"Then come on."


Youlandel snorted coldly, and was not afraid of destroying the deck to pay for it. He placed the spear in his hand on the spot for a moment, and at the same time, the whole person disappeared in the eyes of Kiana and the others.

Of course, the other party did not have the ability to teleport instantly. The disappearance in Kiana's eyes was only because their vision could not catch the sudden burst of Hollander, so they felt that the other party had suddenly disappeared.


When Kiana and the others saw Youlandel again, she was already in front of Grandpa Mo Yi. Her right leg, which had been raised high, kicked Grandpa Mo Yi's kidneys with a sweeping kick.

This speed is already an invisible attack speed in the eyes of Kiana and others. Even if their eyes can keep up, their bodies can still react.

Of course, it is not that Grandpa Mo Yi has never seen such an attack. The invisible attack is also one of Wangjiang Cuchulain's special skills, but it is also a move similar to the powerful fireball technique, which has never killed him. people.

Grandpa Mo Yi had already expected it. When the opponent moved his center of gravity and started to move his feet, his left hand was already raised calmly. When the opponent was about to turn his weight to his waist, he fell into Grandpa Mo Yi's hands like an actor.


After blocking the opponent's kidney attack, Grandpa Mo Yi did not take the opportunity to grab the opponent's right foot and hit the ground with a set of windmill attacks. He just used the opponent's irresistible force to push him away.

But for Youlandel, it was a bit unbelievable that the opponent could block this blow so easily.

As the most powerful S-class Valkyrie by destiny, Youlandel naturally suffers from the pride disease that often comes with being ranked first.

Especially in the Destiny Organization, those who can fight are often Valkyries. Heretics such as male Valkyries have not yet been born in the hands of Lord Lutuo. Her long-term experience has made her look down on men, which is normal.

When encountering this situation, the most rational response should be to retreat, take back the weapon Black Abyss White Flower, and then think about whether to fight or make peace. But at this moment, Youlandel, who is above her, was pushed away by Grandpa Mo Yi, and approached Mo Yi again. Grandpa, this time I didn’t choose a flying leg or kidney strike, but a close-up elbow strike.

As we all know, the power of a fist punched by an arm is much smaller than that of an elbow. It is rare to kill someone with one punch, but it is very easy to kill someone with an elbow hitting the heart.

"it's useless--"

Once again, Grandpa Mo Yi seemed to predict the future. When the opponent's center of gravity shifted, he was the first to respond. He avoided the opponent's elbow with a simple push.

"Abominable(〃> dishes<)"

Hollander, who has a proud personality, still did not give up. How can people who are used to being invincible and think too highly of themselves accept it? The aunt sweeping the floor on the street turned out to be a peerless master. She accidentally dropped a ball of paper towels and was pressed down by the other party. What about your friction in the park?

Well, the current situation is similar to being beaten by the sweeper. I have never tried so weakly. No matter how I change my moves to speed up, I can't even touch Grandpa Mo Yi's clothes. Such a development will eventually make Youlandel's There was the slightest hesitation in her firm heart, and her infinite combos also showed a slight flaw and stagnation.

Of course, it doesn't make much difference to Grandpa Mo Yi whether he hesitates or not, whether his movements are deformed or not.

"You hesitated, Noto Mamiko——"

Along with Grandpa Mo Yi's ethereal voice, Grandpa Mo Yi used the other party's teleportation skills, instantly disappeared from everyone's eyes, and suddenly appeared in front of Youlandel. Even so far away, Youlandel even felt that the other party was spraying out. His breath was still warm as it hit his face.


Youlandel felt that her head seemed to have crashed and she could not react. The stigmata that had not been activated began to operate autonomously under the crisis. Under the influence of Honkai energy, Youlandel's overall quality jumped up, and her combat power instantly increased. Jump from the still human realm to the realm of the extraordinary.


Grandpa Mo Yi's right fist had already hit the opponent's lower abdomen before it could be fully reinforced and protected by Honkai Impact. The moment it hit, it seemed to have no effect, but two seconds later, Grandpa Mo Yi's right fist hit the opponent's lower abdomen. A strong wave of air erupted.

"You will lose!"


