Naturally, she couldn't understand what Grandpa Mo Yi said, but she couldn't say, 'Master, I don't study well, can you speak to me in plain English?', so she had to tell Grandpa Mo Yi in another way that she couldn't understand him. What exactly was said.

"Master, don't say fancy words all day long. If you're a man, just face the other person head-on. Simple and rough is the most effective!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

"Then let me put it in layman's terms——"

"Everything is allowed, everything is false. We walk in darkness and serve the light. If heaven cannot punish evil, we will disappear in the darkness——"

"We are all evil people!"

Heizhen: "..."

Isn't this more difficult to understand?

I think you just want to embarrass me, a little-educated ghost-fire girl!

Hei Zhen, who looked confused and couldn't refute, and could only blame himself for his lack of education, decided to ignore Grandpa Mo Yi, stop answering the other party's words, and return his attention to the battle on the field.


After feeling Hei Zhen's gaze, Li Ziqiu immediately showed an expression of "people are ruthless and don't talk much", and he bared his teeth and claws at Hei Zhen, trying to scare Hei Zhen.

"Cheer, cheer for my hatred!"

Hei Zhen waved the battle flag in his hand, and the red lotus fire transformed from resentment ignited from the battle flag.

"This is the roar from my soul tortured by hatred! "Roar, my wrath!" La Grondement Du Haine! "

Following the point of the Heizhen battle flag, the red lotus fire attacked the weak, pitiful and helpless Li Ziqiu.

During this period, Hei Zhen heard Grandpa Mo Yi, who was right behind her, helping her translate the name of the Noble Phantasm into vernacular -

"Hey! I'm so angry! I'm so angry that I'm going to explode on the spot!"

If it weren't for being constrained by the rules of the game, if it wasn't for knowing that the other party had the ability to follow the network cable to find her, Hei Zhen would definitely turn around the battle flag in her hand and use her anger to smear Grandpa Mo Yi in the face!

Damn it, ‘I’m so angry’, even those who weren’t angry at first were made so angry by you that they exploded.

"Open the covered magic card - Proliferate!"

Faced with Heizhen's flame jet attack, Wang Yang confidently opened the prepared magic card, value-increasing. Under the effect of 'proliferation', Wang Yang's chestnut ball immediately used the technique of multiple shadow clones, unlimited in just an instant. Doppelgänger.

Because the chestnut ball is in a defensive state, even if it is destroyed, Wang Xiang's health will not be reduced.

"Your attack is limited, but the chestnut balls can multiply indefinitely, so your attack this time will be blocked by the chestnut balls!"

Wang Xiang uses his unique skills to export nonsense!

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Oh my god, infinite proliferation. This does not comply with the law of conservation of mass and energy at all. Why can your chestnut balls multiply indefinitely instead of stopping after one or two?

No matter how much Grandpa Mo Yi complained in his heart, Hei Zhen's attack was finally resisted.

"What the hell is this? Why can't it be burned completely?"

Hei Zhen originally thought he was a little monster who could easily send the opponent to the cemetery. He made a cool POS and read his lines well, but now he didn't even think about destroying the opponent, and he kept getting more and more!

This time, Hei Zhen felt a little hot on her cheeks and was too embarrassed to turn around and look at Grandpa Mo Yi's expression. The other party must be laughing at her——

Damn it!

"My turn, draw a card——"

Li Ziqiu did not disappoint him. Wang Yang said with a confident smile on his face:

"Mo Yijun, it's my attack turn again, I hope you can catch it!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Don't! I'm not Mr. Ban, and I don't want to pick up the soap you brought me.

"I activate a magic card from your hand - Resurrection of the Dead!"

The game plays a must-have divine card for every duelist - Resurrection of the Dead. You can choose a duel monster from your own or the enemy's graveyard to resurrect.

"That's right, the one I want to resurrect is the Winged Dragon of the Sun God!"

As early as when using 'Angel's Alms', the game was preparing to summon the Winged Dragon of the Sun God. Only it could ignore in an instant how many duel monsters Grandpa Mo Yi had on the field and how powerful the duel monsters were. Clear out all the duel monsters on Grandpa Mo Yi's field in an instant.

Moreover, although the actual effect of the Sun God's Winged Dragon is not powerful in Grandpa Mo Yi's eyes, and its symbolic meaning is greater than its practical significance, as the three illusory gods, it still has powerful practical effects after being successfully summoned.

"When the Winged Dragon of the Sun God resurrects from the graveyard, I can sacrifice 1,000 health points to activate her special effect, the Golden Phoenix, to destroy all duel monsters on the field!"

Regardless of the actual effect of the zombie bird, the special effects are still full of sincerity and are definitely worth a million annual salary.

For an instant, the sun became brighter, and then as if falling from the sky, a small sun appeared on the field between the two of them, burning the earth.

As Wang Xiang recited a specific priest spell, the Sun God's Winged Dragon also transformed from the small sun state into a phoenix transformed from golden flames.


The thing Heizhen hates the most is ‘gods’!

Although the Winged Dragon of the Sun God was not the one she believed in, it still made her very unhappy, even though she knew that under the rules of the game, no matter what she did, it would be in vain.

But it's not a question of whether the effort is in vain, but a question of whether to do it or not. If she doesn't even have an attitude of resistance, what's the difference between her and that stupid Joan of Arc!


After the golden phoenix screamed loudly, it rushed towards Heizhen who dared to wave the battle flag at it, vowing to burn the blasphemer into nothingness!


"Fire at me, O God!"

Hei Zhen raised the battle flag high and directly used the Noble Phantasm 'I'm so angry', carrying the red lotus fire and crashing into the golden phoenix that was a hundred times her size.


The golden phoenix turned into a flame tornado. When the flames dissipated, Chaldea's best attacker was no longer seen.

She did not die, she just went to the cemetery to sleep for a while.

"This way, you don't have a duel monster barrier."

Wang Yang played another card from his hand:

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