move even one millimeter.

Grandpa Mo Yi shook his head dejectedly and said:

"I'm no longer in the mood to play with you magicians."

"You are not allowed to have any ideas about Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, and you are not allowed to enter Fuyuki City——"

"Remember what I said, or there will be consequences."

After saying that, Mo Yi exuded an invisible aura. After being swept away by this invisible aura, the magicians fell unconscious one after another.


The one who persisted until the end was Bartholomew Lorelei. She felt extremely humiliated. As the noblest nobleman in the world, Bartholomew, when had she ever suffered such a loss?

Even her father had never spoken to her like this in a tone that was close to an order!

"I will...find you..."

After that, he couldn't hold on any longer and fainted.


Looking at Barthemero Lorelai who fell to the ground, Grandpa Mo Yi complained:

"Yes, A, I'm sorry."

——————The dividing line between beautiful moonlight——————

After taking care of the Barthemero magicians, Grandpa Mo Yi walked back to the apartment leisurely while admiring the moonlight.

Although more than ten years had passed, Grandpa Mo Yi, who had a great memory, still walked back to the apartment easily.

"I'm back--"

Unknowingly, Mo Yi also developed the habit of shouting "I'm back" to his family after returning home. Because it was quiet in the night, this shout was very soft, and no one should hear it except himself.

Saying "I'm back" after returning home is more of a spiritual ritual that allows people to quickly escape from the troubled world outside and return to the "home" where they can isolate themselves from all the troubles of fertilization.

For Mo Yi, he has been away from home for more than ten years. Even though he is having so much fun outside, in the end he is still a wanderer who has been away from home for more than ten years.

Although this is not the Emiya family that holds Mo Yi's most happy memories, it is still the same world.

The time at this moment was probably around two o'clock in the middle of the night. Logically speaking, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia should have rested.


Mo Yi opened the door gently, so as not to make too much noise and disturb others from resting.

After changing into pajamas with one click, Mo Yi opened the quilt and was about to lie down.

Suddenly discovered——

"Why is there a Tohsaka Rin who seems to be sleeping hidden under my quilt?"

Grandpa Mo Yi thought carefully and knocked on the surrounding furnishings to confirm again that this was his room and that he had not gone to the wrong room.


Tohsaka Rin, who was lying there in his pajamas because the quilt was lifted, frowned, then stretched out his hands and groped around, as if looking for the missing quilt.

After groping for a while, Miss Tohsaka Rin still couldn't find the quilt. She opened her eyes in confusion and stood up to see if the quilt had fallen under the bed.

Looking at it this way, it’s——


"Why are you in my room?"

"You can't help it anymore, Mo Yi, you big heitai! Crazy!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Looking at Miss Tohsaka Rin who pulled up the quilt and hugged herself, trying to make herself feel more secure, Grandpa Mo Yi didn't know how to complain for a moment.

No matter how much you cover it up, it’s useless!

For A, it is impossible to become a king, girl.

"My eldest lady, this seems to be my room!"


After hearing Mo Yi's words, Miss Tohsaka Rin, whose eyes were filled with excitement and anticipation, reacted, stopped her performance, and muttered:


Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Tohsaka Rin funny and complained in his heart, girl, you are still too naive.

I just saw the excitement and anticipation in your eyes!

Hum, I won't act according to the script of "The Daily Life of the Tosaka Family", am I, Mo Yi, that kind of person? !

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