The difference between Zhao Linger and Icarus is still very big!

Damn it, I hate you guys the most who don’t tell your secrets clearly before you die!

Don’t you know that this is your last chance to make your presence felt?

————The dividing line of memories————

However, Erina's reaction had long been expected by Mo Yi, so he directly drained her of her physical strength during the performance just now, leaving Erina unable to stop the perfect script she had written to complete the task.

"No, I object-"

The lithe and boneless Erina lined up on the table, gasping for air and speaking out her objections with all her strength. However, she lacked physical strength and even her voice could easily cover the booing of the stockholders around her. .

Fortunately, at this moment, she was not fighting alone. She was surrounded by a group of teammates, although they were a bit unreliable.

However, our Erina-san was so happy to hear Erina's screams and moans. This is probably because the blonde tsundere can resonate with each other.

"Since no one has stepped forward to challenge the handsome guy from Unit 3, let's ask him to take a photo with the shy Nanako-chan!"

Raphael took out his camera with satisfaction. On the one hand, it satisfied his own pleasure, and on the other hand, it also helped his good friend Yunan Xiaoniao. He is indeed a smart little angel, Raphael.

There was nothing wrong with taking a group photo, but the crowd in front of the stage kept booing and making risqué remarks such as "kiss", "together", "let her go and let me, the skilled one, do it", etc. The living Nan Xiaotiao was extremely shy and turned into an angry bird again.

However, as a gentleman, Mo Yi naturally took the initiative to come over and let La Feier complete the first photo of him and her in life. Maybe this is the beginning of the story between him and her, which will be very interesting in the future. It's of commemorative value.

"Wait, keep someone under the camera, I want to challenge!"

Eiri felt the burning flame burning in Erina's eyes, whose face was flushed. How persistent and beautiful this was!

If this is not love, what else is there to look forward to? !

Therefore, Erina, I bet on the honor of the blond-haired twin-tailed human race who will never be a slave. I, Eiriri, will pass on your passion.

So Eiriri held Erina with one hand and let out perhaps the biggest roar in her life - the roar of justice and love (DOTA Beast King's ultimate move: Primordial Roar), which directly shocked the densely packed melon-eating crowd. Opened an avenue of stars belonging to Erina.


It seemed that something very interesting had happened. Raphael stopped taking pictures and looked at Eiriri and Erina who was being supported by her with kind eyes, and asked happily:

"Who is here and what is the matter?"

"Fuyuki High School Eiri, but the point is not me, my friend wants to challenge Mo Yi-senpai's performance!"

Eiri ignored the malicious gaze that Kasumigaoka Shiu often shot towards her in La Feier's eyes, and stated her purpose righteously.

Mo Yi: "····"

Yinglili, your answer does not follow the script. The standard answer to this question should not be, I am Changshan Zhao Zilong, and today I have to rescue the lord alone among thousands of troops!

Moreover, dear Erina-chan, are you lying on the table panting at this time because of lack of physical strength?

Impossible, my calculations cannot be wrong. With your current physical strength and mental strength alone, it is impossible for you to launch a sound war against me with the soul of a musician on the line. This is just a futile struggle.

"Yinglili, I can, thank you."

Erina said to Erina, who was still supporting her worriedly:

"I can only walk the next road by myself."

Then, Erina slowly walked up to Mo Yi in front of everyone, looked at Mo Yi unhappily with big watery eyes and said:

"Stupid Onii-chan, you want to take a photo with this cute maid, you haven't asked me this yet, right?"

Mo Yi: "..."

In this world, how can a brother want to take a photo with a cute girl and need a reason for his sister to agree?


Although Kasumigaoka Shiyu was also unhappy that Mo Yi, the gray wolf who pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger, had successfully caught a little sheep, he never thought about jumping out to cause damage. After all, the game of life is so long, and there are many places where he can overtake in corners. Very well, there is no need to leave the impression of being unreasonable to others for such a trivial matter.

Now a blond girl who calls herself Mo Yi's sister suddenly pops up to stop Mo Yi's evil plan. Isn't it just what she wants?

Hehehe, let me develop a little bit first to see what tricks you can do, and then take action when it's time to take action.

However, Mo Yi didn't know about Erina's difficulty for the first time, so Mo Yi had already expected her current behavior.

"My dear, you shouldn't have come."

Mo Yi felt that everyone in the audience was looking at him, including his target this time, Nan Xiaoniao, so he decided to continue to maintain his proper style as an idol master and said:

"You should know that even in your normal state, you can't defeat me, let alone your current useless state."

"Why don't you wait until Nanako-chan and I finish taking photos, and then ask them to take some more photos for us—"

"Do you want to roar or not, Erina?"

The only motivation for watching Zero is that Emilia is so beautiful!

Male protagonist or something? No need, after all, I am a man determined to become (beyond) Long Aoxue.

Chapter 66: Cuteness is justice!

"Even now, do you still have such naive thoughts, stupid Onii-chan?"

Erina looked at Mo Yi closely with her stubborn and hot eyes, and said in a low tone:

"When you want to gain something, you will inevitably lose something else. This is the eternal truth in the world."

"The best of both worlds is just your fantasy."

Although Erina still looks like a useless cat who just finished the 1000-meter sports test, the temperament and domineering exuding from her body still instantly shocked and attracted most of the audience present.

In particular, coupled with the other party's words, the image of a wise and vicissitudes of the queen philosopher was outlined in everyone's mind.

In addition, the people here are all home friends, and with their imagination, it is easy to form a touching love story.

Home friend No. 1 guessed:

"Could it be that this is an educational story about a genius sister saving her good-for-nothing brother?"

Female otaku No. 2 retorted:

"Nonsense, this is clearly a super-sensitive story about a brave new era Yimo Duo who, in order to pursue true love, breaks secular prejudices and calls for love. It can be simply summarized as, as long as there is love, there is no problem even if he is an elder brother!"

Home friend No. 3 complained:

"You are all wrong. This is clearly a seven-o'clock ethics drama about big families falling in love and killing each other. The handsome guy from Unit 3 ran away from home because he was tired of his royal mission, while the younger sister wanted to save the kingdom in the sunset. The epic song of dressing up as a man to save the country while looking for his brother, hoping to get him back to save the kingdom with him and resist Eagle Sauce."

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