Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 747: Penghu Bay, uh, Tokyo Bay...

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


Nanakusa Mayumi also left out of anger because of the child. It stands to reason that even if the two don't quarrel when they meet, they should be treated as strangers.

Why are both of them here?

Is it possible that the two want to split Liu Xu evenly and let him hug each other like it was written in the novel?

Thinking of this, Watanabe Mori looked at Nanakusa Mayumi's expression with surprise.

Although I thought I already knew this good friend, I didn't expect that the things others did were scary.

As for what Watanabe Mori said just now, Liu Xu smiled at Mayumi Nanakusa's feelings for herself.

In this weird atmosphere, Mibu Sayaka couldn't help but speak first.

"That...Chairman Nanakusa, Senior Watanabe, and this classmate...Although I don't know what happened between Liu Xujun and you, can I sit down and have a good talk?"

After speaking, Sayaka nervously pinched the corner of her clothes with her fingers.

It stands to reason that I actually don’t have much say in this kind of occasion. The other is the student council president, the other is the chairman of the discipline committee, and the last one is a member of a hundred families, or a powerful ancient magic user, although I don’t know him. , A person who couldn't get into a subject, he looked like an ant in front of them.

However, if it is for Liu Xu, Sayexiang is willing to speak her own words in front of these brilliant girls.

Probably it was shocked by Sayaka's powerful aura, and everyone present did not speak.

In this awkward atmosphere, Nanakusa Mayumi suddenly "showed" a relieved smile.

Apart from a whim, the biggest purpose of coming here today is actually to look at Liu Xu's attitude.

After seeing Liu Xu’s reaction to Chiyoda’s Hana sound, Nanakusa Mayumi can already be sure that Liu Xu and her really have only an agreed relationship, like the "superficial disharmony" that she had used before, but in fact they still love each other. There is no such setting.

Of course, it's limited to not having it now, and no one knows what will happen in the future, so if you don't want to regret it, you have to play your own cards.

Thinking of this, Nanakusa Mayumi smiled slightly.

She is not that kind of stupid woman. On the contrary, Nanakusa Mayumi, who has been educated by elites since she was a child, has wisdom beyond ordinary people, and can make perfect decisions in this situation.

I have a good impression of Liu Xu. This is an established fact. In this case, to force Liu Xu, or make a big noise, is a senseless stupidity.

For Mayumi, this is a very good reason.

Seeing that Nanakusa Mayumi didn’t ask anything anymore, Chiyoda Hanaune naturally didn’t want to cause more trouble. To her, Liu Xu now is like a scourge. If she doesn’t get it, she will try her best to avoid it, in case Liu Xu is bad. What should I do if I want to lose to him more when he takes a risk?

In such a weird and harmonious atmosphere, the meal was finally finished, except for Liu Xu, everyone felt that they were not full.

After finally sending away these plague gods, Liu Xu looked at the time.

There are still nine hours to complete the task arranged by Akafir. According to Japan's time, the completion time of this task is probably limited to this night!

Seeing Mibu Sayaka who was packing up the dishes in the kitchen, Liu Xu slowly walked out of the house.

After dinner, it was not far from darkness. Feeling the cool touch in the air, Liu Xu felt very happy.

After coming to this world, I have not fought a decent battle anymore, and even if I win, I can’t completely kill the opponent. This kind of thing is very unpleasant. Fortunately, there is a chance to kill the enemy now, although it is just a group. Just ordinary people.

"My devil is really unqualified!"

Smiling and shook his head, Liu Xu waved to the taxi, opened the door and sat in.

"Good evening, brother, where are you going so late?"

"Penghu Bay, uh, Tokyo Bay..."

"Huh? Go to Tokyo Bay this time?"

Hearing that, although the taxi driver was a bit curious, he just mumbled and stepped on the accelerator.

Sitting in the position of the co-pilot, Liu Xu quietly watched Tokyo as night fell.

Here, I don’t know how many animals are in the night!

After the taxi stopped, Liu Xu casually took out a few paper bills and handed them over. Anyway, these Japanese money can be obtained from Zhou Gongjin, so it doesn't hurt to spend it.

Looking at the night scene not far away, Liu Xu's pupils slowly shrank.

Colonization, thermal imaging capabilities, launch.

With the completion of this action, Liu Xu's mouth raised a faint smile.

"Good luck, I didn't expect to find the place all at once."

Using the ability to colonize, Liu Xu found the so-called military base easily.

However, it is difficult to determine whether there are any documents mentioned in the mission.

After thinking about it, Liu Xu reached out and took out his mobile terminal and dialed a number.

The other side picked up the phone very quickly, as if staying in front of the phone.

"Hello, I am Zhou Gongjin from Chinatown. Who are you?"

On the other side of the phone, the gentle gentleman's voice came from Zi Mao.

Liu Xu’s terminal is specially encrypted, so unless he volunteers, no Chinese terminal will leave Liu Xu’s call record. This is also done by Daya United to prevent his identity from being exposed. The processing means.

Because of this, Zi Mao's voice is very cautious. You must know that every person whose identity is hidden is definitely an existence that allows him to drink a pot.

"Don't be nervous, purple "hair"."

Hearing Liu Xu's voice, Zi "Mao" heaved a sigh of relief: "Colonel, it's been a long time since I saw you, what's your order?"

"Zi "Mao", tell me that there is a confidential document about the Great Asia Alliance in the military base in Tokyo Bay. Where is the location of that document?"

Hearing this, Zhou Gongjin was taken aback, and even forgot to refute Liu Xu's name "Purple "Mao".


ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"...

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