Facing the guys surrounding them, neither Kiana's gritted threats nor Raiden Mei's tactful rejection were of much use.

Until Yae Sakura, who was silent, said "go away" in a small but penetrating voice.

As the most popular miko lady in Fuyuki City for three consecutive years, Yae Sakura has a lot of containment experience like today. But with that scolding just now, using Honkai energy and sword intent, someone quietly wanted to kill the evil hand. The unlucky guy who was placed on Theresa's head was immediately shocked, went cold all over, and then fell to the ground.

Others who were not targeted were also affected, as if they had suffered a 'psychic shock', and they retreated sensibly.

After the crowd dispersed, everyone's field of vision suddenly became wider, and they soon spotted Ji Zi and Grandpa Mo Yi sitting on the bar.

"Found them!"

After discovering the two of them, Kiana was about to run over and pat them on the shoulder, but was pulled by Raiden Meiyi who reacted. The other one was holding Theresa who had already put her right hand behind her and Judah Shen, with a headache expression on her face. road:

"How about we hide aside and listen to what they are saying. If there is a misunderstanding, it would be so embarrassing!"

"I can't tell, they just hit it off and came out to drink and talk?"

Leiden Meiyi: Senior Mo Yi, this is the best I can do for you!

Kiana asked with some confusion:

"If it's not drinking and talking, what else could it be?"

Teresa, who had already calmed down, almost broke away from Mei's hand after hearing Kiana's words. In the end, she calmed down and gave Himeko a chance to protect her vacation and bonus for the rest of her life.

So, the five people quietly moved on the table behind Ji Zi and Grandpa Mo Yi, pricking up their ears and observing in secret.

A few minutes later--


After listening for a while, everyone seemed to hear that Ji Zi and Grandpa Mo Yi were talking about Theresa's affairs, which made Theresa feel very ashamed. They didn't expect that Ji Zi cared about and understood her so well.

After the formal conversation was finished, Himeko suddenly changed her attitude and started to reveal the dirty information about Teresa. She was so willful like a child; she couldn't touch the top of her head; she was obviously not high enough to pick up things, and she was losing face. Finally, she spent the whole afternoon with her. The folders at the top of the filing cabinet were struggling with each other; everyone around her knew that she liked to watch children's cartoons, but they thought it was still a secret. Every time someone came over, she would just tear the comic book into powder and wait for them. After leaving, he looked like he was about to cry without tears...

Listening to Ji Zi drinking a small drink and keeping her black, Theresa's face could not be moved for more than a few minutes, and it almost turned into colorful black, and she trembled and muttered:

"Trash Jizi, you are asking for death!!"

"Ah ah ah, the worst case scenario is that we all die together——"

Perhaps it was because the air-conditioning emitted by Theresa was so intimidating that Kiana, who had a strong desire for survival, forced herself to smile without laughing. Perhaps her animal-like intuition knew that once she smiled, she would become Delisa. Shah Judah was the first victim.

Leiden Meiyi smiled awkwardly and tried to persuade her not to get excited and continue reading.

Bronya's presence was very low, but she was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Theresa, the guy who had fought with her a few days ago, loved Homu no less than she did.

Only Yae Sakura took out her notebook from nowhere, stood at the back with a serious face, and quickly recorded the information about Theresa that she got from Himeko.

When she saw Grandpa Mo Yi trying to mix drinks for Ji Zi, Kiana finally couldn't bear it anymore.

By the way, she hasn't had a drink in so many years, so she is naturally very interested in the so-called bartending. Now that she is out, maybe she can have a drink and try it.


Seeing that Kiana was exposed, Raiden Meiyi was too late to stop her, so she had no choice but to walk up with everyone.

In fact, Raiden Mei refused in her heart. Teresa was clearly about to explode. Kiana, if you expose them now, wouldn't it just set off a volcano?

Seeing the reproachful look in Leiden Meiyi's eyes, Kiana understood the reproachful look in Meiyi's eyes and muttered with some embarrassment:

"But I really want to try the taste of wine——"


In fact, Raiden Meiyi also thought about it, but the behavioral rules she had developed in the past were still affecting her, and said:

"Minors can't drink-"

"Is it?"

Kiana scratched her head and complained:

"How come I haven't heard of this?"

In her mind, she had seen many crooked children holding vodka and blowing on them.

"This is the legal provision of District 11——"

Bronya on the side quietly licked the corner of her mouth and said:

"Moreover, this is no longer the territory of District 11, so there is no need to abide by such rules."

Seeing that Bronya had the same opinion as hers, Kiana would definitely not let go of her prejudice against her and muttered:

"If you want to drink, just drink."

After seeing that the two friends around her wanted to drink, Raiden Meiyi became more and more swaying, and finally got confirmation from Yae Sakura who put away her notebook with satisfaction.

"Senior Sakura, do you want to try it?"


A miko who doesn't know how to drink or know Fist of the North Star is not a good miko, but Yae Sakura can even make wine, so she has drunk a lot of wine.

Yae Sakura glanced at Theresa with an expectant look on her face and said:

"The wine tastes quite good——"

"As long as it's not discovered, there's no problem."

Thunder Mei Yi: "..."

I didn’t expect that the most stable senior would be such Yae Sakura.


Facing Theresa's five people who suddenly appeared from behind, Jizi woke up instantly, panicked in her heart, showed a dog-licking smile, and said:

"What a coincidence——"

"How long have you been here? Why don't you come together? I'll treat you tonight."

"It didn't take long—"

Teresa, who had been exposed all the dirty stuff, exuded a strong momentum, locked her eyes on Jizi and said:

"My inconsiderate boss has really wronged you."

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