Wang Yang: Where? The ambush card in the first round was actually the resurrection of the dead. How could such a cool operation be possible?

"The person I want to resurrect is the monster sage Yakumo Murasaki who was just sent to the cemetery as a sacrifice, and then use Yakumo Purple to directly attack the player!"

"Wait a moment - activate the trap card and magic tube to reflect the monster sage's attack back to the opponent!"

Zima's attack power is a full 3200 points, while Wang Yang's health at this moment is only 1000 points. If the opponent's attack is successful, he will lose the game. Naturally, Wang Yang will not give up easily, so he will launch a trap to ambush the scene. Card magic tube.

The magic tube reflects an attack from the opponent. It is a very simple and crude trap card.

As for why you don't use it when Motorcycle Duck launches an attack, that's because you know that Motorcycle Duck has the ability to copy and reproduce the opponent's traps and magic effects. If you use it at that time, the opponent will still be in combat mode, and maybe a copy of the magic will come. If he uses the control of the cylinder and performs the operation of "I bounce your rebound", then the trap card he used to save his life may be in vain.

It was the right time to stay now and deal with the monster sage who dealt a fatal blow to him at this moment.

However, Wang Yang didn't know that Zima had the ability to selectively ignore all effects.

“A trip to the abandoned station!”

At Zima's call, a train traveling between the real world and Fantasy Township drove out of the gap and crashed into Wang Xiang at high speed.

Immediately, a tube engraved with mysterious runes appeared at the end of the train's direction, trying to collect it, and then put it back through another magic tube to attack Zima.

"Why did you summon me again? I just fell asleep——"

Zima, who was half awake and half asleep, yawned and waved the umbrella in her hand. A dark passage appeared in front of the magic tube, and the ghostly train immediately drove into it without falling into the magic tube. A gap opened in the other direction, and the high-speed train rushed out from behind Wang Yang and hit Wang Yang directly!

At this point, Wang Xiang's health suddenly dropped from 2600 points to 0 points.

————The dividing line at the end of the game——————

When Grandpa Mo Yi and Wang Xiang walked back to the crowd, Ramses II didn't know what had left, and he didn't know why he came here.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi felt that the other party just came here to eat and drink. Now that he had eaten and drank enough and enjoyed a game duel, he could naturally go back with satisfaction.

As for the matter between him and Grandpa Mo Yi and others, there is no rush to resolve it now. Wait until tomorrow, or after the friends have had a good time in the City of Light, and then go to the Tower of Light to fight the boss.

Wang Xiangjianlaer had already left without showing any unusual expression. He just announced to everyone that he hoped that Grandpa Mo Yi and others would have a great time. Except for some special restricted areas, the palace and other places could be used by Grandpa Mo Yi and others. play.

Hearing this, everyone had a better impression of Wang Xiang. Just as Wang Xiang said, Theresa, Illya and others really had a great time under the welcome of Wang Xiang and other hosts.

During this period, Grandpa Mo Yi also heard some interesting conversations between Wang Yang and President Haima.

For example, Wang Yang asked seemingly casually how the friends he used to meet in District 11 were doing now.

Kaiba, on the other hand, had an arrogant expression of 'How could I possibly know this', and his answers came fluently.

Everyone was living a good life. After Wang Yang left, everyone went back to school to study hard and make progress every day. Except for President Haima, who was making hundreds of thousands of dollars every second, he had no time to waste time in school.

That's right, Wang Yang's friends and others, even though they have gone through so much and saved the world twice by playing cards, they are still a group of high school students.

High school students save the world. This is very scientific and royal.

Hearing this, Wang Xiang couldn't help but smile with a trace of nostalgia and satisfaction.

Immediately afterwards, Kaiba said that after everyone graduated, both Jonouchi and the real Muto Yugi became professional duelists, and later even became tutors at the duel academy hosted by Kaiba. Their lives as tutors were uneventful.

"What about Kyoko and the others?"

The focus of Wang Xiang's attention is actually 'Mazaki Kyoko', and the others are incidental.


Because even though Kyoko Masaki didn't say it out loud back then, everyone with a discerning eye knew that she liked Wang Yiang.

That's right, it's Wang Xiang, not the real Muto game.

Muto Yugi also likes Kyoko Masaki, but because Yu-Gi-Oh is a world with themes of battle and friendship, there is no magical plot development of "It's the White Season Again".

