Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 745: Fiancee helps expand the harem...

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


"Could it be guessed it right?"

Staring at Mayumi Nanakusa for a long time, Chiyoda Hanaon suddenly thought of a wonderful idea!

Originally, in the past few days, I was depressed because I hadn't thought of the way to fudge the marriage contract. I didn't expect that there was a perfect opportunity right now.

It seems that Nanakusa Mayumi really likes Liu Xu. If so, she can take advantage of this to make the couple, and then she can take for granted that Liu Xu's unreasonable marriage contract can be cancelled?

Thinking of this, Chiyoda Huayin is about to point 64 likes for her wit, which must be twice as many as 32 likes.

In Mayumi Nanakusa's somewhat surprised gaze, Chiyoda Hanaune affirmed a finger: "If President Nanakusa really likes Liu Xu, I can help you!"

"That...I, I'm not..."

"There is nothing to be shy about this kind of thing, President Seven Grass, the relationship between men and women is very normal, even if you like a bastard, it's just turnips and cabbage each have their own love, I will never gloat... Bah, I mean, I actually don't feel very much about Liu Xu."

Hearing this, Nanakusa Mayumi's lovely big eyes suddenly revealed a light of joy.

If Liu Xu knew about this kind of fiancée helping to expand the harem, he would probably wake up in dreams!


After arranging the speech for the freshman entrance meeting and taking over as the chairman of the new style committee, Liu Xu was finally able to leave the school.

Walking down the street, Liu Xu couldn't help but remember the reaction of Mayumi Nanakusa when she heard that she had a fiancee.

"It's a bit of a hassle! I didn't expect this girl to have a good impression on me so quickly, she almost brushed bad-end out by accident."

Whispering to himself, Liu Xu scratched his hair.

Although knowing that Mayumi Nanakusa had a good impression of herself, Liu Xu didn't worry about chasing her back, or explaining clearly about her own affairs.

After all, it’s more interesting to take things slowly, otherwise the girl who is too easy to handle will not be very flavorful.

With this scumbag thinking, Liu Xu quickly returned to the house he and Mibu Sayaka had shared.

As soon as he opened the door, a scent of food floated into Liu Xu’s nostrils. It was already time to have dinner when he came out of school. At this time, when he smelled the scent he thought, he directly let Liu Xu's index finger moved violently.

Following the fragrance, Liu Xu found the kitchen easily.

At this time, Mibu Sayaka was busy humming a little song in the kitchen, stirring and mixing the soup in the pot from time to time, while peeling the potatoes quickly, she was very familiar with housework.

In this era when most of the housework is done by machines, a girl can actually cook delicious meals, which is rarer than the chance of a genius magician. Liu Xu did not expect that such good luck would let herself Hit.

"It's so fragrant, what are you doing?"

Hearing Liu Xu’s uncontrollable appreciation, Mibu Sayaka discovered Liu Xu’s return. After putting away the kitchen utensils in a hurry, the lovely girl smiled at Liu Xu and said, “Welcome back, Liu Xujun, Today’s dinner is a Chinese dish that I have learned to cook with special consideration of your taste!"

With that, Mibu Sayaka pointed to the pot and the potatoes on the cutting board.

"Boiled meatballs and fried potato shreds."

Hearing this, Liu Xu really "exposed" a somewhat surprised expression.

The girl in front of me, but an authentic Japanese, made these two dishes just to make myself happy.

Although boiled meatballs and fried potato shreds are not difficult to make, but this is Sayexiang's first time cooking Chinese food, and she can imagine the hardship she has made to achieve this level.

Then Liu Xu thought of another question.

You know, in this world, China and Japan are hostile countries, and all cultures about China should be banned. This kid... where did you find the recipe?

Seeing Liu Xu’s expression, Mibu Sayaka also guessed his doubts. Under Liu Xu’s gaze, the lovely girl scratched her hair and said, “I’m sorry, I only found it on the Internet. Authentic recipes, so try to get closer to Chinese tastes. If you don’t do well, please don’t be polite and just criticize it..."

Before she finished speaking, Liu Xu walked up directly.

"You did a great job, thank you very much."

He opened his arms and hugged the careful and gentle girl.

For a 15-year-old girl who gave so much for herself, Liu Xu naturally also expressed her gratitude.

In Liu Xu's broad and warm embrace, Mibu Sayaka blushed, hurriedly pushed Liu Xu away, and ran back to the kitchen counter.

After a long time, the fragile mosquito said: "Thank you, thank you for the compliment..."

It's really cute.

Reaching out his hand and "kneading" Mibu Sayaka's head, Liu Xu went back to the living room with a smile.

If he stayed for a while, Liu Xu didn't know if he couldn't help eating her. If so, it wouldn't be fun.

As soon as he sat on the sofa, Akafir's long-lost voice suddenly sounded.

"Liu Xujun, don't forget your mission to travel through this world! Now I will arrange a mission for you to go to a Japanese military base in Tokyo Bay and destroy a confidential document about the Great Asia Alliance. The time limit is 12 hours."

Hearing this, Liu Xu was taken aback and said, "Wait, why is there a time limit?"

"Of course it's to prevent you from being lazy! It's like the task of popping Ichihara Ringtone, when are you going to delay it?"

Liu Xu raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard Akafil's words.

It was time to do business. Liu Xu took out his mobile terminal and searched the map for specific information about Tokyo Bay.

Soon, Liu Xu determined two places that might be military bases based on the topography, buildings, and other things there.


ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"...

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