Obviously, Theresa didn't know how terrifying the high school students in District 11 were, so she certainly didn't know why Grandpa Mo Yi emphasized his identity as a high school student in District 11.

After introducing himself, the atmosphere became anxious again. Grandpa Mo Yi found that the other party was still looking at the ice cream in his hand, so he made a bold guess:

"Don't you think you have no money?"

When she couldn't have both face and ice cream, Theresa hesitated for a few seconds, nodded and said:

"Everything I wanted before was given to me, and since it was my first time to go out, I forgot to bring money."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Deli is stupid, is it really okay for you to be so upright?

When you say this, everyone will mistakenly think that you are a super rich young lady! Although as the most beloved granddaughter of Mr. Lituo, she is much more awesome than the so-called super rich lady.

If it were anyone else, there would be no more than two possibilities——

People with malicious intentions will find ways to deceive you, a fledgling white, rich and beautiful person; ordinary people will alienate and secretly hate you because of the subconscious fear and jealousy of the big bourgeoisie among people from the two worlds.

You are already forty-six years old and you are still so immature. You will always suffer from this!

Fortunately, the person you met is this master, a rich and handsome aircraft carrier. No matter how rich your family is, it is definitely not as rich as mine. For the master of the root of countless parallel worlds, yours will always be mine.

"There's really nothing I can do about you—"

Grandpa Mo Yi squinted at Theresa, who looked at the ice cream in her hand with watery eyes. He shook his head, took a hard lick of the ice cream, stuffed the ice cream into her hand, and said:

"You take it first."

"I have something to do, so I'll go out for a while."

After that, Theresa left before she could react.


Looking at the half-eaten ice cream in her hand, Teresa seemed to feel that there was a little devil and a little angel in her heart, arguing crazily and fighting over whether to eat or not to eat!

Little Angel: I, Teresa, am an S-level Valkyrie no matter what. I have never eaten any delicacies from the mountains and seas. Even Honkaimon can be made into charcoal-roasted meat. How could I eat another man and eat half of Haagen-Dazs? ? Even if I, Teresa, starve to death and jump from here, I will never eat half of what others have eaten outside!

Little Devil: This is the kindness of others, an offering to the great Lady Theresa. How could Lady Theresa let down the other party's feelings? This is very rude.

Maybe the other party is hiding in a corner, watching you secretly. If you refuse, you might hurt an innocent young man who admires your charm.

Look, didn’t the other party walk out on purpose because he was shy? Maybe it's to avoid embarrassment. The other person is so considerate, so how can I refuse? !

After some struggle, her eyes were fixed on Theresa, who had half of the ice cream in her hand. Finally, she controlled her little mouth, slowly approached the ice cream in her hand, and then shot out her uvula, licking it gently like a kitten drinking water. For a moment.

Then there's——

“It smells so good!”

No one can escape the law of true fragrance, it is one of the nature of human beings.

So, after taking a lick, Theresa licked faster and faster, and the ice cream smiled at a visible speed.

"What are you doing?"

At this time, Grandpa Mo Yi finally came back, looked at the cat-like Theresa with a shocked look, and complained:

"Put down my Haagen-Dazs!"

"don't want--"

After Theresa heard Grandpa Mo Yi's voice, she subconsciously accelerated and licked the entire ice cream in two or three mouthfuls.

Seeing this, Grandpa Mo Yi, who had never eaten ice cream in his hand, couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. He only went out for a minute or two to buy an ice cream for the other party. He didn't expect that the other party's verbal skills were so good. In a minute or two, Mo Yi's Haagen-Dazs was licked up.

Sure enough, Loli was just the appearance of Theresa, and the other party was also in her forties, and her fighting ability was not comparable to that of ordinary girls.


After finishing the ice cream in her hand and even licking the remaining ice cream juice from her fingers, Theresa raised her head with a satisfied expression and looked at Grandpa Mo Yi proudly.

At this sight, she was stunned.

Because she saw Grandpa Mo Yi holding an uneaten ice cream and looking at her with a proud expression.

At this time, she never imagined that she had been tricked by the other party.

Theresa's little face turned red in just a few seconds, all suppressed by the shame in her heart.

How could there be such a despicable and shameless person in this world who dared to tease Lady Theresa like this? !

Teresa felt like she could hardly control her hands. She didn't care whether this was a public place or not. She just pulled out the huge 152-kilogram cross 'Judas' Oath' behind her back to let the other party know how much Judas had used it.

However, before she had time to explode and accuse, Grandpa Mo Yi took the lead and complained:

"I went over here to buy you an ice cream, but I didn't expect that you, Teresa, couldn't bear it for just a minute or two, and actually ate my ice cream like this."

"Hey, people's hearts are so old! I didn't expect that my first kiss would be gone like this."

Teresa: "..."

Teresa, who has been protected by Mr. Lutuo since she was a child, has never encountered Grandpa Mo Yi's routine. Her anger was extinguished all of a sudden, and she even began to suspect that it was her own fault. The other party was in a good mood and she ate ice cream, but she turned the other party to her. I ate the ice cream first.

It seems that it is really unkind.

I even blamed the other party wrongly, but it turns out that the other party is really a good person.

Theresa, whose face was still flushed, didn't know what to say for a moment, and finally muttered sheepishly:

"Well, I'm sorry."

"An indirect kiss or something, shouldn't it be considered the first kiss?"

"Even if it is, it's my first time..."

Seeing Theresa being teased and applauded by him, Grandpa Mo Yi felt a faint sense of guilt in his heart, wondering if he had gone too far to tease an innocent and pitiful old woman like this.

So, she put the ice cream that she had bought for the other party directly into Theresa's hand, without continuing to make things difficult for the other party, and said:

"For you-"

"What happened just now was just a joke, don't worry about it."


Is this a good person?

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