Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 729: Are you a monster?

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


"That's amazing...This level has completely surpassed the person who should have become the chief of this semester. As long as there is no problem with the written examination, you are definitely the chief of this semester, Liu Xujun!

Shouting in surprise, he suddenly jumped out of the monitoring station in the morning, like a little girl, excitedly pulling Liu Xu to the written examination room.

Because nobody was there at this time, Mayumi and the three followed into the examination room without saying anything in the morning.

However, after more than ten minutes, the three felt that they might as well not come.

Looking at Liu Xu, who was sitting at the table, answering questions without looking at it like writing graffiti, there was nothing wrong with Liu Xu. The four of them, including Zao Jian, felt that all of their school careers had lived on dogs. .

In this regard, Liu Xu did not care.

Because, in fact, he didn't answer this question.

For Liu Xu, this written knowledge is the topic he is most afraid of.

Because the intelligence that the will of the world and the animalized soldiers were exploring, they had already stuffed most of the knowledge of the world into his mind, and anyone with a little IQ could complete these test papers perfectly.

In this way, twenty minutes later, looking at Liu Xu's test paper in the morning, I felt like crying.

"All...all are full marks. It is really touching. I would never believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes, Liu Xujun, if it is convenient, please come to school in advance one week before the start of school. For the chief of the new semester, we have something special to explain."

"Hee hee, it's nothing more than going on stage to give a speech, and joining the student union, etc.!"

Nanakusa Mayumi interrupted with a grin.

"Yeah... Basically that's the case. That's right. If the student council president is here, we don't need to say more. The matter of joining the student council will be done by Qicao..."

"No way!"

After interrupting the early meeting, Nanakusa Mayumi shook her head regretfully.

"Liu Xujun, he has become the new chairman of the ethics committee, the student union has no way!"

The eyes of Zaijian suddenly became round.


Seeing Liu Xu, the first reaction I saw early was to pull Liu Xu into his class.

However, after another thought, a student like Liu Xu, who is an excellent student, will definitely be decided what class he will go to.

Morning Jian sighed, and watched Liu Xu and the girls leave the test site.

Liu Xu, Mayumi Nanakusa and others walked slowly on the campus. At this time, because the registration had already ended, there were no more people in the school, so the campus was also very empty.

The learning environment at Yigao is nothing to say. It is more like a university than a high school.

Sure enough, the thing that has something to do with magic is the upper grade.

Seeing Liu Xu still looking calm and calm, Watanabe Mori couldn't help but said: "Liu Xu, are you a monster?"

Hearing this, Liu Xu smiled and shook his fingers, and said: "Pay attention to your words, Commissioner of Discipline and Discipline Mori Watanabe, you have to call me Chairman, if you can, you can call me a seat."

"...What a strange title, forget it, see, chairman."

Watanabe Mori is not a person who is willing to gamble, and since the agreement is made, he will not violate it.

Liu Xu nodded and said with a smile: "Hey, as for whether I am a monster or not, I can only say that I understand."

Watanabe Mori gritted his teeth tightly, what Liu Xu said was the same as he didn't say.

Seeing Liu Xu turning around Watanabe Mori's play, Nanakusa Mayumi and Ichihara Suzue laughed kindly.

"Hmm! Mayumi, Ringtone, are you still laughing at me?"

"Sorry, sorry, we didn't mean to laugh at you... By the way, Liu Xu probably has no place to live now, after all, he just came to Japan."

After changing the subject without a trace, Ichihara Lingyin looked at Liu Xu and asked.

Liu Xu nodded and said: "Yes, I still don't know the price of renting a house in Japan, so let's talk about it after understanding it!"

Hearing this, Mayumi Nanakusa tilted his head as if thinking of something, and then put an index finger against her pretty face.

I have to say that the playful actions of the Magnesium Girl are pleasing to the eye, at least Liu Xu is very satisfied.

Under Liu Xu's gaze, Nanakusa Mayumi smiled and said, "Speaking of which, I know that there is a child who wants to find a co-renter. If Liu Xujun is interested, you can go and see!"


Liu Xu's expression is a bit subtle.

Coming into this world by yourself is not for the purpose of having a family. For urbanites like co-leasing, forget it.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu wanted to refuse, but Nanakusa Mayumi suddenly added.

"The other party is a very cute girl, and she doesn't have a certain temperament."

Liu Xu stopped talking.

Watanabe Mori tilted his head in dissatisfaction.

"What's this? I didn't want it just now. Once I heard that it was a cute girl, I stopped talking."

As for Ichihara Ruzune and Nanakusa Mayumi, although they didn't say anything, their expressions were also very subtle.

Liu Xu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Where do you want to go, I'm just worried that a girl is alone out. If I don't care about it, if I rent with some bad guy, it will be in trouble."

After that, Liu Xu gave Watanabe Morley provocatively, and said, "Also, Morley, call me Chairman."

"...Yes, Chairman."

When it comes to the principle of "sex", Watanabe Mori is softened again.

Every time I see Watanabe Mori, Liu Xu finds it very interesting, so she is being bullied more and more times. Seeing Liu Xu and Watanabe Mori like this, Mayumi and Lingyin don’t know that they are. The relationship is good or bad.

After thinking about it, Mayumi Nanakusa said, "Then, in that case, I will make an appointment with the child who wants to share the rent, and let’s come out and have a chat!"

With Liu Xu's consent, Mayumi Nanakusa dialed a number, said a few words, smiled and hung up.

"That kid, I agreed with Liu Xujun. It was really unexpected. I thought she had heard that I had found a male co-tenant, so she would need to explain it!"


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