"Now that Kiana has woken up, I'm ready to go."

"You stay here and don't move around at will. If there is any danger, you can leave first. Don't worry that I won't find you."

"Anyway, I'll be back as soon as I go. It won't be too long."

Mo Yi, who had long coaxed Theresa, Illya and others not to worry, smiled, stood up, and walked towards a twisted portal ahead.

"Daddy, (big brother who drives the spaceship)!"

"Dabai, come back quickly——"

"Uncle, you must teach me a lesson from that stinky guy La Er. We have been exposed to the sun for so many days in the desert, and our skin is almost tanned."

"What kind of wine should I drink at tonight's celebration party?!"

Listening to the chirping and cheering sounds behind him, Grandpa Mo Yi did not turn around, stretched out his right hand and made a thumbs up gesture, then strode into the portal and disappeared.

Mo Yi, who disappeared, appeared in the vast temple in the next moment, and at the end of the temple, there happened to be a throne. La Er was waiting there with his chin in one hand.

The moment Mo Yi arrived, the sound of your voice made La Er wake up, looked up at Grandpa Mo Yi, and said with a smile:

"Finally here, the original king of the East, Mo Yi."

Teresa's other end——

After everyone said goodbye to Grandpa Mo Yi, a translucent picture pattern appeared in the sky. The scenery in it happened to be the scene of sitting on the throne and looking at Mo Yi who had just appeared.

"As long as you don't give up, we will eventually meet -"

Grandpa Mo Yi didn't show any change in his expression because of La Er's handsome POS. He looked at him naturally, walked in and said:

"Do you still insist on fighting now?"

"Of course--"

La Er sat upright and said matter-of-factly:

"My dignity cannot be offended. Since someone dares to insult my princess, someone must pay the price for it."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

But you have already taken revenge, and what’s the point of looking for innocent people like us who were implicated?

If you have the ability, go find my future father-in-law, Mr. Lutuo!

"It seems that I still can't convince you. It seems that fighting is the most suitable way to convince you-"

Grandpa Mo Yi said helplessly:

"But at that time, I didn't care whose fault it was in the first place, Ramses II."

"Huh hahaha——"

Listening to Mo Yi's tone, which seemed like he could win at any time if he wanted to, and he didn't want to do anything else, La Er seemed to be amused by something. He stood up from the throne and laughed:

"Welcome to my throne, Mo Yi——"

"Then show your sword!"

Having said that, all that's left is fighting.


In fact, the place where Mo Yi was at the moment was the inherent barrier of Ramesses II - the Glory Composite Temple.

It is said to be a temple, but it is actually a huge building complex similar to the City in the Sky. It contains various black technologies. In addition to being able to summon fantasy species such as hot sand human-faced beasts that are comparable to dragon species, it can also launch powerful magic weapons. Cannon attacks, the most powerful of which is the Dandra Electric Ball, the ultimate nuclear bomb attack that can instantly destroy a huge city.

In addition, in the Glory Composite Grand Temple, La Er also possesses the ability to transfer space at any time, control the internal space structure, and even suppress enemies in the deep temple.

If it is a heroic spirit, it will not be able to release the Noble Phantasm as long as it is deep in the Great Temple of Radiance Complex.

Today's Ra Er is not a weakened body like a Servant, but a complete body deep in the ancient Egyptian divine realm. The combat power displayed is countless times stronger than that in the Holy Grail War. It is simply not the combat power of the same dimension.

What he calls suppression now is the ability to activate the power of the Radiant Composite Grand Temple to suppress the enemy.

Invisible pressure pressed tightly on Mo Yi,


The stone slab Mo Yi stepped on finally couldn't withstand the huge pressure of Mo Yi stepping on it and burst violently.

But even so, Grandpa Mo Yi's expression did not change in any way. He looked at Ramses II without surprise and asked:

"Is that the extent?"

"if so--"

"I'm not ashamed to speak out——"

Before Mo Yi finished speaking, La Er waved his hand and opened countless strange eyes of light in the air. Immediately, those eyes of light that looked at Mo Yi shot out laser pillars as thick as their wrists at the same time.

"What about this move?!"


At this time, the place where Mo Yi was was completely destroyed by the explosion.

"Still a long way to go."

Mo Yi, who didn't even have a trace of dust on his body, walked out of the explosion dust all over the sky and said with a smile:

"If you're done, it's my turn."

As soon as the last word rang out, Grandpa Mo Yi disappeared and appeared in front of the throne. His clenched right fist was aimed at La Er's handsome face and he was about to hammer it down.

"Love Po Yan Fist!"

Just the moment he clenched his fist and punched it, La Er, who was facing the iron fist, felt the pressure of death.

If this punch is true, might he die? !


Now that he was punching, Mo Yi had no intention of talking to the other party. He hit the throne with a friendly fist that had no special effects. Just when he was about to hit La Er, the other party disappeared in an instant.

Just like, La Er who was hit was just an illusion. After being hit by a fist, it disappeared directly.


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