Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 731: My best weapon is actually a gun...

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


Hearing this, Watanabe Mori gave a cold snort and said, "Huh, it's very polite to talk to Mayumi."

"Because they are much more feminine than you!" Liu Xu said dubiously when he heard Watanabe Mori's words.

Hearing this, Watanabe Mori clenched his teeth tightly.

"Don't underestimate people... You guy, didn't you say that my long hair would be beautiful? If so, wait and see! When I have long hair, I will ignore you. , Makes you depressed to death."

After speaking, Watanabe Mori also stood up and strode out of the cafe.

Seeing this girl's back, Liu Xu shook his head helplessly.

Now girls, why are they so strong?

However, Liu Xu really had a little expectation when he thought of Watanabe Mori's long hair.

Seeing Liu Xu's expression, Mibu Sayaka suddenly had the illusion that she knew a big man.

After thinking about it, Sayaka still asked a little timidly: "Well... Liu Xujun, why do I think that you have a good relationship with Chairman Seven Grass and Chairman Watanabe?"

"Well, it's quite a chat!" Liu Xu nodded and said.

Of course, rather than talking about this kind of statement, it is probably more appropriate to "I like these two girls."

Thinking of this, Liu Xu squinted his eyes and looked at Mibu Sayaka.

To be honest, this is also a very good girl.

Cui "color" eyes, high ponytails.

Even among the many girls whose vitality is "sex", they are probably considered the best!

It's nice to live with such a cute girl.

Watching Liu Xu unabashedly, Mibu Sayaka's face blushed and said, "That, thank you..."

"Liu Xu."

People who met for the first time often couldn't remember each other's name, especially foreign names. Liu Xu gave a thoughtful reminder.

Mibu Sayaka said with a grateful expression: "Liu Xujun, is it from China, right?"

"Well, that's right."

Hearing this, Mibu Sayaka's curious light appeared in her eyes and asked: "I heard that Chinese kung fu and swordsmanship are very good, will Liu Xujun do too?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Although I want to rent together, it is really okay to ask questions that involve other people's details at the beginning?"

Then, under Mibu Sayaka's flustered expression, Liu Xu chuckled softly and said, "I am not such a prudent person to make fun of you."

If this was heard by Mori Watanabe, he would definitely be refuted at all costs, but it's a pity that Mibu Sayaka still doesn't know Liu Xu's "sex" style, so she just breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the cute look of this girl, Liu Xu found it very funny.

Without hurriedly adding sugar to the coffee cup in front of him, Liu Xu said: "Kungfu and swordsmanship, I know a little bit, but not all pure Chinese kungfu, swordsmanship has nothing to do with China. It’s just for self-defense. Speaking of my most powerful martial arts, it’s actually marksmanship. I am a'Overlord Sharp Spear', with a sharp marksmanship, it opens and closes in a big way, sweeping away all wastes."

Hearing this, Mibu Sayaka's beautiful eyes lighted up again and said, "It sounds great, can you let me see it?"

Then the girl knocked her head in trouble and said, "Ah, sorry, I'm so excited again."

"Ha, it's okay, if you want to compare, of course you can, but before you compare, take me to see the house to rent!"


Seeing Liu Xu promised herself, Mibu Sayaka immediately smiled happily, and after a salute, she took Liu Xu and left the coffee shop directly.

Almost forgot to pay the bill.

Followed Mibu Sayaka in a taxi, and after a few minutes, she arrived at the place she chose.

As soon as he got out of the car, Liu Xu was grateful for his decision to agree to a joint lease.

In front of me was a small white "color" house with a detached house. It was a villa-like style, but it was smaller and warmer.

"It deserves to be found by a cute girl like you. It is really beautiful."

Hearing Liu Xu's praise, Mibu Sayaka lowered her head shyly: "Thank you."

Then, Liu Xu suddenly "touched" his chin, and said, "However, this kind of house should be much more expensive than ordinary high-rise buildings! Can it be done with the economic strength of the two of us?"

"Yes, yes, Liu Xujun, for students in magic colleges, society will provide certain help in all aspects, such as renting a house, the amount to be paid is much lower than the average person, even if the financial strength is slightly lower, two people One point is fine."

"That's it."

Nodding, Liu Xu walked into the room with Mibu Sayaka.

The room is very clean and you can see the good living habits of the original owner.

Seeing the joy in Mibu Sayaka's eyes, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Where's your luggage? Could it be that I came to Tokyo alone?"

"For luggage, there are only three bamboo swords, one wooden sword, and some personal clothing..."

When it comes to luggage, Mibu Sayaka smiled awkwardly.

After all, she is also a girl, so she would feel embarrassed to be so careless.

Fortunately, Liu Xu didn't say anything, but slowly walked to the second floor.

Looking at the second floor, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Vacuum Kuang, are you planning to use the second floor as a dojo?"

Sayexiang was taken aback, and said, "No, no, how could it be possible that that would disturb your rest. The reason why the second floor is empty is because before I came here, there was a girl with purple hair leading people to take things here. All were taken away. The original owner said that the girl was the original owner of the house, and the items were just stored."

"Purple "color" hair?"

Upon hearing this adjective, Liu Xu's first reaction was Zhou Gongjin, Zhou Zi's "Mao", but Zhou Zi's "Mao" was a man.

Well, sometimes I look like a woman.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu couldn't help but want to laugh.

He directly kicked the purple "Mao" out of his mind, and Liu Xu looked at Mibu Sayaka.


ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"...

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