Youlandel was knocked upside down and flew out. Fortunately, Rita reached out to catch her and prevented her from flying to the sea.

"This... is awesome."

Kiana, a fledgling Valkyrie like Raiden Mei, was stunned by Grandpa Mo Yi's punch that produced a cannonball special effect.

Although with the blessing of Honkai Energy, they can also produce such effects, Grandpa Mo Yi just achieved the effects with physical ability alone.

"It turns out that Senior Mo Yi is not only good at swordsmanship——"

Leiden Meiyi was quite worried before. She knew that Grandpa Mo Yi's swordsmanship was superb, but now he was fighting hand-to-hand. What was the difference between a swordsman without a sword and a salted fish? At most, his dodge ability is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Theresa always felt like she had seen this trick before.

"This move is a bit familiar——"

Himeko, who also felt a little familiar and even had an inexplicable stomach twitch and a bit of pain, quickly remembered why she was so familiar.

"It's Fu Hua's commonly used move, it seems to be called 'Cun Jin·Open the Sky,'"

Fu Hua is also one of Theresa's subordinates, but unlike Himeko, Fu Hua was sent to Theresa by Master Lutuo. On the one hand, he protects Theresa, and on the other hand, he monitors Theresa.

Everyone knows this matter, but has not stated it openly. Although Jizi likes the other party's serious character, in many cases, whether the friendship can be deepened depends on the camps of both parties.

If you are destined not to make it to the end, there is no need to become close friends, otherwise Xu will just embarrass everyone in the end.

Because both of them are Theresa's subordinates, it is inevitable that they will have some differences. Himeko is good at knight swords, while Fu Hua is good at Chinese martial arts. During the fight, Himeko, who seems to have a sword in his hand, has the upper hand. , but as the saying goes - every inch is short, every inch is dangerous. In countless sparring sessions, Jizi has tried countless times to get close to the opponent. Once hit, she will lose her ability to resist and be attacked by the opponent infinitely. The last move is mostly like the cannonball-like punch that Grandpa Mo Yi used just now. It is obviously just a fist, but hitting the body is like a cannonball detonating in the body, injuring the enemy from the inside out.

Every time the opponent shouts out the name of the move "Cun Jin·Kaitian", Jizi has a hard time remembering it!

As for asking the other party why they have to shout so loudly at the end of the move, Rune's answer is that Chinese Taishu emphasizes the use of strength. Of course, the last blow must be struck with all one's strength, and shouting it loudly prompts people to enter a state of spiritual energy. The unified state allows her to produce maximum output.

The size of the roar determines the limit of the output, and the size of the combat effectiveness is determined by the thigh socks!

"Speaking of which-"

Kiana suddenly remembered the setting that Grandpa Mo Yi seemed to be a magician, and couldn't help but curiously asked:

"Isn't Mo Yi the kind of magician who shoots fireballs and thunder? This battle is different from the one I want to see."

That's right, when Grandpa Mo Yi took the initiative to go up, Kiana was still looking forward to seeing the big scenes of flames, thunder, and storms raging in the movie.

"Kiana, you are still too naive. In our current environment, how can we withstand a battle with great destructive force-"

After seeing Grandpa Mo Yi successfully repelling Youlandel, Theresa took what she had learned from Grandpa Mo Yi as her own opinion and told everyone:

"Besides, Mo Yi is not a traditional magician. He is a battle mage who is good at close combat. He can't even beat a warrior in close combat, so he is not a close combat mage."

Thunder Mei Yi: "..."

This is different from what I imagined. If warriors can't even defeat mages in close combat, what's the point of having warriors? Do we still need to rely on them for long-range output? !

In fact, Raiden Mei is right to complain. In the world of Xingyue, the top mages are good at close combat, such as Aozaki Aoko, King Solomon, and Merlin, and famous warriors, such as King Da Mao in Saber, Phineas, Cu Chulainn and Karna in Lancer, their strongest moves are long-range and powerful light cannon AOE skills.

It can be seen that a real mage is a melee physical profession, while a real warrior is a long-range legal profession.


Although Youlandel immediately used Honkai to strengthen her own defense, the classic move of Inch Fist, which ignored armor, still made her belly twitch and she always felt like vomiting blood.

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