But in the past half month, she has been teased countless times by the so-called 'most powerful monster system'

For example, the death time penalty after death is to be chased by countless Yingying monsters. Once caught by them, they will be assimilated and twist their waists crazily with them. It takes Yingying an hour to be resurrected; damn the system , every time she performs the operation, she will say some chicken soup for the soul that makes her angry - hesitation will result in defeat, and children who know how to yin will be fed; you are one step closer to the throne of the strongest yin king.

And the skills or supplies exchanged from the system are not much better, such as the Yingying brand life potion, the Yingying mad breath battle, and the secret of Yingying sky.

The most terrifying thing is that Yae Sakura found that she seemed to slowly accept that she was the woman who was going to become King Yexiong. Such a strange setting.

When talking to oneself out of boredom, he would even use "嘤嘘" as a modal particle.

"forget about it."

After picking up the crystal on the ground, Yae Sakura shook her head and prepared to find the task character for the side mission.

Although Theresa, Raiden Mei, and her other self in this world were not people she knew, but knowing that they were about to encounter danger, Yae Sakura couldn't help but worry.

————The end is the dividing line between another beginning————

Yae Sakura, who has unlimited file loading capabilities, still achieved a perfect ending.

First, he saved Theresa and prompted Yae Sakura, who had destroyed the Three Worlds, to become Theresa's good friend.

Then, with the krypton gold enhancement of Chao's ability, he defeated the thunder and lightning Meiyi who transformed into a herrscher, and told the opponent that the thunder and lightning queen was no longer suitable for this version, and the era of Great Yingying was next.

With the blessings and farewells from Theresa, another Yae Sakura, Raiden Mei and Kiana, Yae Sakura ended the trial with satisfaction.

However, what was waiting for her was not Grandpa Mo Yi's hateful face, but the second trial.

The second version of Naruto in the Trial World Demon. In order to save the village, the fourth generation Hokage sealed the nine-tailed demon fox Feijomaru into his child Uzumaki Sakura, and then about a girl who determined to become Hokage in order to prove herself. The story officially begins.

Uzumaki Sakura (Yae Sakura) and Uchiha Teresa, with the help of Six Paths Sage (Grandpa Mo Yi), finally succeeded in defeating the ultimate villain Uchiha Otto who attempted to create a world with Harano Kallen.

Then the two started a final battle because of their different ideas.

Yae Sakura transformed into Higomaru, while Teresa piloted the legendary complete Susanoo Bayeri Gundam and launched various light cannons in the air.

"Do you dare to disobey me with Bayali?!"

Teresa condensed a 4,000-meter-long Judas, roared, and rushed towards Yae Sakura, who had also rubbed out the spicy sensu root that covered the sky, and launched the final wave.

After blowing up one-tenth of the continent, the two of them lost their hands, lost their king's power, and fell to the ground exhausted. With Haruno Yi's persuasion of "Don't fight anymore, you can't kill anyone," they finished. The final reconciliation.

Yae Sakura thought this was finally over, but she was still too naive. Grandpa Mo Yi's trial couldn't be that simple. It must be - Captain, don't stop!

After going through seven or eight more trials with the demon-modified version of Death, the demon-modified Bandit King, etc.——

This time, Yae Sakura came to a world where magic and supernatural powers did not exist. The only power that existed in this world was fighting spirit that had evolved to the extreme.

Yae Sakura was originally a genius, but three years ago her skills failed to advance and she became a genius who was ridiculed.

Then, her fiancé Xiao came to break off the engagement, and then the plot of "Thirty years in the east of Hedong, thirty years in the west of Hexi, don't bully a young girl into poverty".

With the help of the strongest monster development system, Yae Sakura was upgraded to the strongest level in the world - Dou Emperor in just three years.

After the arrival of the three-year agreement, Yae Sakura will naturally go to Yunlan Sect to carry out the most powerful plot in the world and fulfill her duel with Xiao.

Under the terrifying absolute power of the Dou Emperor's power, the mere Dou Zun Xiao is obviously not strong enough. If the system hadn't required Yae Sakura to completely defeat the opponent's body and mind and make the opponent kneel on the ground and sing "Conquer", she would have completed the task. A long time ago, a single cherry blossom had killed someone Xiao in seconds.

"Abominable(〃> dishes<)"

Xiao couldn't accept the reality that the opponent who was still a scumbag three years ago had the power to crush him three years later, so he roared incompetently:

"It's nothing to defeat me with a high level of cultivation. If you have the ability to dismount and fight, you can defeat me with an equal level of cultivation!"


"Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus——"

"Crimson Flame Hell!"

————The dividing line between dream and awakening——

After completing another trial, Yae Sakura closed her eyes and prepared to go to another trial world that had been modified by Grandpa Mo Yi to be full of various flaws.

Unexpectedly, when she opened her eyes again, she saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

"Are you awake?"

A voice that she hadn't heard for an unknown amount of time, but had appeared in her dreams countless times, penetrated her ears, making her unable to tell whether it was now or in a dream.

Yae Sakura opened her eyes and saw the guy who he had secretly scolded countless times.


Those long-ago plans on how to get revenge when they see each other again suddenly got stuck.

Seeing the gentle and gratified smile on Grandpa Mo Yi's face, Yae Sakura felt that she should thank him, but she wanted to lose control of her hand and give him a knife. If she killed him, she would repay him as a slave in the next life. that is.

Finally, he said with some sigh:

"It's really a long dream."

At this time, other people also discovered that Yae Sakura had regained consciousness, and immediately gathered around to show concern for each other.

Of course, Kiana was a little unhappy after knowing that Yae Sakura secretly asked Grandpa Mo Yi to increase her strength. How could she sneak away.

What she is most concerned about now is whether Yae Sakura has become stronger, and the trial that Grandpa Mo Yi said was 'if you don't have the determination to become a Shyro (Shura), you will not be able to pass it, and it will be worse than death.' ,What exactly is it.

After hearing Kiana's question, Yae Sakura felt the power in her body, moved her body a little, and confirmed that most of the power in the trial seemed to be still there, except for some things that were not consistent with Honkai energy.

I was happy, but thinking of that long dream, Yae Sakura couldn't help but shudder, and said seriously:

"Kiana, that is something much more terrifying than death."

"My heart is tired and I have become stronger."

Feeling Yae Sakura's resentful gaze towards him, Grandpa Mo Yi looked at each other for a few seconds, then took out a cup of brewed coffee from behind and placed it in front of Yae Sakura's table, and said with a smile:

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiaoba—"

"Excuse me, would you like a cappuccino?"

PS: Has anyone seen "Monster List"?

Chapter 511: Ji Zi: You still said this is not Xuanyuan Sword

After being mercilessly defeated by Grandpa Mo Yi, Youlandel didn't see anything wrong on the surface, so she just reported to Lord Lu Tuo how she should.

But Rita, who was most familiar with her captain, could still see the unwillingness hidden behind her calm face.

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