"Mo Yi, let me show you some good things——"

Just when it came to her interests and what kind of books she liked to read, Teresa mysteriously took out a pile of things hidden in the deepest part and wrapped in clothes from the suitcase next to her.

Then, under Grandpa Mo Yi's eyes, he carefully opened it as if he were a collector's edition of Mr. Long Ze's BD.

Theresa treasured the exposed book twice, then handed it to Grandpa Mo Yi and said in a sharing tone:

"This is the complete collection of "The Adventures of Homu" that I finally collected. Isn't it amazing!"

In Theresa's eyes, "The Adventures of Homu" is still a masterpiece forever. No one will dislike the yellow rabbit Homu who looks like he is smiling evilly.

After seeing your comic book, the other person should have an expression of shock, envy, jealousy and hatred!

Teresa's collection was so exaggerated that Grandpa Mo Yi thought it was some kind of rare and out-of-print book, but he never expected that it was actually a children's comic book called "The Adventures of Homu".

The main story is about a yellow rabbit named Homu who leaves the story and adventures around. It is similar to "Beta and Shuke" that Grandpa Mo Yi watched when he was a child in his previous life, but in terms of quality and plot, it is better. Far inferior.

To be honest, Grandpa Mo Yi really doesn't like books like this. Even if Yakumo House wants to publish this type of comics, there are still too many choices.

"It's pretty awesome——"

After looking at it for a few times, Grandpa Mo Yi joked funnyly:

“I didn’t expect you to have a childlike innocence, Theresa.”


Teresa was not happy now. Although Homo is so cute, but the other party doesn't like it, that's a heresy!

"Your subtext is that Homu is very childish."

Seeing Theresa looking like she was about to have an attack, Grandpa Mo Yi gave in. Of course, it’s not because I’m afraid that the other party will pick it up again, but because lolita are treasures that need our good care, even a forty-six-year-old lolita.

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

"Houmu, that's my favorite!"

"That's pretty much it-"

Only then did Theresa put down Judas in her hand with satisfaction, and the BGM "Toward the Other Side of Sorrow" that was faintly playing between the two of them also stopped.

Grandpa Mo Yi opened the comic book in his hand and looked at "Homu Adventure", which felt different from "Bear Bears". The more he read, the more he felt sleepy. He couldn't help complaining:

"Has Teresa heard of Master Yakumo and the Yakumo House?"

Teresa, who has been raised in captivity by Midori-sama since she was a child, obviously has no chance to come into contact with an advanced culture like the Yakumo House. Midori-sama will definitely not let such a thing contaminate his beloved granddaughter.

"What is that? I've never heard of it."


Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't bear it anymore. Master Yakumo was known as the Emperor of the Night, the master who controlled the throbbing of human beings late at night. When he was in his fifties or sixties, he had already worked hard to be on the front line of education. The campus guard Qin Uncle, all children, from the time they just entered kindergarten, to the ones who know that their wives should be looking for children from kindergarten, are all shining brightly under the guidance of Master Yakumo.

How could there be anyone in this world who had not heard of Master Yakumo?

Just like the enthusiastic and studious teenagers, it is as funny as they don’t know many famous teachers with both talents and political integrity such as Hato, Muto, and Tianhai.

This is simply nonsense!

In particular, Theresa is not a real twelve-year-old loli, but an out-and-out old woman in her early forties!

The puzzled look on the other party's face was simply the biggest insult to Grandpa Mo Yi.

Grandpa Mo Yi said excitedly:

"Theresa, are you the kind of caveman who doesn't have the Internet at home, can't stand novels, comics and movies, and doesn't have many friends of the same age?!"

"Hey, what you said is too much!"

Why do you sound so ignorant? I have also read the comics. Isn't "Homu's Adventure" the same? !

But after Grandpa Mo Yi said this, and knowing the behavior of her controlling grandfather, Mr. Lutuo, Theresa also began to doubt whether she was like the protagonist in "The Truman Show" , being trapped in a world created by humans? !

Thinking of this, Theresa felt more and more that her decision to escape from the Destiny Headquarters and escape from her grandfather's control was the right one.

Of course, she also secretly went back to make up for her lessons and inquire about the thoughts of Master Yakumo and the Yakumo House. Otherwise, others might ridicule her for being an antique in the future.

Maybe you can ask her most capable subordinate Wuliang Tajizi.

Seeing Theresa's expression, Grandpa Mo Yi knew that he had succeeded in preaching again. He thought that once an ignorant girl like Theresa came into contact with the Yakumo House, she would never have a chance to escape.

Ahem, of course it’s because those comic novels with interesting plots and rich variety are not good books.

After a while, it was probably dinner time. A stewardess pushed a small cart and delivered the prepared dinner to Grandpa Mo Yi and Theresa.

"Dear guests, this is your dinner, please use it slowly."

After setting up the dinner, he pushed the cart and left.

"If you need anything, you can contact me through the call button on your seat."

Just like this, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't find anything wrong with the flight attendant's performance, whether it was the smile on her face, her tone of voice, or her posture and movements. She was no different from a real flight attendant.

But after discovering that the other party was from the Anti-Entropy Organization, no matter how thoroughly the other party understood "The Actor's Self-cultivation", Grandpa Mo Yi's eyes were still full of flaws.

For example, the meals on the plane can’t be that generous!

Even if Theresa was a wealthy person and had booked it in advance, the luxurious dinner would be just for Theresa.

Looking at the sumptuous dinner in front of her, Theresa felt that her stomach was about to growl.

At lunch, I was so excited that I could finally leave Tianming Headquarters that I couldn't eat anything. Later, I only ate one and a half ice cream, which didn't fill my stomach at all.

Energy is conserved. Deli, who has strange powers, consumes monster-level energy. She usually has three hearty meals and can't stop eating sweets in her spare time.

"I'm not welcome—"

Teresa took the fork and was about to fork into the roasted turkey in front of her, even skipping the effort of cutting it with a knife.

"Don't eat-"

At this time, Grandpa Mo Yi had no choice but to stop Theresa from committing suicide.

This is a feast served by Anti-Entropy, and no one knows what kind of medicine is added to it. Even a humanoid tyrannosaurus like Theresa is still overwhelmed by the medicine in front of professionals.


Grandpa Mo Yi spoke very quietly, but Theresa still stopped what she was doing and looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with some confusion.

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