Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 326: modulation

It stands to reason that Liu Xu doesn’t need to debug it himself. As long as he orders it, everything will be done properly, but Liu Xu does not want his woman to be touched by others, and he himself enjoys it. .

On this day, Liu Xu leisurely referred to the animalized soldier information in the library. The experimental body he prepared last time was the first modulation, and after further modulation, it will become a fully-formed official animalized soldier, Ramojis.

But it’s more complicated. With the body of an ape, it can exert ten times the strength of ordinary people. The thick "hair" can block the attack of ordinary bullets. The ears of bats can hear ultrasound and infrasound waves. The eyes are also covered with hard crystals. It won't hurt the eyes during close combat, but after all, it is a combination of natural creatures, a beast that has been eliminated.

The meal needs to be eaten bite by bite, and everything must be done slowly.

Liu Xu even pretended to be a receptionist, approached those customers who actively asked for modulation, and introduced them to the precautions of modulation.

1. Modulation is dangerous, and even a very mature animalized soldier cannot be 100% successful.

2. The modulation process is slightly painful. This is the inevitable result of body reconstruction.

3. The adjustment process is irreversible, and it is impossible to return to a normal person once the adjustment is made.

4. After the modulation is completed, it cannot be re-modulated. Re-modulation will become an experimental subject, without reproductive function, and the risk of modulation will greatly increase, which will affect life span and body function.

5. After successful modulation, the ability will be passed on to the next generation, but after a few generations, it may be restored to ordinary people.

6. After the modulation is completed, it can only be combined with ordinary heterosexuals without modulation or the same type of animalized soldiers, otherwise it will give birth to unpredictable hybridization.


99. All modulation risks are borne by the volunteers.

After the introduction of the precautions, more than half of the customers who scared away, only three left and insisted on the preparation, but the biggest benefit of the preparation is that all diseases can be cured after the preparation. They are also suffering from incurable diseases before the preparation, and then check their bodies and start the preparation. Preparations.

There are more and more volunteers. Today, a girl came here. The reason for her preparation was very special. She was abandoned by her boyfriend. Because of her ugliness, she wanted to make herself more beautiful, such as angels, mermaids, and elves. .

She is only fat and short in height. Just make some hormone adjustments to make her grow taller and thinner. There is no need to adjust for this little thing.

Liu Xu did not stay in the brewing center for a long time, but he found that there were more volunteers, and often people who obviously looked like hooligans came to the brewing center. Ordinary personnel could not refuse, but Liu Xu could. He directly arranged to do the experiment.

The first batch of people who received Liu Xu's preparation had been in the brewing tank for three days, and they could leave the brewing tank today.

After they left the adjustment slot, they couldn't wait to do a physical examination first. They were originally at the advanced stage of cancer and AIDS patients. Now they have recovered.

They were madly happy, and Liu Xu was also very happy. He had mastered ordinary modulation.

After that, they did a transformation test. Liu Xu taught them how to control their emotions to transform, such as anger and fear. The youngest person who learned fast began to feel a violent heartbeat after a few minutes, his body muscles unconsciously refused to shake, and his body started Swelled and transformed successfully, but his clothes had fallen into pieces.

The remaining two people also learned to transform after more than ten minutes of study. After adapting to the process of transforming, they began to restore. The restoration is very simple. Just relax and think of something happy and you will soon become human.

The entire process is completely recorded in the computer, including the physical health before and after the preparation, the emotional changes during the preparation process affect the hormone levels, the stability of the back, the increase in strength, etc., to establish a complete customer profile.

In the outside world, according to news reports, law and order have deteriorated recently, and gangsters who have been transformed into animal soldiers have begun to disrupt the society. Ordinary humans are already powerless. The society calls for the modulator to have a good social certificate and no criminal record. .

A week later, a very rich man came to him. He put out a huge sum of money to make himself into a super animal soldier. This request was of course rejected.

Ultra-Animalized Soldiers can’t be modulated if they want to be modulated. The Modulation Body of Ultra-Animalized Soldiers requires more stringent modulation. Because the modulation is very complicated, it is longer and more painful than ordinary animalized Soldiers, and has a higher probability of failure.

However, there are more and more people who are ill, preparing for health.

Liu Xu began to study the theory of the super animal soldier. The super animal soldier combines more complex organs to form a powerful super organ. For example, this kind of animal soldier named Alligan is very suitable for doing For police use, his body has a power-generating organ similar to an electric eel, and has four electric whips that can ionize the air and form an electric field to suspend himself in the air.

In order to improve the success rate and shorten the modulation time, Liu Xu decided to start modulation simply.

He developed a simplified version of Alligan, which is closer to humans in appearance, with only two electric whips, lower voltage, and no electromagnetic levitation ability, but it can be regarded as beyond the range of animalized soldiers, because he has ultra-humanized soldiers. Organs, ordinary animalized soldiers are not opponents at all, this is also the standard to define ordinary animalized soldiers and super animalized soldiers.

After careful consideration, Liu Xu decided to train several capable men within Knoss, and he would deploy them personally, so as to prevent these ultra-beastized soldiers from being controlled by other beasts.

Five strong experimental subjects were sent from the prison. Liu Xu used the research and development of Alligan's simplified experimental subjects. First, they modulated different organs respectively, one is the power generating organ; the second is the electric whip; the third is the magnetic field induction organ, and finally one is synthesized. Make final adjustments to the whole.

Finally, it is expected that the adjusted form will be smaller than the prototype and closer to human beings. Because it is used by oneself, he must also consider his aesthetic requirements and not arouse his own disgust, so the basic form will also be slightly changed. Liu Xu It is expected to be completed in a week.

He is looking forward to the first real super animalized soldier that he has prepared for combat. It would be great if he could prepare another "Upton". This mutant possesses infinite possibilities, and Liu Xu is very optimistic about him. ..

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