Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 780: God crystal, activate

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


Suddenly, a voice that only Liu Xu could hear came from Liu Xu's pocket.

"My lord, this kind of attack has already involved the conceptual realm... The light she "operates" is no longer the light in the ordinary sense, but already has the angel-like holy light of "sex." "

It was Song Zhe's voice. If he didn't speak, Liu Xu would have forgotten that he had such a thing in his pocket.

"I don't need such a vague description like this analogy, tell me the specific ability of this magic."

"Simply put, she is not using light to hurt the enemy, but by changing the "sex" of the enemy in her domain, thereby hurting the enemy."

Just as Song Zhe explained, Liu Xu had another hole in his body.

In this way, even with this "strong germ cell" self-healing method, Liu Xu finally couldn't hold it, his face turned pale, which was a manifestation of excessive blood loss.

In this dark world, even if the blood sheds, you don’t know where it went. For patients with claustrophobia, it is really unkind.

After taking a breath, Liu Xu's eyes suddenly turned blood red.

"Song Zhe, I don't understand your explanation. Isn't there a simpler one?"

Staring at the magic that Yotsuba Zhenye "fucked", Liu Xu didn't even bother to understand what Song Zhe meant.

At this moment, Yotsuba smiled again and spoke.

"Just now, Liu Xujun seems to have asked me if I understand the meaning of the question'If you don't die, you won't die'."

"Now, I can tell you very clearly that what I am doing now is an explanation of this problem."

Upon hearing this, Liu Xu was slightly taken aback.

Seeing Liu Xu’s expression, Yotsuba Maya smiled even more, saying: "Liu Xujun, you always question other people’s ways of living, but don’t you find that everything you did after you came to Japan? Things, in the eyes of others, are all "death"?"

With a light wave of his hand, more than a dozen rays of light rained down, leaving several holes in Liu Xu's right shoulder.

"Maybe, you have a hole card that I don't know, but please believe me, no matter how good a hole card is, it is not a reason for a person to act arbitrarily. When you think that you are already invincible, perhaps the greatest crisis is already there. Came to you."

This time, more light flashed, and Liu Xu coughed out a mouthful of blood.

"A smart person will never show all his strength to others. Instead, he will reduce his strength and give a thunderous blow when the enemy is most relaxed, so that he can never stand up again."

Doubled again, one blow penetrated Liu Xu's internal organs.

"How much can you understand these things?"

The last time he raised his hand, this time, there were nearly a hundred **** of light in the air.

If all these light orbs use that magic, I am afraid that the strong colony armor will activate the ability of "excessive defense action".

In any case, when the colonizer loses consciousness, the strong colonizer armor will make excessive defensive actions in order to protect the life of the colonizer, and completely wipe out all existence that is judged to be a threat.

At this time, Liu Xu's body had been severely damaged.

However, compared with the destruction of the body, Liu Xu at this time has a bigger problem from the spirit.

Although Yotsuba Maya's biggest purpose for saying these words may be to "disrupt" Liu Xu's fighting state, he couldn't ignore these words.

After thinking about it, Liu Xu gently shook his head.

"How to say...what you said, there is really nothing wrong, and it is worth thinking about it, but... this is not the time to say this."

With that, Liu Xushen pointed a finger at Siye Zhenye.

"Forget the boring question first, I now have to finish what I should do from my own standpoint."

As he said, Liu Xu's eyes narrowed.

God crystal, start!

Although Liu Xu has been fighting with strong colonial armor, don't forget that his identity is a beast general, and he is the first beast general under Akafil.

The **** crystal is the source of the power of the beast **** general, and Liu Xu activates the **** crystal, which can completely stop a person’s actions for one second, not just the body, even the magical "operation", the calculation of superpowers 』, everything will be delayed for one second.

This second of time may not be a big deal to ordinary people, but for Liu Xu and Siye Zhenye, these two people standing on the top of this world, it is too long.

Think about it, Dior in the world of Jojo, his stand-in "world", has the ability to suspend the world, how terrifying and invincible this is.

In Yotsuba's surprised gaze, Liu Xu interrupted her spellcasting all at once.

Even so, Liu Xu couldn't make too splendid spike behaviors because of the large blood loss before.

Looking at Siye Zhenye, Liu Xu did not hesitate.

With only one second, it is impossible for him to make a big move.

On the other hand, Liu Xu didn't want to inflict any irreparable injuries on such a beautiful woman. It would be unsightly. She was the best candidate for the beast god.

Liu Xu's magical crystal "shot" out a mental power, and the mental power entered Yotsuba's brain without any surprise.

As long as there is this mental power, Liu Xu can hold the life of Yotsuba Zhenye in his hands, and thus have the weight of future negotiations.

After doing all this, Liu Xu felt dizzy.

"Song Zhe, take me back."

After speaking, Liu Xu directly lost consciousness.

Siye Zhenye couldn't help feeling a little nervous after feeling what Liu Xu had done to him.

"...The engraving of magic power?! It can be applied in an instant, who is this guy?"

Enduring the pain of the brain being invaded, Yotsuba Zhenye raised his hand to Liu Xu.

When Siye Zhenye was preparing to kill Liu Xu with the final blow, a black light suddenly flashed on Liu Xu.

In the next second, a black cat stood in between Liu Xu and Si Ye Zhenye.


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