Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 735: Fiancee... one of them?

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


To Liu Xu, Chiyoda Hanaya just shook her head.

"...Don't be kidding, my grandfather is the former head of the Chiyoda family, Chiyoda Fourteen! His old man's vibration magic is not my ability. If my grandpa used the mine source just now, it would take half of Tokyo. Shake three times."

Liu Xu nodded and said: "Well... forget it, I don't care, you just think about when you will get married! I will share the rent where Sayexiang lives. From now on, you will be one of my fiancees. Perform well."

"Huh? Fiancee... one of them?"

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Chiyoda Huayin made a long tone in distress, and after sitting for a long time, she was finally able to sit on her knees.

Thinking that she had accidentally sold herself, Huayin only felt that today was really her own disaster.

However, this little thing is nothing compared to venting the "exposure" of the family magic. After all, it is still a few years before I reach the legal marriage age. After such a long time, I have probably negotiated new terms with this bastard. Up.

"Luck you! I'm miserable!"

With a crying face, Chiyoda Hanaon slowly stood up and walked away slowly.

After watching the sound of Chiyoda's flower disappear, Liu Xucai faintly looked at a big tree next to him.

"It's been a long time, come out."

That was exactly the tone of command. When most people heard this tone, they might have rushed to their heads and fight with fists long ago, but the person hiding behind the tree didn't seem to overreact and just walked out slowly.

"We met for the first time, a friend from China." The mysterious visitor leaned slightly and said.

Liu Xu just shook his head and said, "It's hypocritical and boring. People in this country can't be so polite to the Chinese. If you have something to say quickly, or I will go back."

Hearing this, the other party smiled slightly and walked slowly in front of Liu Xu.

Then, the man took off his hat and "exposed" a short purple hair.

"Please don't doubt my friendliness. Although the starting point of my friendly attitude is not because I am hospitable, my kindness is not fake."

This person is very clever. He saw that Liu Xu's "sexuality" hates roundabouts, so he directly said that he was not really a good person, but just showed kindness with a certain purpose. This kind of conversation made Liu Xu more acceptable.

Seeing Liu Xu's "reve" expression, the man with short purple hair said: "First of all, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Chiyoda Kosaburo, the current head of the Chiyoda family. "

Liu Xuyi raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, Huayin's father."

"Exactly, I am Chiyoda Hanaone's father. I heard your conversation from the beginning..."

Liu Xu interrupted him directly: "I know, you have been squatting on the roof. If I can't even see something as big as you, then I'm blind."

"...Well, yes, so, I know, your abilities are terrible. Before today, you must have not been exposed to the vibration magic of our Chiyoda family. Therefore, you are only relying on your own talents. I learned it in a few hours. This talent shocked me."

"You are really long-winded, so what do you want to say?"

Seeing Liu Xu's expression became a bit impatient, Chiyoda Kosaburo nodded.

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight. I hope that you can lift the agreement with Huayin. As for your loss, I will vigorously make up for it."

Hearing this, Liu Xu "showed" a somewhat unexpected expression.

"If there is a reason, it is that I don't want Huayin to marry a strong person who can subvert the situation. With her ability, if you follow an ambitious existence like you, she will die."

After that, Chiyoda Kosaburo looked at Liu Xu quietly.

After a few seconds, Liu Xu smiled.

"Give up, old man...your daughter, it must be mine."

Listening to Liu Xu's decisive answer, Chiyoda Kosaburo frowned slightly and said, "What do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean? Literally! What are you afraid of! It has nothing to do with me! Hurry up, if you weren't my fiancee's dad, you would have been beaten to death by me."

Waved his hand impatiently, Liu Xu turned and walked towards his home.

Sure enough, the father-in-law is the most troublesome. Whether it is past and present or through reincarnation, nicknames such as Father-in-Law Terminator and Father-in-Law Crazy Demon are all destined to accompany Liu Xu for life...

"and many more!"

Liu Xu ignored the shouts coming from behind him.

Upon seeing this, Chiyoda Kosaburo frowned and said, "Don't take yourself too high! Even if you are very talented, I want to kill you is easy! Don't toast without eating..."

Before he finished speaking, Chiyoda Kosaburo was choked back, because Liu Xu suddenly disappeared from his sight.

It's like teleporting.

In the next second, Liu Xu's voice rang behind him.

"Are you stupid?"


Turning around screaming, Chiyoda Kosaburo has never seen anyone with such a fast speed.

Before he could completely turn his face, Liu Xu had already kicked over, kicked the old man out for more than ten meters, and fell into the river with a plop.

"Patriarch Chiyoda, don't worry, since your daughter is mine, I will naturally protect it. You don't need to care about the others."

After speaking, Liu Xu turned and left.

Looking at Liu Xu's back, Chiyoda Kosaburo, who finally climbed out of the river, had a dark expression on his face.

Several times, Chiyoda Kosaburo started cad, but finally held back.

"... Huayin got into trouble this time, so let's take a look. If his strength is not as strong as I imagined, then find someone to kill him, if it is really that kind of monster powerhouse , You can only ask the Tenth Division for help."

After speaking, Chiyoda Kosaburo sighed and slowly left the river.

Liu Xu was not interested in knowing what Chiyoda Kosaburo was thinking, even if he knew it, Liu Xu would not worry.


ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"...

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