Listening to this, it seems that Theresa's people took advantage of the proposal.

If together they are stronger than Moses, they can naturally follow the original plan and fight in groups to win.

If Moses is stronger, they can also use the weaker ones in exchange for Moses' fighting ability not to help La Er.

After everyone thought about it, they accepted Moses' suggestion.

Of course, Mo Yi thinks this is not bad. La Er's combat power is two levels stronger than the four kings he encountered before. If both sides use full firepower, they may accidentally injure their friends.

If the difference in strength is too big, the training effect will not be achieved.

It's better to let them have a fight with Moses now, because he can watch the whole audience, and Moses seems to be kinder, unlike La Er, who is so imprudent that he always washes the ground with nuclear bombs and collides with graves.

"He is very strong. Be careful and don't force yourself."

Mo Yi reminded everyone who looked a little relaxed.

If they weren't reminded, the friends would think that with so many of them, there was no way they could beat each other in a group fight.

But once the strength of both sides is not at the same level, the so-called number of people will lose meaning. No matter how many scumbags there are, they are just babies of experience.

Hearing that Mo Yi, who had the strongest fighting ability on her side, also said that the other party was very strong, Kiana could no longer maintain a relaxed smile and leaned against Grandpa Mo Yi with a nervous expression. She was afraid that the other party might have heard her and asked in a low voice:

"Uncle, do you think the other party is very strong? How strong? Is he stronger than you?"

"I can hit him a hundred times——"

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's words, Kiana patted her small mouth angrily. She was about to complain about Grandpa Mo Yi for scaring them, when she heard Mo Yi continue to say:

"He could hit any one of you a hundred times."

Kiana: "..."

Kiana looked at Mo Yi's expression with some suspicion. This time, the other party did not have the shy smile he usually showed when teasing her, but a very calm expression.

But this calm expression just showed that the other party was serious and was not lying.

In fact, Grandpa Mo Yi has deliberately minimized the gap between them. The strength of Theresa and others is certainly good, and in the modern world, they are already considered to be at the top level.

But what they are facing now is Moses, who is a boss even in the age of gods. The opponent is a man who can blow open the Red Sea with one punch. With this kind of close combat ability and physical strength alone, they cannot compare.

If we talk about their respective abilities, the other person is a great prophet. The first person to listen to the gospel of God and obtain the Ten Commandments naturally has abilities related to God.

After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's reminder, not only Kiana, but also Youlandel, who had disobeyed the order of the organization, looked serious and stood on the field fully armed, staring at the man in front of him who was smiling gently.

————The starting dividing line————

When Mo Yi stood aside, the battle between his friends and Moses was about to begin.

"Take action——"

I don't know who gave the order. Everyone took out their proud long-range attacks and bombed each other together.

Why use remote attacks?

If there are so many people using close-range moves, the attacks that fly over will not automatically turn around. Unlike in the game, teammates' attacks will not hit their own family members.

"Judas spread out—"

Teresa inserted the Judas in her hand into the ground, first opened up a halo field to strengthen everyone's attack power, then transformed into a Judas launcher, continuously shooting light spears, turning into light rain to block the opponent's dodge space, and bombing the opponent.

"It's barrage time now——"

Kiana also took out her two guns and started shooting wildly.

Valkyries like Yae Sakura, Rita, and Raiden Mei, who are good at melee combat, use weapons to perform crescent-shaped slashes with Honkai energy added to them.

"Everyone is really enthusiastic——"

Facing the barrage attack that was so densely packed that it was impossible to evade it completely, Moses, thinking of a quick victory, clenched his fists and assumed a "Cun Jin Kaitian" charging posture, directly releasing the true name of the Noble Phantasm. ——

“Moses opened the sea!”

That's right, Moses at this time was the opponent in the heroic spirit state.


When the opponent punched, endless thunder and roaring roars rang in everyone's ears, and the colorful barrage of attacks flew upside down and disappeared in an instant.

"Is this... the sea?"

This is when Kiana was being knocked away, she seemed to see a sea that had been bombed and hit them.

When Kiana wanted to open her eyes to see more clearly, she was pushed to the ground and her mind was confused. Although she was under the control of the other party and did not suffer any substantial damage, she could not stand up at all in a short time. .

Moses looked at the people rushing towards him and said to himself helplessly:

"It's really tenacious, even though I only used one-tenth of my strength——"

Cecilia and Hollander, who rushed towards Moses, listened to each other's words. If the situation was not urgent, they would definitely complain about each other. You are the second most pretentious guy I have ever seen.

As for who is the first one, of course, unfortunately you are not as handsome as Mo Yi.

"I am the black who goes to hell; I am the white who comes from heaven; the key of God, the white flower of the black abyss, the second rated power——"

"Holy Spear Countercurrent!"

Hollander and Cecilia released the Black Abyss White Flower in their hands at the same time, and the Black Abyss White Flower exuding the power of black decomposition stabbed Moses.

At this time, the last person who had not fallen under Moses' punch was Yae Sakura. She had also come behind Moses and used the skills learned from Grandpa Mo Yi's trial that every mature miko must master. The ultimate secret - dreams are born, transforming the deepest emotions in the heart into substantial power.

As long as you have love in your heart, you can inspire moves with endless power.

"Dreams are born——"

With Yae Sakura's open hands, a spherical red barrier wrapped Moses, suppressing and sealing the opponent's power. Then with the red energy emitted, Yae Sakura briefly entered a state similar to a Super Saiyan, because Because of the long hair, it is impossible for the whole hair to explode upwards, but there is no commission to keep the hair naked for a few days. Coupled with the straight erect fox ears, the aura of explosive hair rushes towards the face.

"Eula Ola Ola Ola——"

Seeing Teresa lying on the ground, Yingyingying had nothing to be afraid of, and no longer needed a knife. With her clenched fist, she punched Moses' back and began to pull violently.

Moses, who seemed to be in dire straits, still had a helpless smile on his face, and sang in a voice that only he could hear:

"I am God and Lord, and no one should worship anyone else but me."

"If you make dolls or images of anything in heaven and on earth, in the earth and in the water, do not worship or serve them."


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