Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 764: These reactions may represent favorability

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


"In that case, I forgive us to take a step forward, Liu Xujun. Regarding the fright you received today, this official will send someone to make compensation and apologize to you again."

With that, Kazama Xuanxin leaned slightly towards Liu Xu.

Then, he left here with his own independent magic outfit team.

Seeing them leaving behind, Liu Xu "showed" a playful smile.

"That **** dragon is also... the son of the plane? Hey, I don't know why he suddenly helped me speak. Could it be that there is an unknown purpose?"

"Everything else is easy to say, but it's impossible to let go of things like Shiba Shenxue..."

"Forget it... I had a good time today, so be it!"

Soon after leaving here, Kazama Xuanxin again led people to stop.

How could Xuanxin Kazama leave without finding a subordinate.

Kazama Xuanxin faintly ordered to a soldier next to him: "Take people back to the store, check the details, don't miss any clues."

Upon hearing this, the soldier was taken aback.

"Didn't the major say that there is no need to check again?"

Then, he was stared at by Xuanxin Kazama's ice-like gaze.

Under this gaze, he just felt like he was in an ice cave!


This time, the soldier didn't ask anything, but saluted a military salute and quickly turned back.

After looking at Si Bo Da Ye, Kazama Xuan Xin frowned and asked, "Tar Ye, did you find anything?"

The reason why Liu Xu was asked to go first, and he didn't ask anything more, was because of Kazama Xuanxin's consideration.

Liu Xu's identity is very sensitive and he is a student from a hostile country.

Therefore, as long as you don't have sufficient evidence, you can't just keep him.

Moreover, more importantly, Kazama Xuanxin always felt that Liu Xu was very dangerous.

It is not a memory, nor is it speculation.

Just an intuition.

I don’t know how many times this intuition saved Kazama Xuanxin’s life, and because of this intuition, Kazama Xuanxin could be transformed into a cyborg when he was dying.

The most important thing is that if Liu Xu really has any problems with his identity, then it's useless to ask him, at most he can only be killed.

Therefore, it is better to let Spoda, who has large-scale investigation magic, also investigate again.

Upon hearing this, Si Poda also shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Major, I haven't found any trace of Lieutenant Fujilin."

"...Now, trouble."

With a sigh, Kazama Xuan's confidence was very bad.

Kyoko Fujibayashi, the 101st brigade's best talent in electronic warfare, is known as the Electronic Witch. Because of her presence, the independent magic outfit team has never lagged behind in intelligence. If I really encountered an attack from an unknown source just now, and the enemy's purpose is to take away Fujibayashi Kyoko, this is definitely a terrifying thing.

"Is there a way to judge the identity of the enemy by recasting the scene in the house?"

After thinking about it, Kazama Xuanxin could only put his hope on Si Poda.

"I'm sorry, Major, this is impossible."

"makes sense."

Soon, several soldiers in charge of the investigation ran back.

"Sorry, Major, nothing of value was found, everything was burned."

"gone back."

With today's magic technology, it is no longer necessary to slowly investigate everything as before, and it is even more meaningless to bring a large group of people back to the police station for questioning.

If there is no way for magic judgment to get clues, then there is no need to waste any effort.

At this time, instead of thinking about how to find clues, it's better to quickly determine the identity of the person who kidnapped Fujibayashi Kyoko.

At the same time, Xuan Kazama's confidence silently impressed his suspicion of Liu Xu.


I didn’t know that Xuanxin Kazama had already turned into a pot of porridge, Liu Xu walked slowly towards the school, but before he walked to the entrance of the school, he saw the seven grasses rushing towards him in a panic. Mayumi et al.

When they saw Liu Xu, the women all "exposed" their expressions of relief.

"Liu Xujun...Thank God, it is great that you are fine."

After looking up and down and making sure that Liu Xu had no wounds, Mayumi Nanakusa patted his chest and said.

With this movement of her, the small small mountain peaks on her chest undulated.

"Just now I saw an explosion at the store at the door, and Mayumi was terrified and ran over to take a look." Watanabe Mori said with a smile.

Hearing this, Qi Cao Mayumi pursed her mouth and said, "Well, isn't it the same for Mori? I was almost frightened, running faster than me."

"I, I'm afraid that the chairman of the committee is dead, and I want me to pick up this mess again!"

Seeing the two people who started to make trouble as soon as the atmosphere became lighter, Ichihara Lingyin smiled helplessly.

"Don't say it, both of them ran faster than flying, and the flowery sound was the same. Just now it almost didn't cause an explosion to clear the road..."

Chiyoda Huayin opened her mouth and wanted to refute, but before she could speak, Liu Xu smiled and said, "So, Lingyin can get here at the same speed as they do. It must be very concerned about me, right?"

"...Just you will be silly."

For Liu Xu's reaction, Ling Yin could only smile and shook his head.

Although it feels a little dandy, it is not annoying.

Seeing the caring expressions of several people, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Anyway, I am back intact, and there is nothing major over there, it's just an accident."

With that, Liu Xu reached out and "rubbed" their little heads one by one.

Suddenly being touched by Liu Xu in such an intimate manner, Nanakusa Mayumi and Suzue's expressions were a bit subtle, Watanabe Mori snorted, and Chiyoda Hanae escaped.

Looking at the reactions of several people, Liu Xu suddenly had the illusion that "these reactions may represent goodwill."

"Well, since this **** is okay, let's go back! Just now, you high officials suddenly ran out and scared many students. Maybe the student council will remember us for skipping class..."


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