Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 757: Walled phalanx, blocking spell

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


"In order to retaliate against me, do you hesitate to involve the entire auditorium, or even yourself? What a stupid thought."

Looking at the eighteenth desert meeting lady whose light was getting stronger and stronger, Liu Xu shook his head lightly and said.

Hearing that, the Sixty-Sixth Array and other members of the discipline committee who had just ran over gave Liu Xu a nervous glance.

They didn't understand why Liu Xu could be so calm in such a tense situation, even Watanabe Mori didn't understand what he was thinking now.

You know, this kind of explosion that ignores the enemy and me is definitely not inferior to a missile aimed at this place. Can you stay calm in this situation, should you say that Liu Xu has a city or is he ignorant?

Suddenly, a flash of surprise appeared in Watanabe Mori's eyes.

Could it be...

Does Liu Xu still have a killer skill he doesn't know, that he can even suppress such a strong explosion?

Under everyone's gaze, Liu Xu slowly moved towards the increasingly dazzling Eighteen Desert Conference.

At this time, the Eighteen Desert Meeting Tai has completely lost its reason, just blindly stimulating one's own thoughts, and constantly compressing them, forming a powerful thinking cannonball.

Standing in the crowd, Shiba Moxian would cry and kneel on the ground.

If he hadn't had to find his brother to avenge Liu Xu, why would the Shiba Mojia become like this?

If it wasn't for himself, why would my brother be like this?

Liu Xu didn't care about his intentions, but kept his pace and stood in front of the Eighteen Deserts.

"You... die, everyone, all... die!"

Staring at Liu Xu, the Eighteenth Desert Conference Tai has no more energy to speak because of her full control of her mind.

Even the teachers, no one thought that this would happen. At this time, it would be too late to think about strategies. All they can do is to direct all the students to get down.

When the light on Shiba Mohuitai's body burst to the strongest moment, everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

Shiwenkeren roared and raised his hand, shouting: "Lianbi phalanx!"

Without cad, just rely on its own calculation power and control power to launch the phalanx.

If it weren't for such a big event, it would definitely cause a sensation!

At least, it will make many people feel that there is another evildoer in the ten divisions.

Mayumi lifted his finger and tried to use a bullet formed by systemless magic to sniper the Eighteen Desert Club in advance, thus interrupting his casting.

At this time, Liu Xu suddenly declared his right hand.

On it, there is a delicate ring, and the little gem on it shines with dazzling light.

"Spellcasting hindered."

As everyone watched, Liu Xu just snapped his fingers softly, exactly the same way that Bengfei had just watched the crowd.

Then, the light on Shiba Mo Huitai disappeared.

No one knew what happened.

Even if it was a ten-character squad, he was still standing in front of the students with his defensive magic, trying to block the power of the explosion.

Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly returned to calm, the tall and sturdy man was a little at a loss.

"...Spellcasting hindered?"

After a long time, in this quiet atmosphere, Watanabe Mori suddenly repeated what Liu Xu had just said.

Ten characters defeated the people, and Mayumi Nanakusa also came over.

"...Excuse me, what happened just now?" Shiwenkeren asked in surprise.

Standing on the other side of Liu Xu, Nanakusa Mayumi also looked curious.

Liu Xu smiled, raised his right hand, and pointed at the ring with his left index finger.

"Ant-knight, have you heard of it?"

Hearing this name, the students around who had just gotten up from the ground showed a shocked look.

Ant-knight, the only precious mineral in the world that can be hindered by spell casting. I heard that there are only a few pure ant-knights in the world. Ninety-nine percent of the circulated ant-knights are impure and fake ant-knights.

"Can you interrupt the minerals cast by others as long as you inject magic power? It's really powerful."

After speaking, Shiwen looked at Liu Xu.

He lowered his voice and said, "However, I believe that even the pure ant-knight can't suppress the situation just now."

"I need to explain, Liu Xujun."

"Oh... whoever you are, do you feel impatient to speak in this tone?"

After taking a faint look at the tall boy, Liu Xu gave a standard villain's speech.

Watanabe Mori and Nanakusa Mayumi pulled Liu Xu's clothes at almost the same time.

"This is the head of the Huolianhui, the ten divisions, and the acting patriarch of the ten characters family." Seeing Liu Xu's unsalty and indifferent expression, Mori Watanabe hurriedly reminded: "You stupid, don't talk'nonsense'. Otherwise you will get into trouble, you will suffer."

She wasn't worried that the Shiziji gram person would trouble Liu Xu. After all, Shizizi gram person was not that "sex". She was worried about certain aristocratic people who would secretly make trouble when Liu Xu said this.

"Ten words... I'm not interested, just ask me a question, change to a girl."

With that said, Liu Xu turned and left.

Upon seeing this, Shiwenkeren frowned slightly, and reached out to grab Liu Xu's shoulder.

Although Shiwen is a powerful magician, at the same time, he is also a powerful fighter.

As early as in middle school, he reached the level of a black belt in karate under the training within the family.

If it is a person like Liu Xu who is not very forgiving, Shiwenke will have the confidence to stop him with one move.

Before he finished thinking about it, he suddenly felt that his wrist was caught.


There was only time to spit out a word, and the world in the eyes of a ten-word gram person began to spin.

Liu Xu's weak arm unexpectedly exploded at this time with more power than the Super Hercules, and easily pulled him weighing two hundred and ten kilograms into a flip, and fell to the ground severely.

Even if he exercises all the year round, he has strong muscles, and being thrown so hard has completely lost his thinking ability, and he can only hum.


ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"...

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