Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Chapter 1330: Break seal

ps: Seeking flowers, seeking subscriptions, seeking rewards!

"No, although I have confidence in us, the big snake is really weird. I can't guarantee that it will attack you suddenly." Liu Xu glared at her and said decisively: Qianhe does it. It’s protected by a eight-foot mirror, so I can go.

"If you don't go, what's so great." Wei Si whispered. Liu Xu could hear her naturally, but he didn't pay any attention to her anymore. Instead, he started asking Kagura Chizuru about Orochi.

Time passed by, and soon the last red glow on the horizon disappeared.

A huge black screen under the sky dazzled the city of Tokyo.

The location of Kagura Manor is much higher than that of Tokyo. Standing on the top of the building, you can have a panoramic view of the night of Tokyo. And everyone wiped out the dinner together under such circumstances. Soon afterwards, Liu Xu set off with Mai Zhuo Qianhe.

It’s not a short distance from Tokyo to seal the Yaqi Orochi. It’s called Tiancong Yunshan. The mountain has eight peaks. The peaks are surrounded by clouds and rain throughout the year. There is a lot of rain. Folklore says that it was Susano who killed eight. After Qi Da snake, the body of Ba Qi Da snake was transformed.

Only those who know it know that there is actually the place where the eight-qi big snake was sealed, but it is indeed similar to the folklore, but the difference is that the whole mountain and the main peak are actually the body of the immobile big snake, which is still alive. It was just falling into deep sleep, and the other seven peaks were made by its head.

Liu Xu and the others had just arrived at Tiancong Yunshan, at this moment, unexpectedly, a huge sound suddenly sounded in the direction of eight huge black shadows shrouded in the night.


A roar like a cow or a cow, like a blast of thunder, made everyone present suddenly deaf, and the weaker little witches of the Qianhe family who had been watching nearby had bleeding from their ears and nose.

"No, the big snake is going to act." Qianhe's face changed drastically.

"Damn, why is this guy so ferocious? I remember this guy is just so-so!" Liu Xu almost scolded his mother, but he remembered clearly that the big snake in the original plot was not ferocious.

But thinking about it carefully, the strength level of the big snake may not be as good as Liu Xu, but its body is huge, and it is more than 20 meters high when it looks up. You can imagine how strong he is for such a huge monster.

Relying on his physical advantage, Da Snake is also much stronger than his opponents of the same level, and even has the qualification to leapfrog the challenge.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu suddenly felt black in front of him, but he remembered that in the original work, the body of the Orochi was never shown again. Every time Orochi appeared on the stage, he played with someone else’s body. In other words, it was attached. As a sacrifice, then its strength is also reduced to a minimum due to carrier restrictions.

"Let's go." Qianzuru said anxiously.

"Moo!!!" As soon as the voice fell, the snake roared again.

When Liu Xu and the others followed to catch up halfway up the mountain, the shrine that had originally stood for a thousand years had become chaotic, and there was still a wave of vibrations far exceeding a magnitude 12 earthquake on the ground. .

In fact, the place where Liu Xu and the others are located is not the mountain where the big snake is, but a mountain where one of the seven heads of the big snake is buried, and the mountain opposite them has a huge crack at this time.

Standing here, Liu Xu could clearly see that there was not a single tree on the top of the mountain, only stones and weeds were interlaced with each other. On the top of the mountain, there were densely packed and seemingly chaotic. Look at the orderly flickering lines of light, illuminating the whole mountain.

Needless to say, those are naturally the seal veins that seal the serpent. Normally, they are in the eyes of people, but they are just wooden stakes and ropes tied to the stakes with talisman paper, but once the snake changes , They will emit a bright light like a fluorescent lamp.

At this time, it seems that they are a little overwhelmed. They are like a lamp with unstable voltage.

"The seal is about to be broken, and the serpent will come out soon." Qianhe concentrated his energy and was ready to fight at any time.

Liu Xu looked at the opposite side, his mouth turned up slightly, and said proudly, "Mai Zhuo, have you let out your mental energy."

"It has been released. I think the snake should receive it now, and he will come out soon." As soon as Mai Zhuo's voice fell, a white light suddenly appeared on the opposite mountain, which made Liu Xu and the others feel a little dazzling.


With a loud noise, the mountain finally split, and a huge snake head came out of it.


The snake's head seemed to have been suffocated for too long. As soon as its head stretched out, it made a pleasant cry. As its cry sounded, the mountain was finally like glass, shaken to pieces and turned into Fragments, before Liu Xu could tell what was going on, the whole mountain disappeared.

Because there was no mountain at all, the mountain they saw just now was just an illusion transformed by a seal.

"Wow hahaha! Susa, you didn't expect that I will come out one day! Hahaha!" A low, hoarse, rampant laughter broke the tranquility of the night's "color" and introduced Liu Xu and others. Ears.

Thousands of years of imprisonment has been enough to turn any rabbit into an irritable lion. It has been imprisoned for a thousand years. At this moment, besides wanting to vent the destruction and killing, he has never thought about anything else.

Even though his will has always been able to sort out some through the dark power of mankind, for the main consciousness, the world has been dim and narrow for thousands of years.

It is like a wild lion that has been kept in a cage for a long time. When it is released, it will attack any target that can be found around it.

ps: Seeking flowers, seeking subscriptions, seeking rewards! ..

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