Unexpectedly, the other party's thoughts were so delicate. Grandpa Mo Yi did not hide anything. On the one hand, it was not necessary and everyone knew it. On the other hand, the relationship between himself and the other party had become more and more complicated during this short journey of being alone in a foreign country. Being clearer and more honest is the most appropriate way to get along.

"Things are almost done."

"It's time to go back."

Tohsaka Rin was not surprised by such an answer. The other party quietly followed her, which was beyond her expectation. Tohsaka Rin, who had avoided the other party at first and chose to study abroad, was deeply moved.

If you hesitate, you will lose!

After these days of thinking, Miss Tohsaka Rin is no longer confused, she understands the true thoughts in her heart, and she no longer has the idea of ​​avoiding Mo Yi.

I do have different feelings for the other person!

After figuring out her true thoughts, Tohsaka Rin let herself go a little bit during the time she spent with Grandpa Mo Yi. She no longer suppressed her inner thoughts. She could laugh when she wanted to, cry when she wanted to, and just relax when she felt tired. tired.

In such a foreign country, far away from the group of competitive girls in Fuyuki City, life was very happy.

However, no matter how happy the day is, it must come to an end. No matter how hard you pretend not to know, and try your best to enjoy every such beautiful day, it is almost coming to an end.

Mo Yi has been here with her for a long time. Miss Tohsaka Rin doesn't know that Grandpa Mo Yi has been traveling in other worlds for more than ten years during this period.

If we stay any longer, those guys in Fuyuki City will really explode as they promised, and then form a group to catch a certain playboy.

There is not much time left for Miss Tohsaka Rin!

Thinking of recent experiences, Miss Tohsaka Rin's hatred for a certain golden drill became even more serious. If she hadn't been a lightbulb monster who always jumped out of the grass, she might have expanded her victory several times.

How could he not even break third base!

After Grandpa Mo Yi responded that it was time to go back, the atmosphere between the two became silent again.

Miss Tosaka Rin was complaining about Luvia who was always disrupting the situation, and thinking about how to expand the results of the battle. Grandpa Mo Yi was thinking about how to remind the other party that this is his room, and the pillow the other party is holding is for him to sleep on. Pillow, she didn't go back and didn't speak. She was so embarrassed.

If Grandpa Mo Yi knew what the other party was thinking at the moment, he would definitely not be able to help but complain. If he had time to spend time alone in such a rare moment, complaining about the past, he might as well take the initiative and expand the results.

"Actually, I have other things I want to tell you-"

After realizing that the atmosphere was getting worse and worse, Miss Tohsaka Rin took a few deep breaths and finally had the courage to execute Plan C that she had been preparing for many days.

If he doesn't take action now, the other party will really go back.

Being in a foreign country, it is not easy to meet the other person before completing his studies.

In this way, the strategy gap between yourself and others will become wider and wider!

How does this work? !

I, Miss Tohsaka Rin, am a coward who passively waits for death.

Miss Tosaka Rin, who had prepared ABC's three perfect plans a long time ago, directly took the most risky and bold plan when she kept smelling Grandpa Mo Yi's breath, which made her head dizzy and her blood rushed to her brain. Decide the outcome!


Mo Yi was quite interested, wondering what else Miss Tohsaka Rin had to say to him in her room so late at night.

"What's up?"

Miss Tohsaka Rin gave up the posture of hugging her knees and gradually approached Grandpa Mo Yi, who was half-lying on the bed, looking at him face to face with a condescending posture.

To be honest, Grandpa Mo Yi was also startled by Tohsaka Rin's sudden movement - Girl, what are you doing so close? !

"I looked at your latest update and found a lot of problems!"

Mo Yi could feel the breath of Tohsaka Rin's words spraying directly onto his face.

Well, you can be sure that the other person is a good boy who works hard to take care of his oral health, and he can indeed be called a sweet scent.


"Rin, you're a little close."

"If you're a man, you shouldn't pay attention to such details—"

Tohsaka Rin blushed and complained, then continued:

"That is, there are many postures in it, which are not in line with human body mechanics at all, and there is no way for humans to do it."

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally knew that the update the other party was referring to was "The Daily Life of the Tohsaka Family". Of course, after knowing that she was going to come to the Clock Tower to study abroad, he deliberately drew more than a hundred chapters of updates in advance as a gift for the other party to study abroad.

"This is impossible!"

This is a provocation to Master Yakumo, the Emperor of the Night. After so many years of debut, this master has drawn more notebooks than the other person has written. He has already elevated his notebooks to the ultimate level of art. After that person has read his own notebooks , instead of raising your finger and shouting a croak,

How could something happen that cannot be done by human body mechanics!

The prototype of the heroine in "The Daily Life of the Tosaka Family" is the eldest daughter Rin Tosaka. She has been practicing Baji Quan since she was a child. Not to mention such pediatric things as one-word horse, even yoga is like kicking her legs backwards. Up to the shoulders, it is probably not a difficult task for Ms. Tohsaka Rin, a master of martial arts!

"Rin, how can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air with your nonsense?"

"You can question me, but you can't question my hard work!"

I don't know when, Miss Tosaka Rin put her hands on Grandpa Mo Yi's ears, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi in a condescending, face-to-face, almost close posture, and said in a trembling tone:

"Then prove it to me."


The heroine of "The Daily Life of the Tosaka Family" is Rin Tosaka. Both of them knew this. Combined with what the other party wanted to prove to her at the moment, Grandpa Mo Yi suddenly had a bold idea. idea!


Grandpa Mo Yi turned his head and did not look at the other person's eyes that were about to drip with tears. What if the other party was trying to trick him or he was thinking too much, wouldn't it be embarrassing then? !

I, Master Mo Yi, am especially such a casual person?

"How do you prove this?"

When it’s time to be cowardly, you still have to be cowardly and wait until the end so that you can have everything you want.

Miss Tohsaka Rin felt like she was about to faint from the excessive sense of shame, but she had already taken action, and there was no possibility of turning back. She said, "I was just joking with you." This kind of loser would Defeat line spoken.

The Tosaka family's motto is, don't be timid, you can win if you act recklessly! (Tokiomi Tosaka: I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense! This family motto is clearly - don't be dirty, be elegant!)

After hearing Mo Yi's cowardly reaction of bringing the ball back, he took a deep breath, spent all his courage, stretched out a hand to pinch the opponent's chin, turned it upright, and talked to the opponent. They looked at each other and said:

"Does this need to be said?"

"As long as you simulate it with the heroine yourself, if you can do it, it proves that there is no problem."

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