Moreover, the gods that Ramses II and Wang Xiang believed in were also different. Ramses II claimed to be the son of the sun god, and the highest god he believed in was naturally the sun god Ra.

Although Wang Xiang also believes in the Sun God, the highest god he believes in is the Creator God of Light, Herakdi. The Creator God of Light is not a god in the local world, but the supreme god in the world of duel monsters.

Therefore, the relationship between Wang Yiang and other traditional pharaoh kings has not been very good. They have maintained neither closeness nor alienation. If there is an invasion of power from other worlds, they can cooperate with other pharaoh kings. If everything goes well, they can Independent from the City of Light.

A few days ago, Ramses II, the most famous pharaoh, suddenly visited his City of Light and borrowed the Tower of Light.

With various considerations in mind, Wang Xiang agreed, but his die-hard fans must have some objections.

"I have made all decisions on this matter——"

Wang Xiang naturally knew that it was not appropriate for La Er to borrow the Tower of Light, but the situation was stronger than the person. The other party also explained where he needed to receive a distinguished guest, and left quickly without any other intention.

Based on Wang Yang's understanding of Fang Laer, the other party is not the kind of person who likes to play conspiracies and play the "Liu Bei borrows Jingzhou" routine. With the other party's power, he can declare war openly and achieve the other party's goals.

The other party's strength and power can completely accomplish this.

Wang Xiang looked away from Ahad, turned to look into the distance, and said to himself:

"Is this Obelisk's power?"

After thinking for a few seconds, he showed a rare smile and said to Ahad:

"Ahad, an old friend of mine is coming for a visit. Prepare a welcome ceremony."

"Follow your will, king—"

To be able to make his own king show such a sincere smile, it seems that this old friend is a really good friend.

Obelisk's Titan Soldier is the power of Pharaoh Wang Yiang, and Kaiba summons the power of the Titan Soldier in this world. By asking about Obelisk's body, Wang Yiang naturally learned about the arrival of Kaiba, and Full image of the battle between the Giant God Soldier and Grandpa Mo Yi.

————The dividing line on the Theresa————

After Haima lost the card game with Grandpa Mo Yi, he calmly reflected for a while and quickly found others to play cards. With his skills, although the others had decks made by Grandpa Mo Yi, they still couldn't beat President Haima.

President Kaiba, who had regained some confidence, approached the big devil Mo Yi again and challenged him.

The result was of course Grandpa Mo Yi's never-to-be-repeated monster card defeat, such as the 'Abandoned Heavenly Emperor', 'Infinity Glove-like Purple Sweet Potato', 'End Yan Herrscher', and 'Mr. Gai', all of which beat the president.

The president also seems to be used to being blasted, and has been defeated and defeated again and again. After losing to Grandpa Mo Yi, he went to his savior Kiana to find his confidence, and then came back to seek revenge from Grandpa Mo Yi.

The past two days passed quietly in this kind of fun.

"The shrimp catcher——"

With appropriate music accompaniment, Grandpa Mo Yi drove the Theresa at high speed towards the City of Light, which had already seen the city gate.

As for the desert crocodile that occasionally pops up from the yellow sand, the dangerous situation of the Theresa can be easily avoided by Grandpa Mo Yi's drainage channel bending and Canadian drift skills. .


After an autobiographical three and a half laps of drift braking, the Theresa stopped not far from the city gate.

"The destination has arrived——"

Grandpa Mo Yi cheered up and became serious, transforming into a thief at any time to fight the enemy happily and said:

"If the Theresa sails by, it will be a bit ostentatious and may cause some unnecessary trouble. Let's get off the ship here and walk over to inquire about the situation."

"no problem--"

Teresa took off her previous leisurely and cool clothes, put on the previous clothes of a sworn nun, put the polished and shiny Judas on her back, and said:

"My Judas, you are ready."

Others were in the same situation. Although the final boss of this trip, La Er, was right in front of them, no one showed any uneasiness. After these few days of wonderful and interesting adventures, everyone no longer looked like the same person. At the beginning, I was afraid of pulling two.

What are you afraid of? We have General Mo Yi, the Great Demon King, who can kill La Er!

Especially these days, Grandpa Mo Yi has never shown any signs of uneasiness. Doesn’t it mean that the other party is full of confidence? As the saying goes, if the sky falls, there are still tall people holding on, and they are not even afraid of their thighs. They are responsible Make soy sauce, brush mobs, passerby monsters called 666, commentator monsters and shock monsters.

The people who disembarked from the boat quickly walked to the city gate, and then the two guarding soldiers, who were sturdy and handsome, immediately placed the spears in their hands in front of everyone, and then muttered fiercely.

Well, that’s right, they were speaking ancient Egyptian, and it would be surprising if the people present could understand them!

You must know that only English, Tianchao and District 11 can travel together in the world. Ancient Egyptian is embarrassing for everyone present.

Although they couldn't understand what they were saying, everyone could guess pretty much what they were saying.

With such a ferocious appearance, he is clearly the mob to be defeated in the first level!

"Do it-"

Kiana took out her two guns and asked an antelope to jump up and kick the two tough-looking guys away.

As for why you need to take out both guns, the actual attack is a kick, because this is the essence of gun fighting. A kick without a gun is called a flying kick, and a kick with a gun is called "gun fighting"!

"The next thing is, when Kiana—"

Just as Kiana's thighs were about to bounce, Grandpa Mo Yi suddenly appeared next to her, pressed her head with his hand, forcibly interrupted Kiana's gun fighting skills, and complained:

"Sorry, it's not Kiana's time yet."

"What are you doing?"

Kiana puffed up her face, pushed away Grandpa Mo Yi's hand with dissatisfaction, and said angrily:

"Why don't you take action against me? The other party is clearly provoking!"


Only then did Grandpa Mo Yi remember that everyone could not understand the ancient Egyptian language. After all, under normal circumstances, there was no language barrier in the two-dimensional world.

So, after a few strokes with his fingers, an illusory rune blended into everyone's body and explained:

"This is a magic rune that allows everyone to understand other languages."

Then explained:

"What these two soldiers just said is that foreigners like us need to pay an entrance fee to enter the city. Gold or other equivalents can be used by others."

“After you obtain the pass, you can enter and leave at will in the future.”


Kiana knew that she had made a mistake, so she turned around with some embarrassment, leaned against her mother Cecilia, and complained:

"Who makes their accents so cruel? No matter how you listen to them, you want to fight."

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