"Ready! One, two, three! Hey! Yo~~jump!"

"Hahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Haha! Come~ come~ come~"

Along with Mo Yi's beating piano player, Mo Yi also started to sing, well, he sang with a cute girl's high voice.

First I sang a line with Hitomi Harada’s voice, then Meino Ai, and finally Ogura Yui’s voice, perfectly interpreting for everyone here what it means to be a cross-dressing boss, and how I will not let go of myself even if I become a devil. The soul of a musician!

Of course, when Mo Yi sang the main song, everyone found that the young man who jumped on was wearing a very sacred look, and he was pretending to be three cute girls singing the chorus at the same time.

Could it be that this is the legendary long-lost skill from the mysterious West - ventriloquism? !

Originally, everyone was extremely serious because of the sadness radiating from Mo Yi. Even the couples who came out to show their affection briefly stopped feeding the dog food and waited for the young man in front of the stage to bring them dreamy love. music.

Of course, the people in the audience were all speculating at first, whether the other party would play an adaptation of the famous piano piece, "Pathétique" or "The Blue Danube"?

I never expected that it would be a house song that I had never heard before while playing and singing.

Housemate No. 1: “Although it’s a bit unexpected, it’s unexpectedly touching.”

Female Otaku No. 2: I seem to be in love again. Let me state in advance that I am not heterosexual, I just happen to like the cross-dressing guy. "

Home Friend No. 3: “My mother asked me why I was kneeling to listen to music because Cupid shot an arrow into my knee!”

Housemate No. 4: "Don't make any noise, I can only shake my legs. Don't ask me if it's destiny or evil. I just want to shake my legs and stamp my feet to the rhythm."


Kasumigaoka Shiyu was originally looking forward to the sad but not sad piano music that the front desk gentleman would prepare for her, such as "To Alice", but after Mo Yi opened her mouth and sang a voice that was softer and more coquettish than her own, , she knew it was time to wake up from her daydream.

This guy really can't let himself get his way just once, Kou Ya!

Because her soul was attacked by the Divine Comedy nuclear bomb, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's mobile phone holding the video slipped unknowingly and fell into her chest, without even knowing it.

Because her little mouth formed an O shape, her whole body just wanted to sway to the rhythm.

When Mo Yi finished singing the chorus and repeated the opening line of "Marxism-Leninism-Leninism-Leninism-Leninism...", everyone finally couldn't stand the demonic sound in their ears and started singing along with Mo Yi——

"Marxist, Marxist, Marxist, Marxist, Marxist!"

Of course, some people sing like this——

“Delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious—”

The coffee shop is usually a leisurely and quiet place, but under Mo Yi's magical voice, the scene became extremely heated. More than 20 people shook their legs as if possessed by evil spirits and sang the red revolutionary song - Marxism-Leninism-Leninism-Leninism-Leninism-Leninism!

And Nan Xiaoniao, who was originally worried about Mo Yi, was also singing along with Mo Yi, and while following everyone in the Marxist-Leninist movement, his eyes looked at Mo Yi with admiration and surprise at the same time as the whole audience was going crazy because of him.

It would be great if one day they could also make the audiences who watch their performances smile with such satisfaction and happiness.

Maybe, this is the so-called idol master!

Chapter 61: I have a licensed spell: I am the sword bone——


The guests in the store were unknowingly inspired by Mo Yi's performance and kept singing Marxism-Leninism, attracting the crowds rushing in the street.

The crowd who just came in were confused at first, but after seeing everyone shaking their legs, stamping their feet and clapping their hands feverishly, they knew it was because of the young man on the stage who played the piano like an electric guitar band.

Of course, their ending was already doomed the moment they saw how seriously Mo Yi acted as three cute girls at the same time and instilled magic sounds into their brains.

That is, just because I saw you one more time in the crowd, I can never forget your face again;

Or, just be conquered by you and drink the poison you have hidden;

The above is the literary version, the vernacular version is, shake your legs and rock the horse in a row!


"I have to hold back and not scream out!"

Erina watched the friends around her being conquered by Mo Yi's magic voice one by one, but she still bit her lips to prevent her truest feelings from being revealed.

However, people's emotions can infect those around them, just like substitute messengers can infect each other.

Everyone around Erina has been conquered, and they are all panting. She is the only one left struggling to support herself. How difficult it is!

Especially Erina, who has the hearing of God. Ordinary singing is just noise in her ears, but good music can exert more than ten times the medicinal effect in her ears. The better the music, the more effective the medicine is. The stronger the effect!

"Damn it, I, Erina-sama, am going to be conquered by the other party's singing again. Why can I be so moved!"

At this time, Erina pinched her thigh hard to suppress her body's natural reaction. Then her skin had already turned bright red, and her breathing was also a little faster.

"Why can it sound so beautiful? If it continues like this, my (ears) will become pregnant!"

Erina roared unwillingly in her heart, and at the same time sighed, she is indeed the man who defeated this goddess. After ten years of growth, his voice has gained a wider range of special effects. Coupled with these years of life experience, Both the timbre and the emotion in the singing have reached a new level where they are no longer inferior to this goddess.

Oh my God!

What should I do if I can never hear such a beautiful and touching song again?

Then, for many things, the more you want to endure it, the more you feel the desire in your heart, such as being hungry, playing games, rewarding authors, and dissatisfied desires.

Fortunately, Erina has experienced hundreds of failed challenges and has already developed high magic resistance against Mo Yi's magic.

At this moment, in addition to silently reciting the secret spell that the stupid Onii-chan had written in the depths of the book that he accidentally discovered while waking the other person up every day——

I am the bone of my sword

This body is the bone of the sword

Steel is my body \u0026 Fire is my blood

The blood flows like dark iron, and the heart is as fragile as glass

I ha·ve created over a thousand blades

Go through countless battlefields without defeat

Unknown to Death,Nor known to Life

Never once defeated, never understood by others

Ha·ve with stood pain to create many weapons

He always stands on the top of Sword Hill, intoxicated with victory.

Yet, those hands will never hold anything

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