Grandpa Mo Yi stood in front of the magic array, and with the injection of magic power, the magic array began to shine brightly, and a strong wind began to blow in the closed space.


Your body is beneath me, and my fate lies on your sword.

If you follow the destination of the Holy Grail, follow this will and this principle, then respond to me!

I swear here -

I am the one who accomplishes all the good deeds in the world, and I am the one who conveys all the evil in the world.

The three great speaking spirits that have been entangled with you for seven days, come from the Wheel of Suppression, O guardian of the scales! "

As the spell reverberated, the light became more dazzling, and then——

Of course, after the light disappeared, under the moonlight outside the window, a female knight wearing black tight-fitting armor and boots, holding a huge silver knight's spear, stood upright in front of Grandpa Mo Yi.

Being blown by the magic storm, the opponent's long silver hair that reached his knees was flying in the wind, with a look of confusion on his face.

"You, you are-"

The sudden appearance of the silver-haired female knight gave everyone a deep shock, not only because of the strong oppression she exuded, but also because of her perfect makeup under the moonlight.

In particular, Theresa was completely stunned, and her shoulders were shaking a bit. She looked at the other party in disbelief and said to herself:


It’s not wrong, that face that I could only see in countless dreams——

Kiana, on the other hand, felt that the other person's appearance was very familiar, but she couldn't remember where she often saw him.

The silver-haired female knight stood there like a sculpture. After a few seconds, her dull eyes regained focus. She looked at her master, Grandpa Mo Yi, who was standing face to face with her and had obviously summoned her, and said:

"Sevant Lancer, here as summoned——"

"May I ask, are you my Master?"

Chapter 500: Things only good friends can do

"Let me ask, are you my master?"

After coming to Xingyue World for so long, Grandpa Mo Yi finally experienced the feeling of this famous scene personally.

Under the tilt of the moonlight, Cecilia, who looked like a female knight in tights with silver hair, looked very divine. She seemed to be no worse than the King of Silly Hair who had just been summoned from the warehouse of the Emiya family.

Well, after all, King Arthur is unpopular, but his mother-in-law Cecilia, who is a wife, understands people's hearts much better.

"Yes, I am your master."

After being summoned, a sense of common sense about the world was poured into Cecilia, which specifically stated that after the summons, she needed to make a formal agreement with her master - 'You are my master'.

Although Cecilia is already a mother, except for training, dealing with Honkai and being good at video games, she is not very familiar with other things, just like a female college student who has just graduated from college.

In particular, this was the first time she was summoned as a heroic spirit. Although she looked very heroic and dignified now, she was actually panicking, otherwise she would not have noticed that she was standing next to Grandpa Mo Yi. Teresa.

Well, of course there is also the height difference between Theresa and Grandpa Mo Yi.

"Servant Lancer, you are here in compliance with the call. Master, please give me instructions. From now on, my sword will be with you, and your destiny will coexist with me. From here -"

Cecilia, who was extremely nervous and was reading her lines according to the script, was suddenly knocked into her arms by a white hairball, and her next words were naturally interrupted.

"Cecilia! It's me, Teresa—"

Except for Grandpa Mo Yi, who knew the script, everyone else was confused by this sudden unfolding. There was a kind of confusion on the trees, you and me, you and I, anyway, you were in a state of confusion together.



At this moment, Cecilia finally recognized the person in her arms. It was Theresa who had to be fed by her hands when she was a child to eat well.

"I hope you're okay!"

Of course, Theresa, Cecilia and other Valkyries besieged the Second Herrscher Sirin in Siberia. Since they could not defeat each other in a group fight, Lord Luto ordered Cecilia to drag Sirin while Theresa retreated. , and then a core leveling shot, perfectly solving the problem.

But until her death, Cecilia did not know what the final outcome would be. Whether she succeeded in dying with Siren, and whether Theresa succeeded in surviving.

Until now, after seeing Theresa, she could finally feel relieved.

A gratified and gentle smile appeared on his face at first, then he became excited and asked:

"I didn't expect to see you again—"

Then he sighed:

"How long have I been dead—"

"And Kiana, are you okay now?"

"Who are you?"

At first, Kiana was not sure who the other person was and why she looked so familiar, until the other person mentioned her name.

An idea flashed in her mind. Isn't that what she looks like every time she sees herself in the mirror?

Kiana and Cecilia's facial features are very close, and with the same silver hair color, the two look very similar.

Of course, due to age and personality differences, Kiana is the energetic type at first glance, while Cecilia is heroic with a bit of gentleness.

"Kiana is right here, Cecilia——"

After hearing Cecilia mention Kiana, Theresa also reflected that the other party also had a daughter present. If she wanted to reminisce with the other party, she had to introduce Kiana first.

After that, he pulled Kiana, who was still looking in disbelief and a bit shy, and walked to Cecilia.

Kiana was naturally very happy and excited when her mother, whom she had never seen before, suddenly appeared in front of her, but at the same time she was a little shy.

Because her mother was as beautiful and dignified as she had imagined in countless fantasies, or in other words, she was countless times better than she imagined. Facing such a perfect mother, Kiana, who had never lacked confidence, For the first time, I felt unconfident and afraid that I would not be able to meet the other person’s expectations for their daughter.

"Are you my mother?"

Cecilia looked at Kiana who looked uneasy, and felt inexplicably heartbroken——

This child must have suffered a lot. Even when he saw his biological mother, he would show such a timid expression. We can deduce that the other person is the kind of person who is insecure about everything because of life and deals with life fearfully. , which leads to the character of the inner child. (Mother-in-law thinks too much.)

"it's all my fault--"

Cecilia stretched out her hands with great heartache, took Kiana, who didn't know how to use her hands, into her arms, and gently stroked Kiana's silver hair with her right hand.

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