Ji Zi, who was still enjoying the feeling of alcohol entering her throat and burning deep in her stomach, was suddenly awakened by Grandpa Mo Yi's complaints. She rolled her eyes at Grandpa Mo Yi speechlessly and retorted:

"Are you always so talkative when you get along with Theresa?"

"Sister Jizi——"

Of course, you can't talk like this to anyone. A childish guy like Theresa naturally has to tease, coax, and tease again. This is the correct fighting posture.

At first glance, Ji Zi seems to be that kind of majestic man. Besides, Grandpa Mo Yi has no special intentions. Naturally, you don't have to worry too much when getting along with him. He just wants to get along with his gay friends. He can complain about whatever he wants to say.

"You are special."

Regarding Grandpa Mo Yi's ambiguous statement, Ji Zi did not pursue the question further and started to get down to the topic and talk about what she really wanted to talk about today.

"I heard from Theresa, Mo Yi, you are a magician, so you should have heard of the Destiny Organization, right?"

You don't even know destiny, how dare you say that you have played Bouncing?

"I know destiny -"

"That's good now that you know."

Ji Zi picked up the wine glass, with an expression of emotion and mourning on her face, and murmured:

"Theresa and I are both Destiny's Valkyries. Well, to put it more simply, they are Destiny's main fighting members."

"Five years ago, I worked under Theresa. We are superiors and subordinates, but more importantly, we are still friends."

"After I learned about her accident last week, I have been looking for her. It is really fate to know that I met her here accidentally."

"Although Teresa has extraordinary abilities and talents in work, she seems very childish in life, which makes people have to worry about her."

"That's why I went out of my way to talk to you. It doesn't mean anything."

From a few simple words, Grandpa Mo Yi felt the underlying feelings between Ji Zi and Theresa, and his eyes became serious as he listened to Ji Zi's confession.

"I asked her before what happened after the accident, but she always blurted it out, so I had to ask another person involved, Mo Yi, to find out."

"It's nothing big—"

Since the other party wants to know, Grandpa Mo Yi will tell about his experiences with Theresa these days. Of course, some unnecessary plots, such as the plot of teasing Theresa, will be omitted.

"Finally we arrived on this boat and met you Jizi-sama for the first meal."

"What an interesting experience-"

There was nothing particularly dangerous about the experience between Grandpa Mo Yi and Theresa. Grandpa Mo Yi focused more on complaining about some of Theresa's childish and funny behaviors, such as making a huge boulder that looked like Theresa on a desert island. For example, when hearing this paragraph, Jizi couldn't help but complain:

"When I saw those giant stone statues, I knew that only Theresa was a fool who could do this."

"Although it's a little strange-"

After listening to the story, Ji Zi probably understood what was going on and had a deeper understanding of Grandpa Mo Yi. She showed a grateful smile and said thanks:

"But I am still very grateful to you for saving Theresa. Without you, maybe I would never see that idiot again."

"Need not--"

Speaking of Teresa, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally thought of the interesting memories he had with Teresa during these days, especially the fact that the other party always raised Judas, which was taller than him, and chased him to knock the ball. Looks stupid.

Well, there is also the matter of taking a nap together.

"Teresa is also my friend. I'm lucky to have met her."

Ji Zi saw from Grandpa Mo Yi's smile that he really liked Theresa.

Of course, it is not clear whether this love is the love of ordinary friends, the love of a lolicon for a lolita, or the love between people of the opposite sex.

This kind of thing is beyond the control of an older young woman like her, as long as the other party treats Theresa sincerely.

"I can rest assured that."

However, Jizi couldn't help but think of more things, and asked in a low tone:

"However, I wonder how much you know about Theresa?"

"Especially the other person's grandfather."

Himeko didn't say it directly. Do you know that Teresa is a clone, that she is in her forties, her true identity, and that she has a perverted granddaughter who is controlled by Midori?

If this matter is not handled well, there might really be big trouble.

"Are you referring to the fact that Teresa is a legal loli in her forties, an S-class Valkyrie of Destiny, or that her grandfather is Lord Luto, the Archbishop of Destiny?"

Grandpa Mo Yi can probably guess Ji Zi's worries, but he is just a green figure, and he really doesn't take it seriously.

"When I make friends, I am never afraid of the trouble the other party will bring. Anyway, there is no trouble that cannot be solved."

"What a big breath--"

After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's answer, Ji Zi didn't know whether it was better to cry or laugh. The Tianming Organization Department was comparable to the behemoth of the Magic Association, so how could it be compared to individuals.

However, after knowing from the other party's answer that the other party did know about Theresa and didn't mind the trouble it caused, I couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"I hope you can say that again in the future."

The other party is quite reliable, but her words are a bit out of tune, and her courage to succeed despite knowing that Theresa is a lolita in her forties made Himeko have to sigh, Lolicon control is really scary. The presence.

If Grandpa Mo Yi activated the mind-reading skill at this time and saw the other party's complaints, he would definitely answer naturally: Wouldn't a legal loli in her forties be better? There is no need to worry about the shelf life being only a few years, it is simply a lifelong pursuit of lolita fans.

Jizi was in a good mood, her tone became brisk again, and she complained:

"By the way, the archbishop's name is Otto, not Luto."

Chapter 490: The Valkyries in Action

As the original character, Himeko naturally did not know the name of the First Green One, Lord Midori, but when she heard the title, she realized that it referred to her final boss, the Archbishop of the Destiny Organization. Otto Apokalis, a miserable man with obviously yellow hair who couldn't even keep his childhood sweetheart.

Of course, Jizi didn't know that the cold-blooded, ruthless, powerful and cunning Midori-sama in her eyes had once deeply loved someone.

Jizi still retains the necessary respect for her immediate boss, Mr. Midori.

"You don't know this."

Grandpa Mo Yi said matter-of-factly:

"Lord Lutuo, the honorific title given to Archbishop Tianming by the world."

"Green is the natural color of life. Just like in the Magic Association, only the magicians with the strongest magic ability can be called the three primary colors. Green is the color obtained by mixing blue and yellow. From this, it can be seen that Master Luto is A title that contains extremely great meaning.”

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