Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 769: Become my real girlfriend

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


After Beishan Shizuku's explanation, Liu Xucai finally understood.

It turned out that Shizuku Kitayama brought four bodyguards here this time because he wanted to avoid a blind date arranged by the family.

As the only daughter of the Kitayama family, even though Kitayama Shizuku is really well-loved, in contrast, his father Kitayama "Chao" has always wanted her to find a reliable boyfriend early, and it is best to graduate high school. Just married directly.

It would be better if it were a magician.

Therefore, early this morning, Beishan "Chao" brought Shizuku to one of the hundred, the sixty-six with the title of one of the top 100, and had an appointment to meet and try.

Taking advantage of the time between his father and the sixty-six family head, Beishan Shizuku ran away with a few bodyguards.

It was also at this time that the assassins who wanted to assassinate Beishan Chao's eye on her, trying to catch her, threatening Beishan Chao to give up more commercial interests.

For the last paragraph, Shizuku Kitayama himself would not think so quickly, only the bodyguards who died just now said.

After listening to her, Liu Xu smiled and said: "Why, then do you think I am better than the sixty-six young master?"

Shizuku shook his head.

"I haven't met the young masters of 66 families, so I can't make a judgment, but I think you feel very good for me."

As if afraid that Liu Xu would feel uncomfortable, Kitayama Shizuku continued to explain: "I have no plan to settle everything with money. I just think that you should not accept my help for free. At least I have to return you from a certain aspect."

Shizuku's words were not offensive.

Then again, even if Shizuku said something bad, Liu Xu would be able to tolerate it.

Because Liu Xu's most helpless thing is "sex", that is, three no loli.

If it is a beautiful three-no Lori, even if it makes Liu Xu unhappy, Liu Xu will tolerate it to the maximum.

Coincidentally, Kitayama Shizuku happened to be a perfect three-no loli.

The delicate face, the indifferent eyes, the petite body, and the "milk" and "white" skin all made Liu Xu move his index finger.

If it wasn't for the fun "sex", Liu Xu really planned to eat her directly here.

Looking at the cute girl with expressionless face like a doll, Liu Xu smiled slightly and said, "I don't need money."

Hearing this, Shizuku's eyes showed a faint disappointment.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you..."

Before she finished speaking, Liu Xu continued: "But I want something more precious."

"No problem, whether it's gems or antiques, as long as you agree, you can do it!"

When Liu Xu changed his mouth, Shizuku Kitayama said without hesitation.


Listening to Shizuku Kitayama's words, Liu Xu smiled even more.

"I want you to be my real girlfriend."

Hearing this, Shizuku's pretty face revealed a surprised expression.

She originally thought Liu Xu would ask for shares in the consortium, or position in the consortium, or even fame and other things.

Only unexpectedly, Liu Xu would say such things.

Shizuku has always been described as "faceless", "cold", "relentless woman" and "doll" by the people around him. Not to mention friends, even relatives can't dodge him.

Shizuku has been troubled by this for a long time. Sometimes he even trains himself to learn some expressions. Unfortunately, even if he learns it, the effect is not satisfactory.

Sometimes, Shizuku even thinks, like this one, stop thinking about happiness and other things. Anyway, no matter what kind of man, he will not like a girl who is always expressionless!

However, the person in front of him, he had only intended to find a man as a shield, but admitted himself.

He wants to be his girlfriend.

In other words, the man in front of him likes himself and wants to be with himself.

Most importantly, Shizuku can be seen from Liu Xu's eyes.

This person didn't regard herself as the daughter of a big chaebol, or a cash cow.

This man is simply full of affection for himself and treats himself as a girl.

Simple feelings can make Shizuku happy.

Looking at Liu Xu's eyes, Shizuku's eyes "exposed" a smile.

"If you can help me through today's level, I can consider and be your girlfriend."

After speaking, Shizuku's face was red.

It looks so cute.

"Then it's a deal."

After speaking, Liu Xu raised his head and looked at the entrance of the underground garage.

There, a large group of people in black rushed over.

"Miss! It's great that you are fine!"

Then Liu Xu, who was standing in the dark, appeared in their sight.

"Who? Stay away from Miss!"

Upon seeing Liu Xu, the people in black took out their pistols one after another, and several of them directly launched the magic activation style that the CAD had.

Just now, Miyamoto, the guard captain of the Kitayama family, was standing by outside the sixty-six house.

Then, he received a message that made him almost screamed out of fright.

The young lady who was supposed to be waiting for a blind date at the 66 house with the master, unexpectedly ran away with four bodyguards.

Upon hearing this news, Miyamoto saw a large number of people without hesitation, and directly chased them out separately.

It didn't take long for me to receive a distress message from the four bodyguards around the lady.

Miyamoto was so scared to see that, fortunately, he still had the qualities that a bodyguard should have, so he didn't panic.

With the fastest speed, Miyamoto Jian finally rushed over with someone.

At this tense juncture, when I saw Liu Xu, I was naturally very frightened.

Liu Xu also understands their nervousness.

However, it is absolutely impossible for Liu Xu to ignore his actions.

With a faint smile, Liu Xu glanced at them.

"Since you are her subordinates, I will give you a chance to put away your weapons and be good children."

Shizuku quickly said, "You stay away, I'm fine."


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