Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 553: Raika

He asked everyone to look at the map on the computer. While pointing, he explained: "Our current island may be the legendary Okinotori Island, because Okinotorishima is floating in the Pacific Ocean 1,700 kilometers away from Tokyo. An island with an area of ​​7.8 square kilometers."

"That is to say, we are now in the middle of the Pacific Ocean." Liu Xu heard the words of the truth.

"If I guessed correctly, it looks like Okinawa is the closest to Guam from the map."

"Have you calculated?" Liu Xu asked.

"Well, I have calculated it. The distance from Okinawa is almost 850 kilometers." Mariko replied.

"How much? 8...850 kilometers." Liyin said incredulously.

"Yes, there may be a little error in my calculation, anyway, it's only a lot more."

"In that case, we still can't go back." Liu Xu said.

"Liu Xu, can't we just build a big ship?" Shihe asked.

"You think things are too simple, not to mention that there are no shipbuilding tools, even if there are, do you know that the sea is more dangerous than land? You have never seen the dragon king whale, so you don't know." Liu Xu said.

"Liu Xu is right. Not only animals, but the severe weather on the ocean is something we must consider. Take a look."

After finishing speaking, Zhenguo quickly pressed it on the computer keyboard, and soon a picture of the Pacific air current jumped out.

"Look, there is an ocean current on the south side of this island. It is called the North Equatorial Warm Current. It flows from east to west. This ocean current turns into an ocean current named Kuroshio on the sea surface of Taribin. In other words, it goes to Okinawa. Direction flows."

"That is to say, there is still hope for us to go back?" Xanako asked.

"I hope there is, but this opportunity is fleeting, because the flow rate of the black tide is too fast to reach, uh, this is too complicated, it is 3.5 to 7.5 km per hour..."

After hearing the ancient truth, everyone slowly began to count.

Just when everyone was in a state of "chaos", Mariko said: "You can drive about 150km per hour in one day, which means you can reach Okinawa in about five days."

The crowd burst into laughter after listening to the ancient truth.


"Don't be too happy, everyone, I didn't say that there is a dragon king whale in the sea. As soon as the boat encounters it, we people will game over!"

"Because the dragon king whale is 25 meters long and it is still carnivorous, we can't return to the original world if we don't want to kill it."

"And, don't you think it's weird, why are there extinct animals on this island?"

"Liu Xu, have you guessed something?" Zhen Gu asked.

"Have you ever seen Jurassic Park, where dinosaurs are made from dinosaur genes, I think these animals may also be made with genes." Liu Xu said: "In other words, this is a man-made island, and I will get it. Got a name, Raika Island."

At this time, Liu Xu finally introduced the Eden Project, the construction plan for the artificial island, Raika Island.

It was first launched by Shi Dong Sumi, the leader of the Ishido Foundation, to commemorate the granddaughter of the plane crash, and gathered scientific elites from all over the world. However, when time is running out, he chooses Sengoku Yuna, who also lost his family, as his successor. Implementation: 1. Build a super large artificial island with a length of 100 kilometers in the sea; 2. Use genetic technology to cultivate various extinct animals that Meiyina loves; 3. Build a large-scale artificial island for Meiyina on the island grave. However, Yuna, as the mother of Akira Sengoku, changed her plan privately because she had a dream of a son and her classmates adventure on a desert island: 1. Build a school similar to Mingxie Academy The buildings are used as residences for the staff; 2. The plants on the island are transformed into varieties suitable for human consumption.

The artificial island consumed several generations of people and various countries’ financial and material resources, but after completion, all staff members died due to the outbreak of the biochemical crisis. However, Xianshi Huang’s plane finally made a forced landing on the island due to unknown reasons, opening up and An isolated adventure.

"You say that, I think it makes sense, but it's incredible."

"How is this possible, that's something from the movie!" said passerby next to him.

"Is what we saw fake?" Liu Xu asked.


"Not to mention animals, the extinct animals we have seen live in different ages, and the fruits and vegetables on the island are particularly appetizing. If they are not artificial, it will not make sense."

"Also, the extinct animal chart downloaded on my computer is too accurate."

"What does this mean?"


Everyone was speechless.

"Explain that the animals here are created by the extinct animal illustration book, so it makes sense."

"If this is the case, the island should be a state secret, so there is no record on the map, and no one will come to rescue us." Liu Xu analyzed.

"Then there is no hope, we have to take a gamble. This is the only route we can go back." Miyauchi Miyazaki clenched his fists and said loudly.


Everyone worked together to move the wood to the river.

Early in the morning, they started cutting down trees and moving all kinds of wood to the river.

Now everyone is determined to take a gamble.

While they were working hard, Xianshi returned with a group of people.

From Xianshi's words, the Gu Gu's guess was confirmed.

Because Xianshi went deep into the pyramid, they saw the breeding room where various animal and plant genes were cultivated.

Xianshi said everything he saw, and everyone felt abhorrent to the doctor.

Because Kagura really didn't escape, he was caught by the doctor, but he said that there was a goal, and there was nothing to worry about.

Because Yarai Koichi is the most powerful combatant except Liu Xu.

Soon after, Yayori Koichi also came, with two women, one of whom was Kagura Shinto.

However, Liu Xu felt that Yarikari was murderous against the immortal stone, but not to others. He felt that something was wrong, and gradually became wary of Yarai Koichi.


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