Anyway, it was just a series of words sprayed out.

What can Conan do? Is he desperate too?

At this time, I can only pretend to be a grandson and let the other party educate me. Fortunately, the other party is not the kind of parent who likes to beat his children. Otherwise, if he becomes an adult in the future, he really won’t know how to deal with his wife who likes to beat him.

"Thank you-"

Takagi Wataru, who was following behind, didn't expect such a development, but the result was good.

When he went over to check on the waiter and found that the waiter had fainted, he came over relieved.

After contacting other police officers, he walked to Mao Lilan and others to thank them, and then he recognized Conan.

Well, it doesn’t matter if you don’t recognize him. He meets him every few days. Every time there is big news, he can almost see it. His subordinates become the god of death wherever he goes and die. It’s strange that he can’t remember it!

"So it's you, Edogawa Conan..."

"Ha ha--"

Conan started to show off his acting skills again, showing a very embarrassed look and explained:

"We meet again, uncle policeman."


Takagi Wataru is an unmarried man, so he definitely can't bear it. He corrected:

"Call me brother——"

Conan: "Okay, police officer."

Takagi Wataru: "..."

The naughty kid is so annoying!

At this time, the waiter came to his senses and found that he was pinned to the iron railing by his hands, so he gave up the struggle.

Takagi Wataru carefully looked at the other party's appearance, his face became ugly, and he said:

"Is it you, Momonosuke?!"

Although the other party's makeup skills are very superb, Wataru Takagi, who is a criminal police officer, still recognized the other party's identity as his former subordinate, Kozuki Momonosuke.


Takagi Wataru found it hard to accept that his once most promising junior had turned into a heinous organization called Men in Black.

“My parents were people in the organization and I was a person in the organization from the beginning.”

After seeing the other party discovering his true identity, Momonosuke looked at Takagi Wataru with a complicated expression and said in a hoarse voice:

"I also want to always be a just policeman, but I have no choice, Takagi!!"


Regardless of whether the other party's words are true or false, Takagi Wataru is willing to take them as true, which probably makes him feel better.

At this time, Momonosuke's eyes burst with burning hope, he looked at Takagi Wataru sincerely, and prayed:

"Let me go—"

"I didn't have a choice before, now I want to be a good person!"

"After completing this task, I will have nothing to do with the organization."

Conan and others had been watching the negotiation between the two in silence. Even if Momonosuke said to let him go, he did not make a sound. The surroundings were filled with solemnity and silence.


After Takagi Sheba was silent for a few seconds, he said:

"I'm a police officer!"

Momonosuke looked pleading and said, "I can-"


A gunshot was heard from afar, and when everyone reacted, a bleeding mark was deeply imprinted on the center of Momonosuke's forehead. Until the end, Momonosuke's eyes still held hope that had not been completely extinguished.

"Black, clothes, people, organization, organization!"

Takagi Wataru almost gritted his teeth and shouted these five words. No one knew what Momonosuke wanted to say in the end. As for whether what he said before about "wanting to be a good person" was true or false, the same was true.

But Takagi Wataru found that he had never hated the Men in Black organization so much.

The fashionable woman who completed the blockade immediately withdrew and put the sniper rifle in her hand. She didn't even need to look back to confirm whether Momonosuke was dead.

A true sniper never doubts whether he can kill with one hit. As long as he takes action, he will definitely kill the target.

After putting away the sniper rifle, the fashionable woman walked away while talking to other opponents on her mobile phone:

"The target mission has been solved."


A man's voice came from the phone receiver and replied:

"They have discovered your traces. You should know what to do."

"This mission is very important and there is no room for failure!!"

"Yes sir!"

After turning off the phone, the fashionable woman thought of a man who looked like a dog. At first glance, he looked like a gentleman, but in reality he looked like a man who had long since rotted away - Nobuyuki Sugou.

In order to board the ship without anyone noticing, this woman used the most common and most effective honey trap for men to deal with Nobuyuki Sugou, and then used her identity as an employee of Asuna's father's company to register on the ship.

That night, she had eaten a lot of whips in the first half of the night. Although she gave him more whips and candles in the second half of the night, the nausea she had never felt before was still unforgettable.

If it wasn't for the purpose of not arousing other people's thoughts, she would have dealt with that disgusting guy long ago.

Now that the police's attention has been attracted, it is better to deal with the other party directly now and use the other party to arrange a suspense case. On the one hand, it can divert the police's attention and on the other hand, it can be used to delay time.

After thinking about it, the fashionable woman took out another mobile phone and dialed the number of 'Sugou Nobuyuki'.


The fashionable woman said in a sweet voice:

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