In the end, Kyoko Masaki just watched Wang Xiang leave step by step, enter the gate of the underworld, and return to where he should go.

"Did Kyoko realize her dream and become a professional dancer?"

"She has indeed become a famous dancer. I have seen her participating in world competitions on TV."

Kaiba must not show that he understands other people very well. Doesn't this mean that he cares about them?

Continue to talk about other people's situations in an "I don't know" tone.

The real Yugi Muto finally married Kyoko Masaki, and Jonouchi finally caught up with Mai and held a grand wedding before President Kaiba set off. (Kaiba paid for the sponsorship. Although he always mocked Jonouchi and looked down on mediocre people like him. In fact, after Wang Yang left, Jonouchi was already one of the few opponents in Kaiba's heart. As for the reason for the sponsorship, what about Jonouchi? Kaiba, who is said to be the first teacher of Duel Academy, as the principal and founder, cannot let him hold a casual wedding, otherwise how will others view Kaiba's new profession of 'duelist', which he has finally developed with great difficulty. That's right, in After Wang Yang left, the monster duel game became more and more popular and its influence became huge, and later evolved into a common life occupation.)

"That's good."

After hearing that everyone was doing well, especially after his best friend "Real Muto Yugi" also caught up with the person he liked, Wang Xiang could let go of his last worries.

As for the real Muto game, he is naturally 100% assured. The gambling house is not only excellent in dealing with people, but also sincere and a warm-hearted man. Even in terms of playing cards, he is not necessarily worse than himself. Back then In the final battle, the real Muto Yugi defeated Wang Xiang with an ordinary monster deck, allowing Wang Xiang to feel relieved and return to the underworld with peace of mind.

He can definitely give Xingzi happiness.

A person with such high IQ and EQ as Wang would naturally feel that Xingzi liked him. But back then, he was just a wandering soul wandering the world. Even his body needed to be borrowed from others. He was destined to leave and naturally couldn't respond to the other person. Like.

And Wang Yang also has a certain affection for such an outstanding girl as Xingzi.

Now, everything can be completely let go.

After watching the first generation of Yu-Gi-Oh!, I always felt a little regretful, so now I want to make up for the author's fun-style ending.

Chapter 551: Bronya’s body temperature is rising——

After the dinner, Wang Yang also arranged for everyone to rest in the corresponding palace, but everyone said they didn't need it. After they had a place to rest, Wang Yang didn't force everyone to go.

The so-called resting place is naturally the Theresa, which is equipped with all kinds of modern facilities. Modern people who are used to all kinds of hot water supply, air-conditioned rooms and other facilities will definitely choose to live there if they have a choice. place.

Although the rooms on the Theresa are not big, in the eyes of everyone, they are better than the empty and solemn palace.

So, Grandpa Mo Yi found an open place and released the Theresa. After saying goodbye to Wang Yang, everyone boarded the ship.

The only one left was President Kaiba. He should have a night talk with Wang Xiangbingzhu, and play a few more cards by the way.

Seeing this, Grandpa Mo Yi just smiled and told him that after they solved the matter of Ramses II, they would prepare to go back to their own world. If President Kaiba wanted to go back to his own world, Grandpa Mo Yi would You can send the other person back easily.

That was the deadline. After Grandpa Mo Yi left, he had no choice but to go back on his own or stay here forever without asking Grandpa Mo Yi.

As an adult, Grandpa Mo Yi would not interfere or express his opinions no matter what the decision was. This was the other party's business. He had helped the other party to this point just because the other party had brought him up to the age of middle school. It's such an incomparable joy, and it's fate that we meet each other.

President Haima did not answer immediately, but solemnly thanked Grandpa Mo Yi and said that he would think it over as soon as possible.

After returning to the Theresa, everyone who had been out for a day took a bath when it was time to take a shower, and when it was time to gather together to chat and play games, they played games. There was never a lack of laughter on the Theresa.

In fact, Grandpa Mo Yi did not expect that the wooden boat he casually created to fool Theresa and make her happy would become a place where people from different places with different purposes and ideals would become here through various chances and coincidences. We get together on this wooden boat, and then throw away all the things, identities, positions, values, etc. that restrict ourselves in the real world, and play and laugh together happily.

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