After explaining, Grandpa Mo Yi changed the topic and said:

"By the way, why did you come in? Didn't you lock the door?"

"Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)——"

You actually said it was just a hair dryer?

During the previous journey of living on a desert island and sailing on the sea, Teresa complained that her hair was so long and it was too troublesome to deal with when she was washing her hair.

Mr. Mo, an enthusiastic citizen of Fuyuki City, took the initiative and said that he would help the other party wash it.

After enjoying Grandpa Mo Yi's one-stop little sword technique of shampooing, combing, and massaging hair that reached the divine level, Teresa fell directly into this technique that was like a deep paradise.

It turns out that washing and combing your hair can be so comfortable.

So, for the rest of the time, Grandpa Mo Yi helped Theresa deal with her hair problems, and Grandpa Mo Yi also regarded this matter as a kind of fun.

In fact, it is indeed fun to help your girlfriend wash and comb her hair, and it is something that can increase feelings and intimacy more than having sex.

If the person you've been dating for a while doesn't wash or comb his or her hair, then you should be wary. The other person may not be with you because of love.

In other words, the degree of liking is not enough and it has not really entered the other person's heart. (One of the Thirty-Six Strategies of the Spare Tire Man’s Self-Redemption)

All in all, everyone has some things that they want to keep to themselves and cannot share with others, and having Grandpa Mo Yi wash, dry, comb, and massage her hair is one of the treasures that Theresa does not want to share with others. .

As a mature captain, you must not only know how to move bricks automatically, fly an airship, have full cleaning skills, perform mid-air splits, take a nap with Teresa (sleeping on Judas), settle the settlement in the abyss tonight, but also help the academy A set of comfortable little sword services is here for you.

Theresa looked very angry, showing her childish side unscrupulously, glaring at Grandpa Mo Yi and muttering:

"I don't care, it just won't work anyway—"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Faced with such a combination of coquettishness and rogueness, Grandpa Mo Yi really didn't have any good ideas.

At this time, Asuna also woke up from the surprise of a group of people suddenly appearing. Her beautiful eyes swept across and looked at the intruders, and finally settled on De, who was playing a game of big eyes and small eyes with Grandpa Mo Yi. Lisa quickly recognized them as Grandpa Mo Yi's friends who were having dinner together tonight.

To be honest, she must be very unhappy. Anyone who encounters this situation will be very unhappy. The fact that she didn't fight on the spot is already the reason for her high quality.

You need to be calm and a lady, Mo Yijun is still here——

Asuna said to herself silently, then showed an understanding smile like a gentle wife, and said to Grandpa Mo Yi:

"Mo Yijun, your friend seems to be looking for you in an emergency—"

"If it's inconvenient, just deal with it."

Otherwise, what else could Asuna do?

There is no solution to the stalemate here. The other party can be arrogant, but Asuna herself is a gentle wife, so naturally she can only forgive and take the initiative to step down for Grandpa Mo Yi.


Cecilia, who had been watching the show, felt tense and became more and more worried.

From Theresa's series of reactions after she came in, Cecilia concluded that Theresa's feelings for Masta were deeper than she thought.

On the other hand, Theresa's opponent, the maroon girl, was too amazing in her way of coping. Assuming she was put in the opponent's position, if one day she and Kiana and Siegfried were alone together, suddenly She definitely couldn't bear it when a guy jumped over to cause trouble. At least she couldn't do what Asuna did at the moment. With a smile that even a wife like her felt healed, she just right to help Siegfried relieve the embarrassing situation.

Looking back at Theresa's performance, there is simply a gap between a kindergarten student and a doctoral student!

Cecilia suddenly felt very tired. She had just been resurrected and saw her old friends and her grown-up daughter again, but before she had time to be happy, she had to worry about her daughter's emotional problems like an old mother.


Grandpa Mo Yi was naturally deeply healed by Asuna's smile, and he couldn't help but imagine that if Erina, Illya, Green Ge, and Shizi's teachers (···) were all so considerate, then How nice it would be.

Ahem, I accidentally revealed some bad intentions again,

However, Grandpa Mo Yi did not say "sorry" or "thank you" or other polite words, because after a close relationship, saying such words would make him appear distant.

In the end, he just showed a helpless and grateful smile, said a brief goodbye to Asuna, and then left Asuna's room with the Valkyries and returned to his own room.

————The dividing line in Asuna’s room————

Of course, after everyone left and closed the door, the gentle smile on Asuna's face gradually stiffened, her bright eyes lost all their highlights, and she exuded an aura that no one could enter.

You know how to do many things, and you can do them best, but that doesn't mean you are willing to do them, and it doesn't mean you feel comfortable.

But for the greater good in the future, to defeat all the vixens and win the final victory, she could only choose the short-term pain.

However, Asuna is still very angry!

A few seconds later, Asuna opened a huge suitcase and took out a panda doll more than one meter tall. Then with a cautious look on her face, she placed it on the bed, as if it was a serious ceremony that did not allow for the slightest bit of fuss. Wrong ritual.

"Mo Yijun, you big idiot——"

"Actually, Oudi-"

"You lolicon—"

After placing the panda dolls, Asuna pointed at the panda angrily to vent her displeasure.

After another minute, Asuna realized that just moaning was not enough to vent her unhappiness, so she began to hit the panda doll with her small fists.

After several minutes, Asuna, who had a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, stopped punching the panda in the heart with satisfaction, stared at the panda doll swaying on the bed with satisfaction, and said:

"Since you understand your mistake and promise not to do it again, I will forgive you magnanimously."

"It won't be so simple next time."

————The dividing line after separation——————

After leaving Asuna's room, everyone naturally returned to Grandpa Mo Yi's room.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten what happened before, and no one asked why Grandpa Mo Yi went to the next room to find Lao Na.

Well, before Kiana wanted to ask, Mei Raiden pressed her mouth first.

So, everyone talked about La Er again.

After summarizing the matter, everyone felt that it was getting late, so they left together.

As for Cecilia, she definitely couldn't stay in Grandpa Mo Yi's room overnight, even though Grandpa Mo Yi was the master who summoned the other party and had unlimited command spells that could command the other party to do anything.

How could it be possible for a mere magic B to resist the evil Command Seal?

What's more, the spearmen, Diarmuid and Cu Chulainn in the past, both had strong resistance to magic, but in the end they fell asleep due to the forced suicide of the command spell?

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